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Open Letter To Pgi: Why You're Having Such Trouble Balancing Mwo

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Poll: Open Letter To Pgi: Why You're Having Such Trouble Balancing Mwo (285 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think the discussed features should be added to the test server after 12v12 is in the live game?

  1. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! (235 votes [82.46%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 82.46%

  2. Nah, I agree with Paul, the game is great as is. (26 votes [9.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 9.12%

  3. I don't really care. (24 votes [8.42%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 8.42%

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#481 Victor Morson


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Posted 13 July 2013 - 10:19 PM

View PostThe14th, on 13 July 2013 - 07:33 PM, said:

Sweet, Homeless Bill is here! Please listen to him, as he gets this WAY better than you DarkJaguar.

Dark Jaguar's problem, despite being more reasonable than others of his ilk, is that he is clutching to TT as the one true path where the rest of us just want them to make this game better instead of worse, for a change.

#482 Homeless Bill


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 12:02 AM

View PostUnbound Inferno, on 13 July 2013 - 06:11 PM, said:

Bill, you couldn't be more mistaken.

Increasing Armor does balance out by lowering the damage effects - but it doesn't fix the problem as to why we see mainly PPC over Lasers, or the disregard for SRMs dealing too little damage (and increasing armor makes that worse) let alone the reliance on boating.

Increasing armor again would only serve to drastically push back towards the ridiculous boating problem that led to the current meta of PPC being such a problem. It doesn't help.

The fundamental reason this game is flawed needs to be addressed, and ignoring it by placing yet another band-aid on it won't help.

The heat system needs an overhaul.
The weapons themselves need rebalacning around the heat system to reflect it properly.
The issue of converging grouped weapon fire needs solving, either through forced inaccuracy or chain fire to mitigate the damage.

That needs fixing. Not another Armor push to try and hide it until everyone realizes that at less damage the weaker builds get tossed out because they can't kill as well as the rest.

If you read the rest of my post, I talk about both of those weapons needing to be balanced. Many weapons need balancing, but the delete ******* everything approach is not a good one right now. Relative weapon balance needs tweaking - not a complete overhaul.

Convergence is the game-breaking problem in my opinion. We need a sane limit on pinpoint damage in a single click (see my signature). I think doing that along with some penalties for running super hot would probably make it unnecessary to do anything to armor.

I'm all about mitigating extreme damage, but I simply think this set of proposals is too drastic - not in terms of work involved, but in the drastic effect it would have on the game.

I don't really care one way or another about armor. I'd like to see something to limit pinpoint damage implemented before doing anything else drastic.

#483 Victor Morson


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 01:42 AM

I may not agree with Bill's solutions entirely, but at least they are solutions that honestly attempt to address the actual problems we are having.

#484 stjobe


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 02:14 AM

View PostBad Andy, on 13 July 2013 - 06:05 PM, said:

The weapon damage ideas are pretty funny, how are you going to quote canon and then suggest AC20 shouldn't do 20 damage? And PGI has stated they want to look at convergence but it's not easy.

The AC/20 should do 20 damage over 10 seconds. That's all we can know. Not that it should do it in one hit (since lasers do their damage in a single hit in TT, but have beam duration in MWO), not that it should do it to a single location (again, compare TT's lasers to MWO's).

The fluff of TT says ACs are rapid-fire cannons, firing "streams of bullets". The "20" in AC/20 refers to the nominal damage of one cassette (or "round") of ammo, which may hold anything up to 100 actual projectiles. In TT this was abstracted and simplified into a single hit since you wouldn't want to roll 100 to-hit rolls for firing a single weapon once.

So you see, having an AC/20 fire 100 rounds of 0.2 damage over 10 seconds would make it do 2 DPS and is true to lore.
Having it fire 10 rounds of 2 damage over 1 second and then reloading for 9 seconds also makes it do 2 DPS and is also true to lore.

Having it fire 5 rounds of 2 damage over 1 second, reloading for 4 seconds, and then doing it one more time ALSO provides it with 2 DPS and is also true to lore.

Finally, having it fire a single round of 20 damage, cooling down for 5 seconds, and doing it one more time makes it do 4 DPS and is NOT true to lore - not in damage output, and not in firing mechanics.


An Autocannon is a type of rapid-firing, auto-loading direct-fire ballistic weapon, firing HEAP (High-Explosive Armor-Piercing) or kinetic rounds at targets in bursts. It is, basically, a giant "machine gun"
With the fluffed number of shells and caliber being specified, no Autocannon has been specified to be one shell fired for each "round" or burst of fire
- http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Autocannon


the Crusher Super Heavy Cannon is a 150mm weapon firing ten shells per "round" while the Chemjet Gun is a 185mm weapon firing much slower, and causing higher damage per shell. Despite their differences, both are classified as Autocannon/20s due to their damage output.
- http://www.sarna.net...i/Autocannon/20

Edited by stjobe, 14 July 2013 - 02:20 AM.

#485 Pando


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 04:20 AM

View PostHomeless Bill, on 14 July 2013 - 12:02 AM, said:

If you read the rest of my post, I talk about both of those weapons needing to be balanced. Many weapons need balancing, but the delete ******* everything approach is not a good one right now. Relative weapon balance needs tweaking - not a complete overhaul.

Convergence is the game-breaking problem in my opinion. We need a sane limit on pinpoint damage in a single click (see my signature). I think doing that along with some penalties for running super hot would probably make it unnecessary to do anything to armor.

I'm all about mitigating extreme damage, but I simply think this set of proposals is too drastic - not in terms of work involved, but in the drastic effect it would have on the game.

I don't really care one way or another about armor. I'd like to see something to limit pinpoint damage implemented before doing anything else drastic.

I support Homeless Bill.

@OP I don't support everything you've outlined.

Wonder what this thread would look like if all BWC members were wearing forum tags.

** did not vote, voting options provided are bias **

Edited by Pando, 14 July 2013 - 04:22 AM.

#486 malice


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 04:30 AM

View PostPando, on 14 July 2013 - 04:20 AM, said:

I support Homeless Bill.

@OP I don't support everything you've outlined.

Wonder what this thread would look like if all BWC members were wearing forum tags.

** did not vote, voting options provided are bias **

This is a better representation of the current state of affairs.

Largely, the game is not in bad shape.

There are things like convergence that definitely need addressing but I don't think anything proposed in the OP has much to do with gameplay in mind. TT mechanics will never translate or work well for anything but tabletop, and are a great inspiration to draw from, but shouldn't necessarily be what MWO should be designed for.

If the gameplay is appealing and captures the imagination well enough to make me feel both fair and fun, the values of the damage on weapons truly do not matter in the least.

#487 EchoMike


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 05:43 AM

The thread is 25 pages now, Jaguar, I hope it doesn't get shoved in the closet along with Homeless Bill's in the feature suggestions. Remember I'm pulling for ya, we're all in this together.

#488 AndyHill


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 06:31 AM

I disagree with the game being close to perfection as far as balancing goes. I do agree with people who say that numbers don't mean everything, since that's true, the gameplay is the most important thing. That's also the reason why I think drastic measures need to be taken to get the game right.

Currently it seems that the playerbase as well as the developers want to steer a bit away from sniper alpha meta. So why are we even talking about numbers in the first place? Changing core gameplay mechanisms determines what kind of strategy is the best on the field, currently that's the dreaded pinpoint alpha sniper meta. Changing the numbers determines which weapon(combination) is the number one choice for the best strategy (pinpoint alpha sniping). So why are we talking about the numbers when the problem as well as the solution are in the game design?

And again, I think that's what the TT advocates are saying. I haven't really done the math myself - I would first have to see the gameplay changes before I go that far - but if you're tweaking numbers that can't solve your problems, you'll never find balance. And to me it seems that this might be exactly what's going on at the moment.

#489 DarkJaguar


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:13 AM

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

Now, I'll admit fights are over too fast, but I see no reason to re-balance every single weapon instead of just increasing armor/internal health again. It's a much easier and much less risky way of accomplishing the exact same thing.

I would disagree, this is a bandage on a gushing wound. By increasing the armor and structure, you’re stealth nerfing the weapons, but unevenly. A weapon that is already underpowered in comparison to other weapons will now be even MORE so, giving players even less of a choice in what to bring. The game would then either turn into “Weapon of the week online” or “Look at all the different colored PPCs! Online.” I think the current weakness of the current numbers is that they were taken out of the system they were designed for and put into an FPS environment without considering what the weapons intent were in their original form. We’ll get more on that later when you talked about time though…

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

I think reverting to TT numbers is a total waste of the close-to-the-finish-line point we're at now. Problems I see with TT numbers (regardless of how it worked on a boardgame, it's just not the same as realtime):

I don’t think it’s ever too late to realize you’re going down the wrong path. However, I agree, table top numbers should NOT be used. Table top values should. The difference being that the numbers from TT were designed to be as much damage as that weapon does on average over X time. The Values though fill in “X” with 10 seconds. From there it can be extrapolated that an AC20 deals 20 points of damage in 10 seconds, this means that it could deal 2 damage every second, or 4 damage every 5 seconds, or anything that equals 20. From there it’s a lot easier to translate to real time.

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

• In General - We're close to relative balance right now. As much as I respect that tabletop was pretty well balanced (hell, I even cite tabletop as the reason for my balance/convergence proposal), its numbers simply don't take into account realtime factors. Even if was close, it would still require a lot of messing around. Why take the chance when they've just got to tweak a few numbers?

Agreed on TT not being perfect, or including real time in it’s factors. But I think this needs to happen because I don’t feel we’re close to balance right now.

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

• Autocannons - I really like how autocannons work right now. I like that the lighter ones are great for fire support and cockpit shake, while the heavier ones are the perfect one-shell punch. I think that's fine for diversity, as opposed to making the damage profiles dependent on manufacturer. I do think manufacturers would be cool to add later as variations in burst fire, recycle time, and other stats, but I also think changing what we have now is a waste.

Such a huge part of the problem with the game right now is high amounts of damage being directed at a single location with a few weapons. By adjusting everything to the same time scale, you’re forced to break up the the weapons damage into chunks to get the uniform multiplier. In doing this, you partially address the high-alpha meta that is currently in play, but you also make those few weapons that –DO- hit really hard, mean something, because there’s a VERY long recycle time afterward. So while I’m not really opposed to Autocannons being a one shot punch, I think from a gameplay perspective, breaking them up to allow faster fire without having to use a time scale that would make mechs all instantly die is a better idea in my opinion.

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

• Ignoring the Rebalancing of the Time Scale - As said up top, I really think it will force fights in close, they'll have to re-balance the timeframe for realtime, or they'd have to slow everything down (which would be terrible). Tabletop numbers simply don't account for realtime gameplay, and I think anyone that won't admit to how important that timeframe balance is for the pace of combat is kidding themselves.

I think time balance is the second biggest problem currently, and while I agree that the table top values wouldn’t be 100% perfect out of the gate, I believe you are wrong in TT accounting for time in an adequate manner that it can be translated into real time.

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

• Heat - I'll admit that I like a lower heat cap, but I think this is not the way to approach it. You ignore that while the PPC Stalker will just shutdown immediately, so will anything running single heatsinks. Single heatsinks will become the ultimate cruel joke to new players. The stock Hunchback 4P (8xML + 1xSL, 23SHS) will also shutdown from firing once (8x3 + 1 = 25; 25 > 23 --> shutdown). Anything running single heatsinks will immediately be even worse than they are now. I vehemently disagree with the idea of DHS getting even better than they are now compared to SHS. While you say a stock variant may put out 4 - 5 times as much damage under the current system, a swagged-out 'mech with DHS can only put out about 3 times as much. That artificial addition to the heatcap is the only thing making SHS builds as competitive as they currently are(n't) - without it, they'd be complete ****.

Bill, I addressed this with a graphic earlier in the thread.
This is the current heat system as it functions over a period of 10 seconds, using this STK-3F.
Posted Image
This chart shows how that same build would react under the heat proposal in my OP.
Posted Image
Next, I reformatted the chart to show how that same build would act in my proposed time scale, with my proposed values.
Posted Image
Finally, this chart depicts how a STOCK STK-3F would act with my proposed time scale and values.
Posted Image
Now keep in mind that both of these charts are “sterile”, meaning that they represent 10 seconds of continuous fire from a stationary platform, and that the damage shown is “Potential damage”, not “damage dealt”.

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

• (New) Player Experience - My thoughts on pacing: people should be able to fire all of their weapons a couple times without shutting down. Newbies in particular will have a hard time adjusting to a system so harsh. I'm maybe not a fan of how high the heat cap is, but drastically lowering it (particularly on SHS build) is not the way to go in my mind.

I agree with this 100%, and I think my charts above show that this was one of my goals to accomplish, and I was fairly successful at it.

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

I'm definitely a fan of some penalties for running super-hot, but I'd change a couple things. I would rather they come in around 80% with a higher heat cap than 100% with a lower heat cap. I think it's more intuitive to players to know that at 100%, it's shutdown time unless you override (at which point you start taking damage). I also wouldn't make them as harsh, particularly in terms of speed. I'd rather see a percentage reduction that, at it's worst before shutdown is about 50%.

This is just changing reference points on the scale, if through careful analysis this is determined to be the best reference points, then I’m all for it.

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:

I think your proposal for accuracy goes too far. Problems I have with it:
• Total Loadout vs Weapons Fired - Basing cone of fire on the weapons carried rather than the weapons fired is a bad approach. I might as well not mount a couple medium lasers as backup on a heavy-hitter because their accuracy will be **** no matter what. I think you absolutely have to address what is being fired together, rather than essentially make an arbitrary hardpoint restriction (more like a penalty) system that causes cone of fire.
• Convergence - I think setting it manually for each weapon is cumbersome, unfriendly, and difficult to adjust to. Having it fixed gives certain chassis massive advantages while having others assume the position. I think your proposed changes aren't necessarily bad, but they are a huge change in gameplay. I see forcing players to think about convergence as inherently bad, because it will turn off most mainstream gamers. I would be fine with it, I've publicly said I totally support Doc's convergence system, but I think it's ultimately the more dangerous direction for the game to go.
• Cone-of-Fire - This basically just goes back to the first point about how it should be based off fired weapons instead of loadout in general. Twitch shots are skilled. Some of the cheesiest kills I've made have been incredibly skillful shots. I should have been rewarded for those - I just shouldn't be able to instagib them. I intensely dislike the removal of pinpoint capability.

The “Target Computer Loading” was just an alternate idea that could be taken ot left. It’s intent was to make boating high alpha damage weapons more difficult. The reasoning behind making it based on the total loadout as opposed to “what’s fired” is twofold. 1) Your targeting computer is trying to track every weapon at all times, it doesn’t know what you’re going to fire. 2) The server doesn’t know what you’re going to fire either, so this would cause a delay between pulling the trigger and the rounds going down range. One issue I see with your proposal, is what’s to stop someone from making a macro that fires 4 PPCs individually .1 second apart to completely avoid these penalties?

Again, manually setting convergence was an idea I was tossing around. Perhaps this could be under an “advanced settings” tab, with every torso mounted weapon set to it’s MOR from the start. I think having stuff set at one point while people learn, and then give them an opportunity to change it later would be a great feature. Furthermore, because a weapon’s convergence is fixed in game, it gives more reason to arm mount weapons, where they are more vulnerable.

Cone of Fire. Please reference this thread. My CoF (From here on out called “CEP”) idea doesn’t prevent those twitch shots from happening, nor does it cause misses in a weapon’s optimal range. At most, it will spread the damage out across the target instead of focusing an alpha strike on one location.

View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:


I agree that damage-over-time profiles should get some more attention, but, again, I don't think this is the way to go about it. I see a 10-second duration on a laser beam, and I laugh my *** off. Like most things here, I think we're too close for such a drastic change. In terms of damage profile variation, here's what I think the game needs:
• Pulse Lasers - They need a total re-work. I don't care if it's increased rate of fire, decreased beam duration, front-loading damage, or whatever - it just needs a new concept to be different from standard lasers.
• Manufacturers - As stated previously, I think slight variations should come down to them adding several styles of each weapon.The damage profiles of most weapons are fine right now; manufacturers are an easy thing to add post-release to increase variation.

Again, this is arguing values. Something I do not wish to do. I don’t care if what we end up with is 4x faster than TT, as long as it’s even across the board.

Edited by DarkJaguar, 14 July 2013 - 08:17 AM.

#490 Unbound Inferno


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:16 AM

View PostHomeless Bill, on 14 July 2013 - 12:02 AM, said:

If you read the rest of my post, I talk about both of those weapons needing to be balanced. Many weapons need balancing, but the delete ******* everything approach is not a good one right now. Relative weapon balance needs tweaking - not a complete overhaul.

Convergence is the game-breaking problem in my opinion. We need a sane limit on pinpoint damage in a single click (see my signature). I think doing that along with some penalties for running super hot would probably make it unnecessary to do anything to armor.

I'm all about mitigating extreme damage, but I simply think this set of proposals is too drastic - not in terms of work involved, but in the drastic effect it would have on the game.

I don't really care one way or another about armor. I'd like to see something to limit pinpoint damage implemented before doing anything else drastic.

Oh, I did - and I agree on most of it. I admit you do have the same thoughts as alot of us that it all needs work but they can't do it all.

However I sought to point out a glaring problem in thinking that doubling armor was another good idea. They need to fix the basic problems that cause that to occur, not try and cover it up again.

#491 DarkJaguar


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:18 AM


View PostHomeless Bill, on 13 July 2013 - 05:48 PM, said:


I just don't think the game is as radically broken as this proposal seems to suggest. I think we're very close right now, and that with several minor number adjustments, balance will be where it needs to be. Most of your suggestions are radical changes that simply aren't needed. I do think convergence needs to be addressed, but I feel as though your proposal is a step too far in the direction of random. More varied damage profiles would be cool, but it's low priority and should be handled by manufacturers.

Thanks for your response. I hope you found my reply to your post as useful and constructive as I found yours.

View PostBad Andy, on 13 July 2013 - 06:05 PM, said:

the TT heat scaling is the only part of this post i could agree with. The weapon damage ideas are pretty funny, how are you going to quote canon and then suggest AC20 shouldn't do 20 damage? And PGI has stated they want to look at convergence but it's not easy.

I can quote canon and say an AC20 does 20 damage, because an AC20 is rated to do 20 damage over 10 seconds, which my values provide. Furthermore, as per canon, autocannons are burst fire weapons, not single shell sluggers.

#492 DarkJaguar


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:24 AM

View PostEchoMike, on 14 July 2013 - 05:43 AM, said:

The thread is 25 pages now, Jaguar, I hope it doesn't get shoved in the closet along with Homeless Bill's in the feature suggestions. Remember I'm pulling for ya, we're all in this together.

Thanks Red-Green. :D

#493 AndyHill


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:37 AM

Increasing armor may be necessary (note that it has already been doubled) as may be the ability to distribute it more freely than in the dice throwing version of the game. However, it's not a solution without problems, because the more armor you are carrying the less impact a single weapon will have and the less useful it will be to expose yourself and arrange a firing solution for any single weapon. We are already at a point where even small 'mechs take two PPCs, because one of them - one of the most iconic heavy hitters in the game and a weapon you couldn't even comfortably fit on most lights / small mediums - just isn't worth the trouble.

The numbers solution to the alpha boating problem already made boating not only the most effective way to play, but also basically a necessity. I suggest it's time to try a gameplay solution to a gameplay problem. Then we can look at the numbers, on which the original poster seems to have a fairly good grasp.

#494 DarkJaguar


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:41 AM

View PostAndyHill, on 14 July 2013 - 08:37 AM, said:

Increasing armor may be necessary (note that it has already been doubled) as may be the ability to distribute it more freely than in the dice throwing version of the game. However, it's not a solution without problems, because the more armor you are carrying the less impact a single weapon will have and the less useful it will be to expose yourself and arrange a firing solution for any single weapon. We are already at a point where even small 'mechs take two PPCs, because one of them - one of the most iconic heavy hitters in the game and a weapon you couldn't even comfortably fit on most lights / small mediums - just isn't worth the trouble.

The numbers solution to the alpha boating problem already made boating not only the most effective way to play, but also basically a necessity. I suggest it's time to try a gameplay solution to a gameplay problem. Then we can look at the numbers, on which the original poster seems to have a fairly good grasp.

Andy, check out the charts I posted in response to bill. If you think you could build a "boat" that would do overwhelming damage in a single alpha using my values, please link me to a smurfy build and I'll chart it as well so we can look at it visually. :D

#495 soapyfrog


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:53 AM

I would suggest leaving convergence alone (especially since they basically said messing with convergence would be a major engineering effort)

I would suggest adding a slight accuracy penalty in the form of a cone of fire for each weapon fired simultaneously or within .5 seconds. Single weapon = pinpoint accuracy. Multiple weapons would potentially deviate by what amounts to few pixels from the aim point. A VERY gentle penalty, but stacking the more weapons are fired at once. A few pixels will mean the difference between different armour panels at mid and especially long range, but at short range it will not be very noticeable.

Thus you nerf long range high alpha sniping, while retaining powerful close range alpha. Should promote brawling, but does not punish players who want to snipe accurate using chain fire for example; or players who want to fire 3-4 PPCs at long range in a volley, still most likely hit with all, but very unlikely have them strike the same location.

They demonstrated their ability to add cone of fire fairly quickly with jump jet shake, so it could be one of he speedier fixes to implant. Once that is done weapon values can be tweaked as needed.

Gentle pressure, Tom Servo, gentle pressure.

#496 Sam Slade


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 08:57 AM

Great post. This has been said and said again many times since closed beta.

thus far there have been no solid reasons not to implement pretty much all the changes you speak of (love the idea of weapon varients doing damage altered with time) and the covergence/cone of fire haters are missing the point me thinks.

But, PGI will never do it... MWO is headed the same way as those nifty pay to win games you get on a smartphone

#497 Teralitha


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:03 AM

View PostDarkJaguar, on 10 July 2013 - 07:55 AM, said:

Mechwarrior 4 Autocannon
Mechwarrior 3 Autocannon
Mechwarrior 2 Autocannon

Are you sure? Looks burst fire to me, as the enemy shooting at the camera is firing an autocannon, and it is decidedly not an AC2.

Being that I played MW4 for 10 years... no, the ac's were not burst fire. sorry.

#498 DarkJaguar


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:04 AM

View PostTeralitha, on 14 July 2013 - 09:03 AM, said:

Being that I played MW4 for 10 years... no, the ac's were not burst fire. sorry.

What game is that video showing then where the enemy's autocannon fire at the player is a burst of shells?

Edited by DarkJaguar, 14 July 2013 - 09:04 AM.

#499 Teralitha


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:07 AM

View PostDarkJaguar, on 14 July 2013 - 09:04 AM, said:

What game is that video showing then where the enemy's autocannon fire at the player is a burst of shells?

They may graphically appear to have a burst of ammo flying through the air but trust me.... it was still just 1 instant shot doing damage to one location.

Not many ppl have voted on this poll even though its many pages long......

Edited by Teralitha, 14 July 2013 - 09:08 AM.

#500 DarkJaguar


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Posted 14 July 2013 - 09:08 AM

View PostTeralitha, on 14 July 2013 - 09:07 AM, said:

They may graphically appear to have a burst of ammo flying through the air but trust me.... it was still just 1 instant shot doing damage to one location.

I think that may have been an engine limitation then. The autocannon is still depicted as being a burst though. Either way, it's a very small point that's really not relevant to the larger issue, right? Say hi to Illusion for me.

View PostTeralitha, on 14 July 2013 - 09:07 AM, said:

Not many ppl have voted on this poll even though its many pages long......

I started the poll when we were on page 20.

Edited by DarkJaguar, 14 July 2013 - 09:09 AM.

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