Trying To Find A Faction
Posted 03 July 2013 - 11:47 AM
Posted 03 July 2013 - 01:44 PM
http:// ts60.gameservers.com:9306
Password R0n1n
Edited by FullMetalJackass, 03 July 2013 - 01:45 PM.
Posted 03 July 2013 - 05:26 PM

Posted 03 July 2013 - 11:37 PM
Edited by Stealth Raptor, 03 July 2013 - 11:39 PM.
Posted 04 July 2013 - 10:10 PM
Posted 05 July 2013 - 08:57 AM
Pw: Yakuza
Posted 06 July 2013 - 10:04 AM
Of course I cannot speak for every Kuritan warrior in the DCMS, but ...
Davion: Decadent imperialists whose way of life prevents the citizenry from ever achieving true unity, and the realm from ever fully exploiting the capabilities of an otherwise formidable soldiery. Although on average still unable to match a true samurai of the Combine, Davion MechWarriors are still the most worthy foes one may face on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere.
Steiner: An industrial powerhouse plagued by corruption and an inefficient bureaucracy. A nation of peddlers that squanders the rich resources it sits on by attempting to compensate lack of skill with quantity rather than trying to learn from the Combine. The same can be said about their military, in which rank and station are determined not by ability and experience but rather the depth of one's purse.
Liao: Too far away, and too unimportant, to be of any consequence for the Dragon's plans yet. However, as it is situated on the other side of the monolithic Federated Commonwealth, it would be prudent to work together in resisting the infamous aggression and greed of Davion, which is why Liao agreed to the Kapteyn Accords proposed by Coordinator Takashi Kurita.
Marik: Like the Capellan Confederation, the Free Worlds League does not border the Combine directly, and has in the past decades not displayed a willingness or ability to campaign on the galactic scale as the League is plagued by internal strife, a result of its member worlds' dangerously high degree of autonomy. There exists a measurable degree of trade between the FWL and the Combine, however, and like Liao Marik was a signatory to the Kapteyn Accords.
FRR: Although many Rasalhagueians failed to see the wisdom in submitting to the superior leadership of the Dragon, no doubt influenced by certain corrupt politicians purchased with Steiner-money, the fiercely independent FRR maintains an amicable relationship to the Combine, and to this date is still the only realm that has a medal awarded exclusively to DCMS soldiers. In his wisdom and generosity, the Coordinator has transformed what used to be a conquered hotbed of insurrectionist activity into an allied buffer state, hoping that in time the people of Rasalhague will accept the hand stretched out in friendship.
Mercs: A warrior without a cause is like a sword without an edge. Soldiers of fortune look for profit first and foremost, which makes them unreliable in battle. They will not be willing to truly commit to battle, but rather flee as soon as the opposition would render a fight too costly.
As for the Draconis Combine itself ...
We are a people united not simply by territory and authority, but in spirit and high culture, with every individual being given a chance to work towards the greater good of the Dragon - that symbol of our nation which stands above all, including (in contrast to most other Successor States) even our Lord the Coordinator as a person, who is merely an embodiment of the Dragon's will. Furthermore, the Combine prizes civilization and art, our traditions being a pathway to every person's betterment by the appreciation of a divine beauty in almost every task or item. Even warfare is treated like a form of art, which served us well in establishing the MechWarriors of the Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery as the Inner Sphere's most capable pilots, screened by a grueling selection process from amongst the Kuritan elite, hardened by years of arduous training, and finally achieving the balance between the unity of warrior and weapon on the battlefield and the peaceful pursuit of various arts outside the cockpit, acknowledging that a samurai cannot and should not be kept on edge at all times, but rather has a chance at recuperating focus to once again bring honor to their family by showing peak performance during the next engagement against the many enemies of House Kurita's divine leadership.
If you should have further questions, you merely need to ask. Most in this brotherhood of warriors will be willing to provide answers and further information in order to spread the Dragon's glory and appeal to potential new recruits.
Edited by Kyone Akashi, 07 July 2013 - 07:45 AM.
Posted 06 July 2013 - 05:49 PM

Posted 07 July 2013 - 09:40 AM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 09:51 AM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 01:34 PM
Posted 07 July 2013 - 08:20 PM
Scrapjunkie, on 07 July 2013 - 09:51 AM, said:
As FullMetalJackass said, any Mech is fine, no unit I know of in HK takes Role-Playing to the extreme of forcing members to only use Kuritan produced Mechs. The Combine does have Mechs that are iconic to it (Jenner, Dragon, Catapult K2), but this is a game in which you can make any Mech worthy of House Kurita.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 10:51 AM

The only problem might be the prominent paintjob, which certainly looks very "merc'ish" and does not fit in well with DCMS military units, but as Ikka-san said most formations probably do not care about such details (though personally I appreciate uniform appearances).
Posted 08 July 2013 - 03:14 PM
Posted 08 July 2013 - 03:23 PM

This website has most official color schemes from the various canon regiments in Battletech, sometimes even complete with pictures of example miniatures. I am fairly certain that there were DCMS regiments that used orange as well, although no names spring to mind right now. My current 'Mech, the JR7-K Jenner "Azumi", is clad almost entirely in white, with violet accents. For the Centurion I piloted the past two months I used white with red instead. But really, almost anything goes, and some regiments (notably the ones on the Davion front) even use "true" camouflage, though such a breach of tradition seems to be looked down upon by MechWarriors from other units.
Also, I actually made a mistake earlier - at first I assumed Pretty Baby was the pink 'Mech, but that was actually Heavy Metal. Apologies!

Edited by Kyone Akashi, 08 July 2013 - 03:28 PM.
Posted 08 July 2013 - 03:25 PM
Not strickly Red BLack, I pilot my units LightGray(simulating white) - Yellow (simulating gold) - lightGray
the Parade colors for the Dieron Military District.
you should choose your own "poison" Grin
Posted 08 July 2013 - 03:40 PM
Posted 08 July 2013 - 03:45 PM
Posted 08 July 2013 - 04:30 PM
Kyone Akashi, on 06 July 2013 - 10:04 AM, said:
Stretch out your hand to a snake and all you'll get is bit. FRR for life! Live and die for the Kungsarmé!!
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