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How The Frak Do You Play A Phract?

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#21 Autobot9000


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 02:13 PM

I disagree about the anti XL engine advice here. I run a CTF-3D with 2x UAC5, 4xML, enough ammo, DHS and a single jumpjet with a 325XL engine and it is a fantastic mech. The speedboost you get makes it possible to circle assaults to death. Ive soloed D-DCs not just once in this mech and driven it up way in the 800s and 900s of dmg per match.

As advice to your above builds:
They look right. I just think the 3D build needs ER large lasers, because your 3D build sucks tremendously in DPS, you won't survive at closer ranges.

#22 Elyam


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 02:31 PM

I've recently used the heck out of a 4X with 2xAC/2 + 2xAC/5 and I consistently am top damage and assists in matches, though not usually top kills. It's superb at suppression fire (people tend to step back from all the dakka). The Jager is preferred for this role since the 'Phract arms are so darned low and the top speed is so poor, but this gets the job done.

I prefer my old 2X over most other mechs. 320XL giving 80kph, 2 SRM6-A, 1 heavy beam, 2 medium beam, 1 AC of any flavor. Very versatile. The SRMs have terrific accuracy since they shoot in 3 waves from the 4 hand tubes, likely the most accurate missiles in MWO. Devastating back when each missile did 2.5 dmg instead of 1.5.

#23 Raso


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:51 PM

Get your ammo out of your torso. Even on the 4X place your ammo elsewhere before you go for the torso.


The 4X is, in my humble opinion, the only mech that really benefits from C.A.S.E. as most other mechs lack the hardpoints or tonnage to be truly ammo dependent.

That aside, this was my personal favorite 4X build.


The AC10s are your primary weapons. They have a really nice range and pack a decent punch so use them to your advantage. The SRMs and medium lasers are your back up for when things get a little bit too close for comfort. Make no mistake, this is not a brawler it is a mid range direct fire support unit. It can brawl pretty well but it excels at making hits at range. Note that the Jager can pull off the dual AC10s slightly better because of it's higher mounted weapons but the Cata has slightly more utility at it's disposal.

#24 Charlie Brumfield


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 04:57 PM

buy and illya and stuff it full of uac5's with twin mlas for back up. SO MUCH WIN. my favorite phrac by far

#25 FireSlade


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 05:53 PM

View PostOrdate, on 06 July 2013 - 11:29 PM, said:

I'm serious. This is the first set of mechs that I have tried where I just get rolled constantly.
These are my 3 builds:

My KDR is less then one in these. My WLR are less then 1 in these. As opposed to my quickderps which have much greater then 1 ratios. I am doing something fundamentally wrong. But can't figure out what it is. Does anyone have any advice beyond the basics? And just a note, not thrilled with advice slap on 2 ppcs and a gauss.

Just a not, the 4x don't remember exactly where I stuck the ammo but it isnt all sitting in cts.

The Cataphract is a great mech but it has a bit of a learning curve. My philosophy is speed with my mechs (Clanner philosophy) so I tend to want to balance speed and fire power. My favorite mech (possibly until I buy the 3D) is the Ilya Muromets and I run twin LBXs and a LL for the majority of damage and twin SPLs for some extra up close DPS. I try to keep my mechs at around 80kph to make me more maneuverable and have the speed to get places when need be (this one is 76.4). http://mwo.smurfy-ne...88240a1523ac340 I know that I will get hate mail for this but with an XL engine always run ammo in your torso and head. The reason for this is if you have no armor in these areas, well you have more to worry about than a 10% chance of your ammo cooking off; the other reason being that if you get legged there is a chance that the ammo will cook off and kill you but if it is in your torso you can survive the lack of mobility (with a heavy/assault mech at least). The LBX is just plain fun and a bit of a troll weapon since no one takes you seriously (basically an LBX20 :( ) and the LL lets you poke them at range.

K first up on your list the 2X the first thing is that 2 SRM 6s are a tad useless based on that there is only 4 tubes so it takes 3 groups to unload all 12 missiles meaning that you will miss a lot in the fighting especially since you should be twisting and weaving to spread damage and stay fighting longer. Best bet is to use 2 SSRM2s (best since its a guaranteed 6 damage) or a single SRM4. Lastly it is a bad idea to mix torso and arms so drop the ML in the arm and put a LL in instead separate the weapon groups; this will make aiming easier and less friendly fire incidents, unless you have you arms locked to the torso which then it does not matter but that will make aiming slower. Here is the redesign: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...559d995e63b3902

Next up the 3D. I am going to bite my tongue about the 2 missing JJs but to each their own (I like the added maneuverability while brawling and getting places that others cannot. The first thing to do is take the Gauss out of your torso since that is a death trap. As soon as your armor is gone because of the amount of crit slots that it uses it will always take damage and with 3 hp and a 90% chance to explode for 20 damage means that you are dead. In the arm other things will soak up the damage allowing you to survive longer. By replacing the MPLs (their range really sucks in this meta + 2 points of damage is not worth the extra heat and weight) with MLs you can move up to a bigger faster engine (speed = survival). Here is the changes that I would make (P.S. Gauss ammo will not explode) http://mwo.smurfy-ne...0fcf48f4def3d82

Last up the black sheep of the family the 4X. I do not have too much experience with this beast but I have seen it do amazing things (decided to buy the Ilya Muromets for the C-Bill bonus and better design). This thing is an heavy mech with the assault mentality but it does not have the armor to back it up. The problem with your design is that the AC2 and AC5 run hot and you will notice that you have a very low heat efficiency of 25%. The reason to run this setup is for the DPS but what point is there to DPS if you have to hold back or spend the time overheated. My solution and that I ran it on my Ilya is the Twin Gauss :( . Other than moving so points of armor around (so you have more protection up front where you will take 90% of your damage) that is about it. The redesigned black sheep http://mwo.smurfy-ne...a8d174eee0f1a18

This and maybe some redesigns to fit your play-style plus lots of practice with the CTF should greatly improve your survival/fun. You will want to find the assaults on your team and become their satellites dealing damage and letting them soak it up for you. Torso twisting to spread damage is a must to survive longer (roughly 154 points of armor up front and 54 in the back instead of 70 and 18). Last but not least stay mobile, if you stop you become a big target where movement makes you harder to hit (varying speed helps). Well I hope that this helps you out and if you want anymore pointer to the CTF feel free to PM me. Good hunting out there.

Edited by FireSlade, 10 July 2013 - 08:16 AM.

#26 Ordate


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 10:02 AM

I ended up cheesing it up and going with the current meta for the 3d. I feel dirty playing it but at least I'm slamming out xp now. Phracts might still end up sitting in my mechbay for a while after I module them all out. The 4x, I ended up going with the quad ac5 build. Works surprisingly well. It is a little twitchy because of the xl though. But it is workable. As for the 2x, biggest thing was getting the basics unlocked. It is still very team dependent as I pretty much have to hide until all the sniping and lrm tossing is done and people begin to close. I just have to hope most my team isnt wiped out. As for the srm6, I don't find the time of launching 2 salvos from the arm that big of a speed problem. I have to stay on target with the lasers longer. (And I think it is 2x4 tubes, as it does not launch 3 salvos)

#27 Gevurah


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 10:32 AM

Pretty much every variant can run a 2xPPC and Gauss combo. Not much more is required intellect-wise in the current meta.

#28 Liquid Leopard


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 11:22 AM

I currently have a 1X, configured like so:
I like having the high-mounted ER-PPCs for sniping. I don't have to totally hide during a snipe-fest, and I can contribute to my team even at Alpine Peaks. When I get the heat warning, I can just fire the cannon and let the mech cool off. I have the PPCs on Group 1 (left click) and the cannon on Group 2 (right click) so I can fire them simultaneously when a good target presents itself. (Medium lasers are Group 3, group fire, activated by pressing the mouse wheel because I'm out of mouse buttons.)

I might have a CTF-3D soon, and will probably try this configuration:
I predict it'll run hot, and I can't figure out how to get any more heat sinks on it unless I downsize some weapons or lose the jump jets. If it's hot, it'll be hot until I unlock the Elite efficiencies on all my Cataphracts...and maybe even then.

I think I'll also try the "Gauss + PPC" version, like this:

I have my Ilya loaded like this:

#29 Just wanna play


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 11:26 AM

i just want to say cataphracts are epic brawlers, imo thats their main role, very good wing man for aggressive brawling atlases, also i highly recommend putting the longer range weapons in the side torsos because they can fire over obstacles more easily while brawling weapons are on the arms to help in tigh spaces, perfect example of this is my 1x build

i cant remember others off the top of my head but i know my 4x was something like this:

hmm i think 1x was something like.....
can remove 2 heat sinks then equip endo steel then put in 290 engine then put heat sink in engine if you want, loss 1 heat sink but gain decent amount of speed
i remember my 2x had 2 large lase in torsos 1 uac/5 i torso 2 srm4s in arm and a medium pulses on other arm but dont remember exact set-up

ps:my favorite engine for phracts was 255 just so ya know, perfect balance of speed weight tonnage and still offered 10 internal heat sinks (ALL of my phracts used it)

think of it this way, put biggest weapons on arms if brawling while if sniping/fighting at mid range put biggest weapons in torsos

Edited by Just wanna play, 10 July 2013 - 11:27 AM.



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Posted 10 July 2013 - 11:27 AM

4x Improved: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...2831447d548d1d0 - Swapped ac5s for ac2s and added a much larger engine so you hit decent speeds.
2x Improved: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...47988d93b2e10dd - Just moved ammo to stop explosions.
3d Fixed: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...5e5344102d85963 - Current meta mech.

#31 LoveLost85


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 11:31 AM

View PostOrdate, on 06 July 2013 - 11:29 PM, said:

I'm serious. This is the first set of mechs that I have tried where I just get rolled constantly.
These are my 3 builds:

My KDR is less then one in these. My WLR are less then 1 in these. As opposed to my quickderps which have much greater then 1 ratios. I am doing something fundamentally wrong. But can't figure out what it is. Does anyone have any advice beyond the basics? And just a note, not thrilled with advice slap on 2 ppcs and a gauss.

Just a not, the 4x don't remember exactly where I stuck the ammo but it isnt all sitting in cts.

I mean no offense when I say this, but I didn't even look at your builds. and just my opinion as some one who has all 5 CTFs mastered and exclusively use them aside from the occasional drop in a raven, I can tell you this; if your looking to put PPCs and Gauss on one, then you really just need to get a highlander or victor. also, I would not put anything smaller engine wise than a 300. Standard mind you unless rocking an Ilya. try an X1 with 5 ML and an AC10, or a 3D with an AC20 and 2 LL, put as big an engine that you can muster in them, get your 2X Basics. the CTF is not a rush in off the bat mech, its a rush in on lone snipers/LRM boats or rush in to brawl 1 or 2 mechs that are slower than you mech and at 80kph - 88kph youll be surprised how many mechs you can out brawl

#32 Just wanna play


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 11:33 AM

perhaps you could try something like this for your 3D

#33 slayerkdm


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 02:48 PM

I have run them all, but only kept the Ilya and 3D.

The 3D I have had best luck with 4LLAS. Decent range, good punch, reasonable heat. I run an XL. Honestly with the current game and emphasis on high alpha strikes, everyone aims center mass. I barely ever die to side torso destruction. Often what you give up to use standard engines far outweighs the danger of XL's. The only thing people rememeber is that their side torso blew, they dont realize often times, the better heat management, faster speed or better fire power actually increased their survival over all. In a HBK, ya, its tough as you have a huge hit me sign on the hunch, but on balanced looking Phracts, its not really a big deal.

The 2 or 3 PPC setup ran ok for me, but its a heat hassle except for a sniper rig. Large pulse lasers are better than most think, and might be worth a try, though they limit your range.

My Ilya and 3D are my easiest mechs to play, though I dont play much in the way of top of the line mechs. I run HBK G, Dragons and Awesomes. I did run Jager AC40's for a while, but I dont much care for the looks or the play of them.

#34 Flak Kannon


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 03:00 PM

Hi, I also started with the 4x Phract and sucked big time.

They are great mechs once you learn what they do best, and that's ballistic warfare.

They are not best served being the tip of the spear in an attack. They are mechs that focus fire.

Make sure tactics are such that you are firing on what the Assault is firing on, and ake sure to keep moving.

Ballistics are best served as a suppression weapon, keep their heads down when you fire those ac2 or ac5/Uac5. Getting into ac10 and ac20 talk, you flank and smack. Steer clear of one one fights until you have 500+ drops.

#35 Fitzbattleaxe


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Posted 10 July 2013 - 09:56 PM

The 2X is a weird cataphract in that it can carry every weapon type, but it can't really boat any of them. I say, embrace the weirdness: CTF-2X

Is it the best build in the world? No. But once you get used to it, it's actually kind of fun to play.

#36 Just wanna play


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 03:11 PM

probably could try something likes this

probably has that many heat sinks judging by the stupid amount of times he can fire those things non stop on caustic

but keep in mind the meta is artificial created ;) [REDACTED]

Edited by Prosperity Park, 12 July 2013 - 05:02 PM.
removed off-topic discussion of Moderation

#37 Jyi


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:01 PM

Well, since the topic went all wonky, I'll just provide my 2 suggestions for Phract 2X:

First, my favorite, the ambusher-skirmisher. It goes 86,6 with speed tweak, has plenty of armor and packs a good punch in close range weaponry. LBX10, 3 MPL and 2 SRM4. It has good heat efficiency and fast-firing weapons, so it can either move in and out for hit-and-run or stay and support another brawler. It's only weakness is the XL engine, so it can't brawl very well. Yet, in capable hands, it can defeat pure brawlers if they don't have the most heavy-hitting close range weaponry.

Second, my improvements on your AC20-CTF-2X, which is otherwise good, but has SRM6 instead of SRM4. SRM6 isn't good in this case, as the arms only have 4 missile tubes. You want to be able to shoot your missiles in one salvo, so you can go back to hiding. This mech could also use MPL instead of ML, but not with STD engine. In this case it suffices to simply use the ML, as the difference in duration isn't THAT big: http://mwo.smurfy-ne...247338402cf6194

edit: oh yea, and don't put ammo in CT.

The CTF-4X is good with 2 AC10's, 2 ML and 1 SRM4. Put in the biggest engine you can and make sure you have lots of ammo. You need to stay conservative with this mech, stay back and hurt them with the AC10's, so if they happen to get close, you can finish them off with a full alpha.

Edited by Jyi, 12 July 2013 - 04:08 PM.

#38 Felicitatem Parco

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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:43 PM

Let's please leave this thread reserved for Discussing Cataphract loadouts and playstyles, and not for discussing individual Users. Thanks for understanding :D

#39 Just wanna play


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:56 PM

lol little late to say that... anyway back to phracts, i believe i forgot to mention how i used my phracts, i actually played them as a bit of an assault mech (partially because i couldn't actually afford an assault mech at the time) and assault support, i often stayed with an assault mech and helped him through out the match because i had nearly as much firepower as him but i traded firepower for maneuverability and so i was better at getting lights doing minor scouting (aka looking around and peeking out of cover) and other things fatlases just can't do (i believe i also on certain builds had a bit more range then he did so i could help soften targets while we approached) while he was the one that drew enemy fire, phracts are also able to bully any other mech in the game around that isnt an assault mech (at least mine could) and so i would often deal with less important targets then get back to helping him, one guy i know says a phract and an atlas make the ultimate tag team, i think i influenced him a bit because i was often his wing man :D

#40 Lord Psycho


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:01 PM

Whatever happens if you use the 1x like a laser boat or the like..it kind of trains ya if you ever go and get a Awesome..it is a smaller barn side afteralls.

I suggest speed and high power for any of the phracts..The 4X is direct fire support stick with your assualt mechs and burn anyone that has high DPS and Alpha first before they realize you are also there.

I've personally been using the 2x on and off and it's really the wierdest one of the set. I use a 340XL with high alpha. I've been using SRMs on mine but in short..it's kind of a bad way to go about it..I like that SRMs are in the arms and let's me lead them for hitting light's legs.Your torso weapons should hit and hit as hard as you can without shutting you down... shut down in a 2x means death.

The 3D is suppsoed to be the most manueverable of the set...high DPS and good use of your jumpjets should let you dance your way to victory.

The Ilya is suppsoed to be tri wielding ballistic weapons...give a trio of anythign a try..mind you most people will focus you to death.

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