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Ask The Devs 41 - Answered!

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#1 Bryan Ekman

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 12:43 PM

Ask the Devs #41

Vasces Diablo: Is it possible to rename the view modes? Specifically "Training" for 3PV and "Normal" for 1PV. It's semantics, true, but a portion of the community feels it's an important distinction. 1st person has been the "normal" view in earlier titles and it would create an indication to new players to that effect.
A: If you are referring to Normal and Hardcore descriptors for the matchmaking buckets, these are not final yet. Training and Normal would not work as this would imply an offline mode for 3PV which is not the case. 3PV is not only a great way for new players to learn to play the game, it’s actually a really fun way to play the game! Our early play tests have resulted in some interesting observations as hardcore 1PV proponents have taken a step back and seen the value and fun in 3PV. I expect once the 3PV view mode hits the Test Servers in the next 30 days, players will find it not as powerful as feared or as intrusive into the existing experience, rather accept it as an extension. Of course as promised out of the gates players will be able to choose 1PV and 3PV mixed or just 1PV.

Community Warfare/Clans
I’m holding off answering questions that were placed in this category for now, as we near a more official post regarding Community Warfare/Clans.

UI 2.0
Seth: Will the reticule get an update with UI2.0? At close range, it's perfectly fine, but when you zoom in, the reticle stays the same size and is quite large compared to a long range target. I'm hoping for a target reticle that gets smaller the more you zoom in.
A: UI 2.0 addresses the Front End experience (FE), so all the menus up to the and including the launch menu. After launch we plan to work on a new HUD experience.

Crimson Fenris: When could we expect to finally see more user-friendly communication systems, like integrated VoIP, or a command wheel (like the one in the Battlefield series) ?
A: No firm dates, we have a concept ready when the team has some free time after launch.

Flying Fox 333: Previously you mentioned that this was under consideration still, has there been any decision regarding storing Mech builds for each chassis in UI 2.0?
A: No decisions have been made either way yet.

`Mech's and Mechlab
Adridos: A question for Alex and the art team: How do you determine the proportions of certain mechs which don't have any canonical references to such traits?
A: Dennis (Art Director) works to set the appropriate scales. We have min-max heights for most weight classes, with some exceptions as canon dictate.

hawk819: With the Clan Weapons just announced in the last Ask the Devs, I (and maybe a thousand others) want to know: What will become of the OmniMechs? Mad Cat? Vulture? etc.
A: They will show up in the future at some point.

Littlelifter: Dear devs, here is my question: Why some mechs have true size of cockpit hitbox (all cockpit windows counts like a cockpit hitbox), and some mechs have false size of cockpit hitbox (only few or one window counts like a cockpit hitbox, rest windows counts like center torso hitbox)?
A: We’re working on an art pass right now to correct any oddities.

mailin: Is there any way to add a feature to the in game friends list so that we can see when the last time our friends logged on? My list is huge, and I would like to possibly delete some inactive players, but I don't know necessarily who they are
A: It’s a feature you can expect to see once UI 2.0 is out.

Strum Wealh: What are the plans and attitudes of PGI with regard to the in-game availability (or lack thereof) of certain BattleMechs (or individual variants thereof) that, in BattleTech, are generally or wholly restricted to specific organizations/units (such as the Hoplite not being produced at all in the Inner Sphere, and neither it nor the Annihilator not being available outside of the Wolf's Dragoons)?
A: You will however see some of this come into player through price adjustments based on faction availability in a future game update.

Gallowglas: I know this is getting WAY ahead of things, but it's an idle curiosity. If, at some point, you guys manage to get all the mechs into the game, would you consider adding your own designs to the existing canon? Are you allowed to do that with your license agreement? Would that be heresy? I know there's a certain group which would want to stone me for even suggesting this, but let's face it...a LOT of the designs beyond the Unseen were pretty hideous. Alex just happens to have a knack for pimping uncool mechs into something cool. I'd love to see what he could come up with unfettered by design constraints.
A: Yes. We have plans to make our own designs at some point, however as you mentioned, we have a ways to go yet before the best mechs have been released.

Weapons & Loadouts
Sable: Consumables to me seem to be lackluster in the sense that buying them every match cancels out what you just earned, making them unappealing. Don't get me wrong its handy to throw one on a mech to try them out without spending 15k gxp but... Is there any chance their could be a more expensive one time cost but limited to one use per match alternative module?
A: Consumables are designed and priced in a way that forces players to make a buying decision. They offer enough battlefield power to warrant having to sacrifice potential match earnings.

Rashhaverak: When a critical hit is landed on ammo, why is the chance for an ammo explosion only 10%?
A: Like most arbitrary values, this feels right currently. And like all arbitrary numbers, we tweak them occasionally to meet the design goals.

Jetfire: Can we look forward to smoke bomb consumables either as air drops or dropped from the mech? Seems like a good cheap tool to distract people and escape a situation or stage an ambush. Thinking something that fills about 200m radius for 10-30 seconds with heavy smoke.
A: Once we’ve tuned the existing consumables to be a bit more useful, expect to see some new items hit the battlefield.

Krizalius: For a long time, Ferro - Fibrous armor is not used. It does not work. When the installation is only 14 slots, and slightly reduced weight. No addition of armor points as it was in MechWarrior 4, or as in the description is not 12% of the armor. You'll do anything about it? Maybe instead of changing the characteristics of the weapons repair this armor?
A: It’s on the tuning list.

Son of the Flood: Any chance we'll be able to purchase ammo in half-ton increments?
A: I’ll look into it.

Flying Blind: What, if anything, is the plan for making SRM's a viable weapon system again?
In the last ATD the only srm question that was answered was answered by telling us to read Paul's command chair post on weapons balancing and such. The only such post in command chair by Paul or anyone spoke only of STREAK SRM's and their targeting of mech bones. While that was great information, it did not answer the question about SRM's. Can we please have a real answer to what is going to be done with SRM's?
I believe SRM's being so week is a major contributor to the lack of variety in our currently PPC/gauss dominated meta.
A: When we have the details on the tuning plans you will see it in the CC section. For now, hold tight.

Ed Steele: Any chance that you will allow us to remove actuators or add custom actuators to add custom "quirks" to our mechs? I personally would not even mind if I had to spend MC to do this, it would allow us to make a more personally customized mech.
A: It hasn’t been discussed internally yet.

Gameplay/Game modes/Meta
grayson marik: Is there an ETA on any feature, that would enable to drop one group against a specific other group ( no pug fillers)?
A: No ETA, but we have plans for something along these lines.

CutterWolf: Will the Dev team consiter using "Weapon Slot Limitations" as a game balancing tool?
A: It’s under review.

irony1999: Early concepts of the game that were released originally included modules that would interfere with enemies - modules that you termed Spoofers (fake targets on map), Disruptors (block locks, communication, HUD, or Vision information), and Surveillance (intercept enemy intel, comms).
Do you still plan on releasing modules of the above types - particularly Spoofers and Disruptors - which ECM had some aspects of (which have been since removed)?
A: We have more modules planned for after launch, some of the above are slated to be designed and tested.

Jern: Have you guys considered featuring secondary one-off objectives (one for each team) on the larger maps?
A: Yes.

MegaZordTrololo: You have mentioned in several recent "Ask the Devs" sessions that battle damage effects have been scaled back to improve game performance. Do you plan on adding a slider for individual users to adjust the fidelity/complexity of battle damage effects? This way people with high end machines can get the full intended experience and everyone is happy.
A: I would expect the rendering team will look into adding this functionality back, especially when we get the new UI out the door.

DEMAX51: You may have answered this before, but what are the chances of eventually being able to pay MC to "heroize" an already existing variant in order to get the 30% c-bill boost to it? I love the existing hero mechs with their unique hardpoints and paint-schemes, but there are several basic chassis I love to play and it would be awesome to get a c-bill boost with those as well.
A: It’s an interesting idea, and one we have considered.

Jman5: Once 12 v 12 arrives, will each Lance get it's own unique color shade to better identify them on the map? Currently there are only two shades of blue: Your lance (teal) and "the other two lances"(blue)
A: Not out the gates, but we are looking at adding this to the mix.

MeatForBrains: Are there future plans to match by tonnage as opposed to weight class? What are the pros and cons of this approach?
A: We endeavor to allow players to play the game however they chose. Putting artificial limits always tends to create other problems. Sometime it’s necessary to promote a more diverse ecosystem. In the case of tonnage vs weight class, tonnage is better for players, as they can field whatever they chose, and weight classes is better to guarantee match quality/equality. We’re working on striking a balance between the two.

Stjobe: What are your plans for getting more lights and mediums onto the field?
The current game is absolutely dominated by heavies and assaults, to the point where I'm often the lightest thing on the field - both teams included - when I drop in a Blackjack. I'd love to hear your take on this, and your plans on rectifying the situation (if you have any).
If I may make a suggestion as well as pose a question: I suggest you take a look at your reward structure; it's almost completely focussed on what heavies and assaults are good at, and almost completely neglects to reward what lights and mediums are good at - and the rewards we do have for things like spotting and capping are a pittance compared to what you get for dealing damage and killing.
A: You pretty much nailed it on the head. Rewards, along with expanded roles for lights and mediums, along with some limitations on drop weights, will all contribute to a more diversified battlefield.

Cockpit, HUD & Customizations
Krizalius: Are there any plans buttons quick commands, attack protection or assistance? For example, as it was implemented in MechWarrior 4. Because it is inconvenient to fight and write in the chat at the same time. Example: nickname [H7] - need help, nickname [C4] - enemy spotted
A: Yes.

Ilithi Dragon: Would it be possible to have the option to toggle between a paper doll and a bar graph display, like MW4 had?
A: We’re exploring this when we refresh the HUD after launch.

MoonfireSpam: Any chance of getting a more detailed damage log? Sort of similar to a Combat log (taken and given + pilot + location) as well as a summary.
A: It’s theoretically possible. I’ll have to ask if it’s technically viable. Lots of data would have to be transmitted from the gamer servers to the client.

Thariel: Can we have a permanent chat window, with a system messages (xy killed yz) above, and the chat below, sorted by general, team, lance (diff. colors)? so the chat history is always available and open up chatting with the Enter-key and writing into the different colors by slash command or sth like that (e.g. /l text will display text for lance, /t for team, /b for broadcast) and scrolling up down with the pgup/down.
A: It’s something we’d like to explore with the HUD refresh.

MajorChunks: Is it possible to get quick communication shortcuts, like "Attack My Target," "Form up on me," or "Hold My Position?" The simplest implementation would just dump the message in chat (MajorChunks Sez: Attack Target Alpha) and would really go a long way towards improving PUG team coordination when no commander is present.
A: Yes. We’re working on a design that would allow quick commands to be issued.


MavRCK: Consider the ease of of use of the map editor for cryengine3 and some of the amazing mech designs by the community -- would you consider inviting the community to offer their maps and mechs for you to use? This would help the community become invested in the game outside of the monetary aspect!
A: We’re looking at ways to involve the community in content creation. Right now our focus is on launch, and then we can see.

NeonKnight: Has any thought been given to a what I perceive as a quick and fast way to instantly DOUBLE the number of assault maps we have to play? What I propose is this. Take all the maps we currently have, and utilize from the conquest maps the Epsilon and Kappa bases as the staging areas for alternative assault formats. In every Map, the Epsilon/Kappa bases are prettey much opposite each, have no direct LINE OF SIGHT issues (unlike the current starting locations for River City), and I believe this could really help to keep the game fresh and change the way certain maps play out tactically.
A: I’ll forward the idea to the level team.

East Indy: Have you considered varying base locations (e.g., among places reserved for peripheral Conquest nodes), to make deployments a little less predictable?
A: It’s an interesting idea, and one we could explore.

Slide: Are the continual delays and lack of fixes to net code for example, caused by deep seated issues within the Cryengine architecture? If so, why is there no support from the Cryengine developers the same as any other paying customer would get from a supplier?
A: I’m not sure exactly what net code delays you are speaking of. We’ve introduce a series of major changes over the last 4 months that fall all contributed to better performance all around. There can/will always be edge cases where performance may suffer. A lot of them are out of our control, player hardware, state of the global network, weather, etc..

Verbrand: Why was the in game FPS reading removed and will it return?
A:It's been reworked currently. No ETA on its return.

Dakkon: Whats been happening with the command Console? When can we expect to see it and what will it do.
A: Nothing currently. Design is playing with it.

Garagano: Will the game have music by the time of the launch or later? If yes, what genre will it be?
Can we have a preview track, please?
A: Sean is working on a series of scores that should be ready in time for launch. Preview.. hmmm…

Lentil: I've recently been rocking out to the original MW2:31st Century Combat music tracks (i.e. Jeehung Hwang's digital masterpieces) during game play. When I hear this music I can't help seeing the wire-frame 'mechs exploding in my mind's eye. Any chance of resurrecting these tracks in MWO?
A: I guess the best part is you can always toss that on your headphones or speakers and listen to it while playing MWO, the bad part, I’m not sure we could even license the music if we wanted to.

Kaldor: For those of us that want to either run big or multiple monitors, any ETA on Xfire and SLI support?
A: No eta yet.

Lukoi: It was confirmed that some kind of ingame chat mute or ignore is on the table. Any word on when?
A: After launch.

outlw6669: Would it be possible to have a FOV slider; similar to how we can now adjust mouse sensitivity? The stock FOV 60 is way to close for me and I only really feel at home with a FOV of at least 90. And can we have back the option to force stereo, 4 channel, 5.1, 7.1, etc. like in closed beta?
Many of us have headphones that use virtual surround and many games (possibly MWO?) do not properly recognize that they should output in surround.
A: Yes.

Dev insights
Steemship: Does PGI plan on making any attempt to improve public relations such as having developer live streams, YouTube videos made by PGI (instead of NGNG, most of the community doesn’t even know what you look like), or a general increase in direct involvement with the community?
A: We do a lot of official communication via NGNG, the website, Twitter, Facebook, and press interviews. We’re always looking at new ways to expand that information flow. See below for more.

Tekadept: Why don't you do Video Diaries which is the current trend for a lot of games from 1 man indie developers to bigger studios? ie ask the devs would be a good case for this, or is nobody there photogenic enough?
A: The simple and fortunate truth is the team has been extremely busy dealing with the success of MWO and trying to stay ahead of it. We have grand plans to build out a much more robust set of community engagements, but for now you can find us mostly in the forums, and twitter spheres. In the future we’d love to have a fulltime team dedicate to broadcasting dev activities and previews, along with other community engagements.

aniviron: How far from your ideal state of balance is the game at this time? It's a hot topic on the forum now as always, but I feel that the game is the most balanced it has been since the launch of closed beta, even if it has a ways to go yet. Are there many things that you still want to tweak? What would your optimal state of game balance look like?
A: Ideal balance would be a middle ground where most weapons, mechs, and equipment are very useful in specific situations, and weak in others. We need to tweak a lot of aspects still, so we’re definitely not there yet, but as you said, we’re getting closer and we continue to chart a course to a nice balance.

Hammerreborn: What do you think was/is your most ambitious goal that you realized would take far more work than you anticipated and why?
A: MechLab. It’s a beast of rules, and gotchas. We’re still working to perfect it, from and UI, to descriptions, to all the gameplay related balancing a near free-for-all system creates.

Praetorians: Does it bother you that the people who attempt to give feedback to the developers are getting more and more insulting and have the devs ever actualy used any of their Ideas or have you dissmissed them all out of hand like we feel that they have since closed beta?
A: Each dev handles is differently. If someone insults me I just ignore it, try and figure out what they are really trying to say, and give them answer. If they are being rude, then I just ignore them all together.

Onmyoudo: Is there any chance of more frequent communication? I rarely see staff in the forums and frankly the monthly Creative Director update isn't enough on it's own. I understand that it must be difficult to approach the forums when they are constantly raging about one thing or another, whether valid or not, but it would help PR if there was a bit more developer presence.
A: We communicate regularly, several times per day in fact. The forums are a really big place and we all spend time in different areas. Work load also plays a role, and we are sprinting towards launch right now.

Papar: Approximately, how many people were working on this game during Close Beta and how many are currently? Are you satisfied with that number or are you planning to recruit more members for the team?
A: We started with a team of 10-13 and now have a team in the mid-40s, not including execs, admin, etc. We continue to add resources as we find quality talent.

Forum/Website/Sales, Events and Tournaments:
Kell Commander: When are you going to have a tournament with teams? You would get so much more participation if you made solo, 2, 3, and 4man brackets.
A: It’s in the works.

Hellen Wheels: The Radio Chatter on the home page is eerily silent as of late. Were some filters added to quash the inappropriate and irrelevant posts, or has it been silenced entirely? Any plans to use it for game results, community warfare updates, and other similar announcements?
A: If you are referring to the Twitter feed, or devs talking on Twitter, I have been on Vacation for a bit. No filters have been put in place.

Blood78: Could we please have some sort of ranking information available to the public. Whether it is straight up ELO number, percentile number, ladder rank, and so forth. If answer is no, please explain why because you cannot have a healthy and a real competitive aspect to a game without such info being available publically.
A: Elo is not something that players need as a ranking system, it’s a number used by a really fancy calculator to match you against opponents. As for ladders etc, yes, we they are coming.

MrTarget: Would it be possible though to modify the prize that we receive to show that it was attained from completing the challenge? For example the 3050 logo glow red instead of the standard blue or the .50 cal bullet be gold, Or something that this was a unique to that challenge. Kinda like achievements for your cockpit...
A: Something along these lines is planned for big events.

Zuesacoatl: Will you be changing or adding times for your "win 25 matches" "win 10 and 10 matches" type challenges to include those of us who work odd and long hours? Such as weekends and Mondays?
A: These will move to achievements accessible within the client and be something you can do on your own schedule.

BarHaid: Can we please get a nice official chart of mech size and volume from the Art Department?
A: I’ll ask Dennis

Edited by Helmer, 05 July 2013 - 11:38 PM.

#2 Rebas Kradd


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:33 PM

I did appreciate the Dev Insights section, but wow...near zero information in there. It looks like there's little more to discuss until CW is announced, and that's waiting on UI2.0.

#3 Monsoon


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:34 PM


#4 Tennex


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:41 PM


#5 ManDaisy


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:43 PM

And Dennis has now been thrown under the bus.

#6 Scarcer


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:43 PM

YAY it's out!

#7 Galen Crayn


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:47 PM

No. The communication with the community is still really bad... Even your answers say nearly nothing... Nothing about the overheating thing, the PPC meta, no release dates for UI 2.0 or CW or Sarah Mech (the 25th wasnt the right date), new maps - nothing...

Edited by Galen Crayn, 28 June 2013 - 01:50 PM.

#8 Tennex


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:48 PM

Solution for SRMs?

Posted Image

#9 Tie Ma


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:48 PM


#10 Sybreed


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:48 PM

Bryan has been on vacation for a bit..? Is he okay? Begin a professional myself, taking more than 2 weeks of vacation is extremely difficult unless I'm really needing it (fortunately, hasn't happened yet). I hope we haven't burned him out.

#11 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:53 PM

Smoke Bombs...? Or FPS bombs...? :D Heheh... I'm kind of just joking, but also a little serious because voluminous smoke effects in all video games are a drain on visual processing resources. Eh... time will tell, and I'm sure eventual internal testing will tell something first.

Thanks for the answers... Heck, even I got a fairly flat-out answer to my question:


How much of a role will Weight Matching/Limits play in either the bidding process of Mercenary Contracts or Team Loadout Restrictions when establishing your Mercenary org's landing party?

(or, is this a question that will be answered by information in an upcoming release of some sort?)


Community Warfare/Clans
I’m holding off answering questions that were placed in this category for now, as we near a more official post regarding Community Warfare/Clans.

See. Straight to the point; an upcoming release it is. :D

Edited by Prosperity Park, 28 June 2013 - 01:55 PM.

#12 Jabilo


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 01:54 PM

Thank you.

#13 Deathlike


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:00 PM

View PostSybreed, on 28 June 2013 - 01:48 PM, said:

Bryan has been on vacation for a bit..? Is he okay? Begin a professional myself, taking more than 2 weeks of vacation is extremely difficult unless I'm really needing it (fortunately, hasn't happened yet). I hope we haven't burned him out.

He's already on vacation. He's already AFK for next week due to obvious Canadian scheduling.


Vasces Diablo: Is it possible to rename the view modes? Specifically "Training" for 3PV and "Normal" for 1PV. It's semantics, true, but a portion of the community feels it's an important distinction. 1st person has been the "normal" view in earlier titles and it would create an indication to new players to that effect.

A: If you are referring to Normal and Hardcore descriptors for the matchmaking buckets, these are not final yet. Training and Normal would not work as this would imply an offline mode for 3PV which is not the case. 3PV is not only a great way for new players to learn to play the game, it’s actually a really fun way to play the game! Our early play tests have resulted in some interesting observations as hardcore 1PV proponents have taken a step back and seen the value and fun in 3PV. I expect once the 3PV view mode hits the Test Servers in the next 30 days, players will find it not as powerful as feared or as intrusive into the existing experience, rather accept it as an extension. Of course as promised out of the gates players will be able to choose 1PV and 3PV mixed or just 1PV.

Who are you trying to convince? People that will come here playing 3PV, or those that are dead set against the implications of 3PV in the first place? I'm not convinced of such sentiment, so frankly that is the most sad marketing ploy ever.

I give up putting in useful questions... because my simple suggestion of putting colored kill-death messages (using teammate/enemy colors) has fallen on deaf ears... again.

Because, I don't speak for Founders.

Edited by Deathlike, 28 June 2013 - 02:31 PM.

#14 Ryvucz


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:01 PM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 28 June 2013 - 12:43 PM, said:

Sable: Consumables to me seem to be lackluster in the sense that buying them every match cancels out what you just earned, making them unappealing. Don't get me wrong its handy to throw one on a mech to try them out without spending 15k gxp but... Is there any chance their could be a more expensive one time cost but limited to one use per match alternative module?
A: Consumables are designed and priced in a way that forces players to make a buying decision. They offer enough battlefield power to warrant having to sacrifice potential match earnings.

I have yet to feel the need to get/use any consumable.

I don't even use modules.

#15 Koniving

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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:01 PM

Thank you for continuing to answer various questions.

I can understand why my question on environmental destruction wasn't answered; the team simply isn't ready for it yet.

But I am sad that my question on the CN9-AH was completely ignored. :D I miss my CN9-AH and I want triple MGs / AC/2s and dual SRMs/LRMs in a Centurion. It'll be a nice compliment to my Yen Lo Wang. Maybe someone who hasn't ever asked something before could ask it?

Edited by Koniving, 28 June 2013 - 02:05 PM.

#16 Lefteye Falconeer


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:02 PM

I asked ther same question twice in a row, and got totally ignored in the last two "Ask the Devs". I don't expect all answers to be equally important, nor for them to answer all questions, but mine was pretty simple and I wonder how hard can it be to say yes or no.

I just asked if with the new UI we'll get a better way to admire the 3D models of our 'mechs. Nothing is more underwhelming of what we have now and considering all other games on the markets where you pilot a big vehicle have a nice "showroom" function, I just asked when and if we'll get a chance to rotate our mechs while zooming in and out in the mechlab to appreciate the stuff we are piloting and had paid for.

Am I really the only one who misses this?

Anyway, no answer. Meh.

#17 keith


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:03 PM

better then the last couple cheers

#18 Hellen Wheels


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:06 PM

Thanks for the non-answers!

"Objection: Nonresponsive."

IGP: "Overruled."


#19 Pando


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:09 PM

View PostBryan Ekman, on 28 June 2013 - 12:43 PM, said:

Ask the Devs #41

Community Warfare/Clans
I’m holding off answering questions that were placed in this category for now, as we near a more official post regarding Community Warfare/Clans.

hawk819: With the Clan Weapons just announced in the last Ask the Devs, I (and maybe a thousand others) want to know: What will become of the OmniMechs? Mad Cat? Vulture? etc.
A: They will show up in the future at some point.



Edited by Pando, 29 June 2013 - 08:36 PM.

#20 Ryvucz


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Posted 28 June 2013 - 02:10 PM

View PostLefteye, on 28 June 2013 - 02:02 PM, said:

I just asked when and if we'll get a chance to rotate our mechs while zooming in and out in the mechlab to appreciate the stuff we are piloting and had paid for.

I believe they said yes to this awhile ago.

In any case, wait for UI 2.0.

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