Belorion, on 04 July 2013 - 08:14 AM, said:
Its easy to hit deadlines when its only talk. Granted there are a couple instances where PGI missed their talk only deadlines, but the point is that SC hasn't had any real deadlines to miss at this point.
I work in the software business. Its easy to make a non-functional mock up. You can make it look as grand as you want it too. Living up to the promise of the mock up however is a different story all together.
SC will miss deadlines by the end. Maybe few, but some will slip, and it could be many.
Both games have been in development since 2011. SC promises (from this thread) little more than what PGI started off with in the early stages of closed beta. They are both based on Cryengine 3. Whats taking them so long?
They are trying to develop something good along an "actual" realistic timeline that doesn't revolve around sucking money out of ignorant wallets for
little to no development. Don't get me wrong, they're sucking money out of wallets, but at least they are saying "Hey this probably won't be done for 2 years at minimum with some proof of concepts along the way", rather than "Oh yeah give us 90 days and we'll have it in" then "OK we need another 90 days" then "Alright CW is looking good for 3 months out from now" then " OK CW probably won't be in till next year, Here have a Phoenix package that won't really be worth it until we actually manage to put CW in. We also didn't feel like telling you this until we made sure a large majority had impulse bought the thing on the misguided hope CW would be out this year". PGI has missed far more than just a few deadlines, they've managed to miss almost every single major one except for all the "Monetized Content" deadlines.
It's all about how they're doing it. Star Citizen has been upfront about everything thus far while with PGI and MW:O it's had to be dragged out of them by a vehement and overly sensitive community. And for some reason they wonder why we have a vehement and oversensitive and extremely critical community. The lies and double speak started the moment MW:O hit the early-mid stages of development. Nothing that we have gotten so far hasn't been some form of a lie.
Conquest mode actually being something along the lines of a conquest mode like the PC Gamer article on it,
Assault mode going from a simple place holder mode to being the main mode,
Core pillars being watered down into either overpowered equipment or entirely useless equipment and consumables,
Promises of keeping in line with TT and then butt ******* balance and taking everything that actually made the TT contain some form of balance in terms of weapons strengths and weakness's and throwing them out the window even when multiple users have shown easy ways to implement balance better than a professional company,
**** poor Quality Assurance with things like the HUD bug and other bugs as well as weapon mechanics on a per patch basis, How many patches needed to go by with "We fixed the HUD bug" and it still persisting before QA realizes they need to step up their efforts or maybe actually try harder?
A constant flood of monetized content with little to no information or actual development on core things like UI 2.0, 12v12, Community Warfare, new user experience or any actual objective based game mode that would make this game less of a World of Tanks copy cat and blatant money grab. Hey at least you've got pretty Mechs though amirite?
3rd person at the behest of the world population strong silent majority that went from being for special game modes to literally being the normal mode. If you're too blind to see that they mixed 1pv and 3pv into one queue and left 1pv alone in a seperate queue so they could quietly get rid of it at some point, I honestly don't know what to say. They could have simply made a 3pv queue and a 1pv queue, they didn't need to create a mixed queue, instead they want to force a way for them to play together which signals to me that this was the intention all along and will become the norm pretty soon.
The list could keep going, but those are some of the big issue's. Like I said, it's all in how they release information and what they actually do. PGI has shown that it can say a metric **** ton, but can't actually do much of any of it, Irregardless of SC and what it's doing, PGI's fail and MW:O's fail rests solely on the shoulders of PGI themselves. If you want to drag the development of another game that's not even close to the same stage as MW:O but still manages to make it look like dog **** in a primarily pre-production and early development phase, and use that as an example of why MW:O is the pariah of development, be my guest. It only makes you look like an extremely ignorant {Noble MechWarrior}.
POWR, on 04 July 2013 - 02:13 PM, said:
Chances are a lot of things are actually done in internal development and will not be rolled out till closer to launch... it would definitely not be the first time something like that was the case for an online game that looked barely playable in the open beta. Then POW! Suddenly, a full game.
That was a common excuse in Closed Beta, how Open Beta would blow our socks off because they were like 300,000 builds ahead and everything was done, they just didn't wanna release it yet. Keep the faith brotha!