I've posted before abut Hunchbacks' targeting being off.
I wanted to make this posting specifically because I noticed that the Hunchbacks' targeting reticule is literally 1 meter south of where it should be.
The inaccuracy observed by a Hunchback pilot does not vary as a function of distance-to-target. If you face either due East or due West, then your shots will land ~1 meter North of where you aimed because the reticule is geospacially too far South relative to the Mech's weapons systems. If you face NE , SE, NW, or SW, then your shots will exhibit only a 1/3 reduction of inaccuracy (not a half-way reduction, but only a 1/3 reduction) which is consistent with the inaccuracy being correlated to cos of 45 degrees relative to E/W (since E/W is the error vector). I checked this by measuring the impact locations relative to the reticule's size/shape.
So, it's ot that the reticule is drifting, but that the "perspective" of the reticule is 1m south of where it should be... causing your shots to go exactly 1m north of where you want them to go.

Hunchbacks' Targeting Reticule Is Fixed On A Point Approx. 1 Meter South Of Center
Started by Felicitatem Parco, Jun 29 2013 10:59 PM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 29 June 2013 - 10:59 PM
Posted 29 June 2013 - 11:06 PM
I know you had video the first time you brought this up. I think that'd help for this, too.
Posted 29 June 2013 - 11:08 PM
how ever will they be implement Thunderbolt's crosshairs if they are having so much problem with a centered cockpit
Posted 29 June 2013 - 11:09 PM
While I haven't done the math, what you are describing sounds exactly like what I have observed. I remember that a fix went out for this a couple months back, but it never fully fixed the problem, it just got slightly less noticeable. I seem to remember someone acknowledging that the problem was persisting, and saying there would be another fix incoming soon, but it never happened.
So yep, this is me, confirming that hbk crosshairs are still not very useful.
So yep, this is me, confirming that hbk crosshairs are still not very useful.
Posted 29 June 2013 - 11:18 PM
why did it have to be the hunchback 
couldn't it have been a stalker or highlander instead

i honestly haven't noticed myself but then i again i guess that's why i have bader aim....

couldn't it have been a stalker or highlander instead

i honestly haven't noticed myself but then i again i guess that's why i have bader aim....
Edited by kesuga7, 29 June 2013 - 11:19 PM.
Posted 30 June 2013 - 01:44 AM
Yes it's like this since the CB. I wonder how long it will take to fix this funny issue for good after months, and months and months..
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