BladeSplint, on 11 July 2013 - 09:52 AM, said:
Not true. We were down three mechs and came back to win the game.
Another game, we were up 4 mechs, and they managed to take our Geraniums.
Teamwork plus base defense are even more important in 12 v 12.
Some other observations, just from my limited PoV:
There are now three lances, but Alpha and Charlie lances are the same color on the mini-map and on the satellite grid, making it difficult to distinguish between them for command purposes. This may seem superfluous to those who cannot, will not, or refuse to use the in-game commands, but for those of us who do, it makes a big difference. Please make Charlie lance purple or some other color.
Small maps need to be expanded in size. Large maps are lots more fun.
Also, I was not entirely surprised to see the same old "tactics": moving to the generally accepted "battle zone" and duking it out there. While 12v12 opens up more strategic possibilities, apparently no one thinks of using them. Same ol' same ol' in that regard, at least until "commanders" (and I use that term loosely) think beyond Team DeathMatch and start considering more complex strategies.
Finally, in one match, I noticed that between the two teams, there were 11 Steiners scattered amongst the nine lances. That would have been a great opportunity to show off some Match Making programming skills, by clustering the Steiners on one team, all together, as it should be in an Inner Sphere match. Shame on PGI for not figuring this out yet.
All in all: same ol' stuff, just with more mechs on the map. Color me unimpressed.