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#1 Jenovah


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 07:37 PM

So I've played some, had a blast, and feel like I've go the hang of it. I have a couple of mechs in the Light, Med, Heavy and 1 Assault. Know I'm ready to start grouping with people and working on team play. This whole "matchmake and get ROFLstomped because no one communicates or works together is killing me..." literally.... So how does this work? To drop in with teams and who is a good group to work with? I'm military, just PCS'ed to Oklahoma and I'm CST time zone. Hit me up on a private message or reply back here!

#2 Aym


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 07:51 PM

Well mostly people team up with voice chat, like Team Speak 3. It's a free program, very safe, and allows you to access "Servers" that people pay for to get groups to communicate. For instance there are 3 "public" team speak servers dedicated to Mechwarrior Online, and dozens more that are very easy to access. Each of the Great Houses of the Inner Sphere have a main one they use, and most merc corps have their own as well.
For instance I normally use the one for House Marik, at www.house-marik.net
but I also use the No Guts No Galaxy public one, as well as the Comstar North American one.
Heck you may even find me on the Goons Mumble from time to time, but that's a different (also free, easy, and safe) program to download.

#3 Jenovah


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 08:07 PM

so there is no way to ensure you drop with your team?

#4 Davoke


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 08:07 PM

Sent ya a PM!

#5 Davoke


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 08:11 PM

Actually, you can form into a lance of 4 pilots max(so 2-4), or a 8 man minimum(i.e. a full team to fight a full team) with your group.

#6 Aym


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 03:02 AM

Oh, well yes, if form a team with the "social" button in the lower right of your game launcher, then you're always with those people.

#7 TheArcher


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 05:20 AM

This has some more information on installing TeamSpeak and connecting to a TeamSpeak server: http://mwomercs.com/...then-look-here/

Then you would follow these steps:
  • Connect to TeamSpeak server.
  • Find a group to join. There is a Looking for Group channel, or you can find a drop ship that is short a pilot and ask if you can join.
  • In MWO, the leader needs to become friends with the other group members. You can send out friend invites by using Social->Friends->Add Friends and accept invites under Social->Invites.
  • The leader now creates the MWO group:
    • Click on Social->Group->Create Group.
    • Select the type of group: 2-4, or 8.
    • Click the Close button at the bottom of the group window. (This just was an acknowledgement that the group was made.)
    • For each member, click Group Options->Invite Friend.
    • Type the name of the friend in the text box and click Invite.
  • Once the group is made, everyone clicks on the Not Ready box next to their name to change it to the Ready state.
  • The Leader selects the game mode, if it needs to be changed.
  • Once everyone is ready, the leader clicks the Launch button.

Edited by TheArcher, 04 July 2013 - 05:45 AM.

#8 Calos112


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 07:38 AM

Was thinking the same thing. I already have teamspeak 3 for league of legends. So the best way is to go into TS3 and just look for MWO channels? Don't most people who pay password their channel?

#9 Stoicblitzer


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 10:02 AM


if you're like me then you may be disappointed by the low level of teamwork typical on the public servers. just because you are on voice comms together doesn't mean communication and planning happens. most people don't want to give or follow orders. it's usually just awkward. sometimes people take control and other don't mind. sometimes.

#10 Cybermech


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 11:53 AM

well ur right but to a slight extent.
you have to play a few games with different people.
if your only looking for more serious play then scroll down to the merc channels, go channel hopping.
most people will help out new guys.
thing is you MUST remember :
YOU DO NOT NEED TO JOIN ANY CORP to play this game, the will try and recruit, do not join their unit.
just play a few rounds, listen and learn.
Find one that suits your needs would be more important then joining one as quick as possible.

Right now if you want to play "pro" MWO then get into the highlander, go pug and have fun

#11 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 04 July 2013 - 12:10 PM

For unit/drop with same people, use the social button lower right corner as mentioned. Add friends then someone will do invite to group. TS is used to make communication easier during combat but mic is not always required, provided you are not the one designed to give firing orders :)

It will be a few months before House/Factions dropping goes live and everything else that goes with Community Warfare.

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