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Open Letter To Pgi: Why You're Having Such Trouble Balancing Mwo

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Poll: Open Letter To Pgi: Why You're Having Such Trouble Balancing Mwo (285 member(s) have cast votes)

Do you think the discussed features should be added to the test server after 12v12 is in the live game?

  1. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes! (235 votes [82.46%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 82.46%

  2. Nah, I agree with Paul, the game is great as is. (26 votes [9.12%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 9.12%

  3. I don't really care. (24 votes [8.42%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 8.42%

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#721 FerretGR


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Posted 30 August 2013 - 08:22 PM

View PostDarkJaguar, on 01 July 2013 - 08:01 PM, said:

Additionally, PGI could offer different variants of weapons based around the same DPS, I.E. instead of all AC20’s dealing 20 damage in 10 shots, players could select a cannon that does 20 damage in one shot with a 10 second reload time, one that does 20 damage in 4 shots with a 2.5 second reload time between shots, or one that does 20 damage over 10 shots, firing a shell every half second.

This is the only bit I didn't like from the OP. I like the simple solution of taking DPS straight from TT and using math to set the damage for more frequent than 10s shots. Other than that, spot on.

My only problem is this, OP: these are not original ideas. That's not a knock at you by any stretch of the imagination. Your OP pretty much captures exactly what I think should be done with damage, heat, convergence, and so on, and it echoes what other folks around here have been saying for a long time. That's the problem: despite these fabulous, simple balancing concepts being suggested repeatedly, PGI has chosen to balance by playing with numbers, the so-called "ghost heat", and completely ignoring the issue of pixel-perfect convergence. My fear is that you'll be ignored as well.

#722 Tsen Shang


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Posted 03 September 2013 - 09:16 AM

View PostHelmer, on 04 July 2013 - 05:42 AM, said:

If someone came up with a true, hardcore simulator lovers sim for Mechwarrior, I'd be the first in line.

This is actually kinda exactly what I signed up for. Threads like this give me hope, as this is exactly what I'd like to see (and why I'm bumping the thread). Unfortunately I haven't had time to read through all the replies and discussions, mostly just skimming, but it seems there are options and some directions to go to balance this game. I'll probably come back and actually play it if any of these balance issues get fixed.

Gotta admit I'm still fairly perplexed as to why no one is complaining about the outlandish prices in the mechbay though.

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