Heffay, on 17 September 2013 - 08:33 AM, said:
This is pretty much undeniable. They're only posting to convince other people that the game isn't worth playing,
its a little more involved than that. its an effort on the part of a relatively small group within the broader community to dictate the direction of the game to the developers under penalty of pitchforks and torches. ccp put themselves into that position via the kugutsumen embarassment, and a significant amount of good came out of it because there were worthwhile people involved in the process. the goons and their cronies, convinced that the former would set the tone of future development, did try to hijack the whole thing numerous times..
and this isn't some kind of a conspiracy theory. all of this actually happened in another mmo, and much of the current rage squad are the exact same people from back then. they've got this **** down.