Lightfoot, on 29 June 2013 - 10:07 PM, said:
I think indirect fire LRMs are about right, they just splatter around. However, when you have Artemis, BAP, TAG, and LoS they are too weak. They need to be a solid deterrent at this point if you have LRM30 or more and a valuable addition to a direct fire loadout if LRM30 or less are used.
I really don't want to spend the match LRM sniping, I want to move into the battle and mix it up, knowing that my Artie, BAP, TAG-ed LRM20-30 will not be worthless in LoS combat like it is now.
I think boating is a relative term to lrms. Yes to be effective you need 30 a salvo, min. That is basically with weight and ammo all my med can carry and my current effective quickdraw carries 35 a salvo. So I guess I boat lrms when most my wep tonnage is dedicated to that system, not the actual amount I am bringing.