Just sad to see a moderator bury this thread by putting it into a less-viewed, but incorrect section. Shame on whoever forced Park's hand.
And yeah, about the whole I told you so thing, Ive been playing since last year pretty seriously (whilst taking hiatuses at times) and every time I come back to the game it seems...off. Oh hey, more mechs and maps! OH hey, the graphics are prettier! Ohhhoh, objectives might've fixed everything!
And then I see SRMs practically bouncing off of armor, everyone sniping, scouts capping everything making the match less fun (so weird that we expected lights capping the objectives to fix everything :/), etc.
After they had fixed missile dmg and buffed lasers/pulses, I loved the game. But sadly, I had gotten bored of it. I believe this was at Open Beta launch, I call it the Golden Age of balance. Almost everything worked well, and more features were being promised which excited everyone. Plus, wipe! Something for everyone to work for! Even the vets...
I still dont see why more people didnt hop on the matchmaker-suggestion bandwagon. IT fixed WoT (WHICH HAD THE SAME EXACT ISSUES with weight classes/tiers!! I was in both betas for it, and after MM was fixed the game was glorious at the time), it would fix this game. Lights, meds, heavies, assaults are all taken into account by an AI matchmaker that can take a look at mech types (categories) and weights, then wisk them away into the neverland of a balanced match in a randomly selected map. I begged for this in late Closed, not many even cared to listen. Too hot and bothered about LRMs and how PPCs sucked, etc.
Now look at where things are. New Mechs and features, broken gameplay balance as a sad whole. Shiny new things, broken mechanisms within them. Like a new cheap toy that you play with for about a month as a kid, then break, then decide to go back to those awesome old toys you've had for years. I wonder how MW4 Mekpak is...
Well, at any rate, my thoughts on this past year in MWO. Im still gonna throw money at the damn thing like Fry, and pray they get the guy on the USS Balance away from the helm before he hits that iceburg. Project Phoenix was exactly what I wanted, and what many players wanting to get thier money's worth outta the game wanted. Let's hope the MGs/SRMs fitted on those mechs be a sign that SOMETHING is being done about balance.
Just my pressimistic 0.02 cents, take from it what you will.
P.S. Sorry, I'm not very good with the Book O' the Dead, wish I coulda googled some old forum topics but I don't know what to search xD
Edited by Pezzer, 09 July 2013 - 12:45 PM.