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[Pov] Something Screwy With Damage?

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#1 Amberite


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Posted 02 July 2013 - 11:24 AM

Catapults and Quickdraw.....all around the 60+ mark on forwards CT armour. Everytime I use one I find my CT is cored out in pretty near zero time flat.


Had a Quickdraw cored in less than 2 seconds (literally) [2 opposing mechs] even though it was stacked forwards with armour.

Everytime I use the Catapults they fold as if the armour was made of paper. I faced a dual PPC K2 (no med las, 2 MG) and died within 2 volleys. I had received no other dmg to CT at that point.

Now, is this a symptom of the current "over-the-top" alphas, or something screwy with the damage thats occuring? My experiences in Catapults seems to indicate something wrong with how the dmg is being applied.

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