Should Hardpoint Sizes Be Implemented
Posted 06 July 2013 - 11:05 PM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 04:52 PM
As for people only playing mechs that can mount PPCs or Gauss, once you realize that only two mechs in the game would be able to equip 3 PPCs, no mechs would be able to equip dual Gauss, and only another two or 3 would be able to fit dual PPCs, sniper mechs and brawler mechs would be equally balanced. A brawler HGN-733C versus a 3 PPC Awesome 8Q or 9M is a fair fight. Same for Brawler CTF-3D versus dual PPC Cat K2. Long range mech builds would no longer hopelessly outclass brawlers or high DPS, high ROF builds. They will have their role, but they will not be the end-all of mech design.
Likewise, there is little room for either total LRM boating or Large Laser boating to fill the quad PPC cheese void. Check out the list of weapons and their tiers, compare it with the tables Thuraash set up, and you will see that nearly all of the variants will be viable or fulfill a specific role distinct from other mechs. There would be a compelling reason to buy and run many of the currently neglected mech variants, since it would be much harder to duplicate builds across multiple variants. You will also see that many popular, non-cheese builds are still possible with sized hardpoints.
Edited by Postumus, 07 July 2013 - 04:57 PM.
Posted 07 July 2013 - 04:57 PM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 06:22 PM
On the topic of Clans...
IS has to function against IS because that is the core of the game, and leaving the door open for a bunch of boring powerbuilds just because the big bad clans are coming (soon™) is ridiculous. When the Clans come, they should be balanced around IS, not the other way around.
Here is what PGI has to work with:
- No engine, structure, or armor changes allowed
- Full weapon customization for Omnis (still have slot limits)
- Outnumbered in matches
Edited by skullman86, 07 July 2013 - 06:23 PM.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 04:52 AM
The sad is the game mechanics are not able to come up with the iminent threat of 2 Gauss and 2 PPCs. They will hardly be able to handle the fire power of dual UAC 20s or Heavy Gauss Rifles... so any change in Mechlab is in vain.
I think the best game play experience is to give the player the choice... not to penalize him.
Give a player the choice to mount a PPC in his MLAS socket - or even a Gauss if he like so.... or give him the choice to have a faster, more mobile mech with a superior MLAS - without modifications - or just a MPLAS and a better profile
Edited by Karl Streiger, 08 July 2013 - 04:52 AM.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 02:47 PM
It is my choice to put what ever type of weapon on that hard point. If I want to put a Gauss rifle in a raven than its my choice to do so. There are consequences in doing so. Such as the weight of the gauss rifle, the fact it needs ammo. The amount of crit slots it takes. The same with the catapult. If I put two AC20/s Gauss rifles in a catapult I have to make sure it fits. That is a massive amount of weight I am putting into the mech. That is 34-36 tons devoted to two weapons. Which will run out of ammo. Which I will need to use an XL engine to make it happen. It will be slow.
PPC boats are another issue. I will need to devote large amounts of space an tonnage to heat sinks and the PPCs. They also cause a lot of heat.
The hard point system as it is now is a good balance between the free form crit chart of table top, and MW2/3, and MW4 type restriction.
This type of idea is not a "fix" for the game. It's a restriction wanted because some one does not like how you customize your mech.
A better solution is to look at the heat system.
Edited by Dirus Nigh, 08 July 2013 - 02:52 PM.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 11:54 PM
The problem is just heavy, direct fire weapon boating, pure and simple. Today it is PPCs, tomorrow it could be Gauss again. Implementing increasing penalties as part of the heat system, or adjusting the heat scale would solve some boating problems, but not all. Nerfing the weapons themselves isn't an optimal solution, since they are fine in reasonable quantities. One PPC, Gauss, or AC/20 is not OP. Two of the above are not game breaking, but should be restricted to certain mechs that "specialize" in said weapons. When heavy weapons are sprinkled moderately across the spectrum of mechs, things are fine. However, now when you drop into a match, almost any mech that has the space and tonnage is carrying as many PPCs as it can fit. You have multi-PPC Jenners, Spiders, Trebuchets, Hunckbacks, Jagermechs, Cataphracts, Highlanders, Awesomes, Stalkers, Atlases. One giant chunk of homogenized heavy weapon bleh.
Sized hardpoints are indeed a restriction, but this isn't a bad thing. It is just a fact that without some kinds of restrictions, certain builds or or duplicated weapons are going to pop up on the majority of mechs, which you are seeing now, and it hurts the game because it reduces diversity of mech variants, weapons, playstyles, and tactics, and it is less fun for anyone that does not want to play instagib PPCwarrior online. Don't get me wrong, I have a PPC stalker and I can use it just fine, but it is boring as hell to use, and when everyone uses one, or a similar build on another mech, it makes the game worse, so I will gladly take a restriction.
Edited by Postumus, 08 July 2013 - 11:56 PM.
Posted 09 July 2013 - 07:28 AM
For those that do not know PPCs had a much higher heat prior to HSR going in for them, PGI reduced the heat as a fix to HSR not being in for them but somewhere they forgot to add the heat levels back.
Hard point limitations are is not viable as so many mechs were field variants and customs. So to limit it more then it already has been is foolish and would hurt a large portion of player base the solution needs to be around true balance which can only be achieved with the heat modifiers be it chance for shut down ammo explosions decreased speeds increase convergence or longer recycles for weapons all based on your heat %.
Posted 09 July 2013 - 07:31 AM
Postumus, on 08 July 2013 - 11:54 PM, said:
The problem is just heavy, direct fire weapon boating, pure and simple. Today it is PPCs, tomorrow it could be Gauss again. Implementing increasing penalties as part of the heat system, or adjusting the heat scale would solve some boating problems, but not all. Nerfing the weapons themselves isn't an optimal solution, since they are fine in reasonable quantities. One PPC, Gauss, or AC/20 is not OP. Two of the above are not game breaking, but should be restricted to certain mechs that "specialize" in said weapons. When heavy weapons are sprinkled moderately across the spectrum of mechs, things are fine. However, now when you drop into a match, almost any mech that has the space and tonnage is carrying as many PPCs as it can fit. You have multi-PPC Jenners, Spiders, Trebuchets, Hunckbacks, Jagermechs, Cataphracts, Highlanders, Awesomes, Stalkers, Atlases. One giant chunk of homogenized heavy weapon bleh.
Sized hardpoints are indeed a restriction, but this isn't a bad thing. It is just a fact that without some kinds of restrictions, certain builds or or duplicated weapons are going to pop up on the majority of mechs, which you are seeing now, and it hurts the game because it reduces diversity of mech variants, weapons, playstyles, and tactics, and it is less fun for anyone that does not want to play instagib PPCwarrior online. Don't get me wrong, I have a PPC stalker and I can use it just fine, but it is boring as hell to use, and when everyone uses one, or a similar build on another mech, it makes the game worse, so I will gladly take a restriction.
Just so you may not know there has been a slight shift in meta at the higher end of the ELO bracket. People have figured out how to deal with the poptarts mass ppc guass builds and the sudden increase in LRMs I would inform you but its just wiser to tell you to watch some streams and see.
Posted 09 July 2013 - 12:18 PM
The PPC buff wasn't done as a "gimme" before HSR was in, but it's true that HSR compounded the buffs. My point is that it isn't just the PPC. As I said in my last post, it could just as well be AC/10, 20 or Gauss being boated, the effects would be the same. As for the way in which tiered hardpoints would restrict builds, you will find that almost any build that is commonly used can be duplicated in a tiered hardpoint system, with the exception of the worst cheese. Do those cheese builds REALLY add that much to the game?
Posted 09 July 2013 - 02:27 PM
Posted 09 July 2013 - 07:24 PM
Posted 09 July 2013 - 08:38 PM
Postumus, on 09 July 2013 - 07:24 PM, said:
Completely redundant you mean. Sure, if you strip a Jenner down to bare bones, get Endo Steel and Ferro Fiber Armor, you just might be able to mount something ridiculous on it...but good luck surviving long enough to use it effectively. You do better damage overall with 4 medium pulse lasers than one ERPPC for example...and in either case, you would need to start stripping down your armor just to carry the things, and you're going to have heat problems as well.
Posted 10 July 2013 - 12:25 PM
Redwood Elf, on 09 July 2013 - 08:38 PM, said:
Completely redundant you mean. Sure, if you strip a Jenner down to bare bones, get Endo Steel and Ferro Fiber Armor, you just might be able to mount something ridiculous on it...but good luck surviving long enough to use it effectively. You do better damage overall with 4 medium pulse lasers than one ERPPC for example...and in either case, you would need to start stripping down your armor just to carry the things, and you're going to have heat problems as well.
2x PPC JR7-F
Only a half ton short of armor, and great heat efficiency.
But really, I don't know why you're focusing on Jenners. Light mechs don't need the treatment near as much as the rest, but that still doesn't mean that the system isn't broken. Please tell me what isn't broken about teams full of 4-6 PPC stalkers. Why it's a good idea that the optimal build for a highlander is 3xPPC and a Gauss, and how it helps the game. The fact is, due to game mechanics, the slow relative speed of most mechs, and the transition from randomized targeting to pinpoint accuracy, there is an undeniable advantage gained from duplicating heavy, high alpha weapons in a loadout that is not gained from duplicating other weapons. A 5 AC/2 Jager is nasty, but it cannot stand up to a quad PPC Cataphract, or Catapult. You can test that out yourself.
As for the comment that everyone would just run mechs that can mount sniper weapons, there is much less advantage in having one or two sniper weapons than the current standard four. A 2 PPC Catapult K2 is not any better than A brawler Cataphract 3D. And the Awesomes that can run 3 PPCs have their own drawbacks and disadvantages, ask anyone who owns an Awesome.
Posted 10 July 2013 - 12:47 PM
Gaan Cathal, on 28 June 2013 - 09:08 PM, said:
Being able to 'only' fit two Ac20 on a JM a mech is just as arbitary under the current system, no proper engineering physics such as stress caused by weight, recoil, methods of loading the ammo, and all the itty bitty gizmo's and wotnots has ever been vaguely considered
a quick example of how poor the current system is, the fact that you can place ammo in the feet, of a mech that travels all the way up the mech past a fusion reactor, never jams, only stops working if the said leg is blown off or the weapon, if you have ammo in one foot and two weapons if magically travels through two paths which we can call the magic munchkin route as it has squat to do with engineering or science, the placing in the feet dosn't slow down rate of fire, yet ac cannon need a belt or drum feed
and yet you claim another persons attempt to balance what rapidly becoming a comedy of errors to challenge the marks brothers an arbitary reason
Posted 10 July 2013 - 12:48 PM
I wouldn't differentiate the hard point system too fine granular, as that could be a system hard to control, i.e. to foresee its utility&problems from a game design point of view. Taking actual physics into account is ofc completely out of scope for a game like this. Plausibility counts, not realism.
I would start simple and introduce large hardpoints, that must have a visual representation on the battlemech e.g. a huge PPC hole in an Awesome makes for a large energy hardpoint or a big gun in an arm makes for a large ballistic hardpoint.
I would assign PPCs, Gauss, AC20 to the large categories and the rest to small categories. I wouldn't differentiate missile hardpoints, as the current system seems good enough here already. I would also never put a large hardpoint on a light mech, unless it is a very special light mech, the Panther carrying its single PPC.
The final rating of a system's cheesyness is linked to both elements: Gameplay (frustration factor) and Visual plausibility (ridiculing factor). I believe a new system should absolutely account for both.
Edited by Autobot9000, 10 July 2013 - 12:51 PM.
Posted 10 July 2013 - 01:16 PM
Postumus, on 10 July 2013 - 12:25 PM, said:
2x PPC JR7-F
Only a half ton short of armor, and great heat efficiency.
But really, I don't know why you're focusing on Jenners. Light mechs don't need the treatment near as much as the rest, but that still doesn't mean that the system isn't broken. Please tell me what isn't broken about teams full of 4-6 PPC stalkers. Why it's a good idea that the optimal build for a highlander is 3xPPC and a Gauss, and how it helps the game. The fact is, due to game mechanics, the slow relative speed of most mechs, and the transition from randomized targeting to pinpoint accuracy, there is an undeniable advantage gained from duplicating heavy, high alpha weapons in a loadout that is not gained from duplicating other weapons. A 5 AC/2 Jager is nasty, but it cannot stand up to a quad PPC Cataphract, or Catapult. You can test that out yourself.
As for the comment that everyone would just run mechs that can mount sniper weapons, there is much less advantage in having one or two sniper weapons than the current standard four. A 2 PPC Catapult K2 is not any better than A brawler Cataphract 3D. And the Awesomes that can run 3 PPCs have their own drawbacks and disadvantages, ask anyone who owns an Awesome.
I think the focus is on the jenner because your smurfy example shows just how idiotic and broken the current system is, and until there are further and more restrictive load out limits this game will never be balanced
Posted 10 July 2013 - 03:00 PM
Posted 10 July 2013 - 05:25 PM
Cathy, on 10 July 2013 - 01:16 PM, said:
I think the focus is on the jenner because your smurfy example shows just how idiotic and broken the current system is, and until there are further and more restrictive load out limits this game will never be balanced
You misunderstood. I'm the OP, and the smurphy example was in response to someone claiming that heavy weapons on lights was either impossible or completely not viable. I was attempting to show, through the example build, that the current system is broken and that heavy weapon boating can be used to great effect on almost any chassis with more than one energy hardpoint. I intended for the example to show that some reasonable restrictions, like sized hardpoints, are either beneficial or necessary.
I considered a two tiered system, where all the weapons were split into standard or heavy, but this still allows for things like large laser and LRM boating. As I said earlier, if, tomorrow, the devs introduced some hypothetical change that preventing PPC boating, I can guarantee you that within an hour people would revert to large laser boating, which is almost as bad. Six large lasers on a stalker has about the same effect as a four PPC build, and is equally cheesy. And, while LRM boating isn't as much of a problem as heavy direct fire boating, it is still cheezy, annoying, cheap, and does not contribute anything positive to the game. The majority of mechs in Battletech are supposed to carry what you would call a balanced loadout, with extreme specialization and boating being fairly rare.
I don't want to revert the game to stock only, since customization is a core feature and a damn good idea, but there need to be more reasonable limits on customization. As for Vox's suggestion that hardpoints be removed completely, all I have to say to that is AWS-9M with XL 385, 31 double heatsinks and 16 medium lasers. Or just take a Centurion, max our the engine and fill the rest with small lasers and heatsinks. The effect is the same, mass retardation and game death.
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