Why do I have to drive a Hero Mech to get a C-BIll Bonus?
I can totally get that PGI wants me to sell it for money and not just hand it out for free. And it wants me to have a reason to buy it for a mech. But wouldn't it be nice if you could upgrade any mech to give you +30 % C-Bills? Why do I have to drive a Hero Mech that I might not even like as much as one of the other standard variants (be it due to looks or the weapon loadout?)
I suppose a reason might not be balance, but getting people to really buy hero mechs, and getting PGI its money worth of income. You will not be able to sell a mere +30 % upgrade to players for the same price as getting a fully fledged hero mech. But that means you also create a cheaper priced competition for Hero Mechs, which could end up with you losing money because some players decide they are acutally not that much in a particular hero mech and rather just get the bonus. Especially if they might already have a favorite mech and if they can get the bonus, they might be happy forever.
ANd talking of this bonus - why do Founder mechs still only grant 25 % bonus, why aren't they upgraded to Hero Mech levle of bonuses? It's just 5 %, so probably no one really cares.
I suppose the original reason might have been that the extra % was an incentive to not stick with your Founder mechs and "upgrade".
And now the new Project Phoenix mechs all grant +30 %, because otherwise people would wonder why bother if they can get Hero Mechs that give more C-Bills?
But the orignal reason seems now irrelevant - Hero Mechs are established, people seem to buy them, whether they have Founder mechs or not. And it seems a bit disappointing that the first fanatiscs jumping onto M:WO sight unseen do get less.
And if you wonder about how serious I take these things:
No, I am not insulted, worried or anything about htis. It's just an observation. Maybe PGI didn't even think about it either, maybe no player ever did. 5 % is nothing, and how many of us are eve still using their Founder mechs regularly? I am not, for example. The DDC is better than the D thanks to ECM, the Hunchback is kinda obsolete, I never really liked the Catapult (Not a LRM guy),and the Jenner.. :Well, maybe it's just me, but I am not good at it. OR at least I don't feel good at it, I believe my W/L ratio is surprisingly good for unknown reasons. Probably a fluke.
Oh, and if you wonder about whether this is really a Gameplay Balance forum. Well, there isn't a General Discussion forum, where would you have put it?
Edited by MustrumRidcully, 27 June 2013 - 12:48 PM.