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What is ADHD?
ADHD is a Library for writing macros - programs that will map one button to another, perform a certain sequence of clicks, or whatever other functions you desire.
ADHD is written using AutoHotkey (AHK). AHK makes writing macros really easy, for example, to solve that annoying issue in MWO with not being able to bind zoom to mouse wheel, using AHK this can be solved by pasting the following three lines of code into a text file and double clicking it:
Wheelup:: Send {z} return
Simple and powerful.
OK, so you start writing macros to solve problems with the game, but a script that works with your controls on one of your mechs, might need editing to work with another of your mechs or your friend's control setup.
Can you really be bothered?
ADHD is the answer.
With ADHD you simply start with a template, here is the default one.
Don't be scared - 99% of the file is documentation - all the lines startiing with a ; are comments intended to help you.
It is long to show you all the possible things you can do. If you are not interested in a feature, simply do not configure it.
All ADHD macros create a window to configure the macro - ADHD has a number of tabs to configure it's base functionality, but you get your own tab to put your own GUI items on so that your macro can be condigured. If, for example, you were writing a rapid fire macro, you might add a box to set the fire rate.
For example, here is the template running:

The basic template is just a simple example. It adds a box "String to send", and whatever the user types in the box is sent when the macro is activated.
As mentioned before - all the other tabs are automatically created by ADHD and are present in all ADHD macros - here is a quick rundown of the features:
Bindings tab - allow the user to set which keyboard or mouse button triggers the macro functionality:

Profiles tab: Saves / Loads the contents of the Bindings and Main tabs to / from Profiles:

With a little creativity, you can cram quite a lot of features into one macro. Here is my fire control macro:

Edited by evilC, 06 July 2013 - 10:52 AM.