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Victor Earlybird Special

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#181 Appogee


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:46 AM

View PostViper69, on 09 July 2013 - 10:40 AM, said:

haha I am a minnow over there my friend. You really need to get out more and go over there and see that people are dropping 10k plus on the game. Me having two smaller ships is nothing. Now physically I am quite a whale but that is besides the point :P.

You have already paid more than the price of two box retail games, for a game that's not even in Alpha yet. And you are contemplating paying $120 more for the Freelancer.

You my friend are the definition of a whale.

Now, those guys spending in the thousands of dollars...? They are Kracken. Or maybe crackheads.

#182 Praehotec8


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:46 AM

View PostAppogee, on 09 July 2013 - 10:33 AM, said:

Gotta say, that thought had crossed my mind, too.

Taking cash for new products (Project Phoenix) in advance of when those products can actually be delivered, while neglecting the core business (game balance) feels a lot like a desperate grab for cash to stay afloat. Mortgaging your future cash flow to pay for today's costs rarely turns out well.

Of course I hope this is just a coincidence and not what is really going on.

Sounds quite a bit like the entire Kickstarter movement (as most projects offer you a copy of the product at release), which is why I don't generally contribute much to kickstarters. That being said, I do see your point, but I don't necessarily share your gloom. The current sales are also quite good business practice in terms of marketing and convenience for the purchasers.

No one can predict for sure what will happen at the end of the day. All you can do is play the game as is if you enjoy it, purchase what you wish within your bounds of prudence, and see how it unfolds. If you feel the game is going to fold, don't invest in purchases that may not be delivered (phoenix, etc.). Products you purchase to use now can be enjoyed, and if the game goes down...at least you got to enjoy what you paid for.

#183 PropagandaWar


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:46 AM

View PostPhoenixFire55, on 09 July 2013 - 10:14 AM, said:

A product that is broken and keeps adding new content instead of fixing bugs that are here for a year? Hmmm ... I think I'll still blame it.

no your complaining about a stupid sale. Not about it being broken. I blame the broken game thats only kinda broken for being broken as broken can sometimes get. Also nobody's twisting your arm but yourself. Back to AA for you.

Edited by PropagandaWar, 09 July 2013 - 10:47 AM.

#184 Bilbo


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:48 AM

View PostT0RC4ED, on 09 July 2013 - 10:41 AM, said:

To be honest Bilbo, I understand very well that the different parts of the team work on individual pieces. Im saying that they may need to reffocus their resources to get stuff fixed and come through on things they have announced as opposed to doing these cash grabs.

And what I'm saying is, the people working on these things would be sorely misplaced if they were repurposed to work on the things you are after.

Edited by Bilbo, 09 July 2013 - 10:49 AM.

#185 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:48 AM

View PostPropagandaWar, on 09 July 2013 - 10:46 AM, said:

no your complaining about a stupid sale. Not about it being broken. I blame the broken game thats only kinda broken for being broken as broken can sometimes get. Also nobody's twisting your arm but yourself. Back to AA for you.

Its same thing. Instead of fixing the game they focus their efforts on farming money off people pushing new content.

#186 Koniving

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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:50 AM

View PostDLFReporter, on 09 July 2013 - 10:44 AM, said:

We're all just concerned that this is a sign for PGI going belly up with their company...

There was mention of court costs with the legal matters dealing with the reseen and finding out what's allowed and not.

They also doubled the staff working on the mechs to try and get ahead with the notion of churning out 2 mechs a month -- though only releasing one per month anyway for now. Apparently they're trying to really churn stuff out quickly and doing so means they're investing a lot of money into the game. You wouldn't do that if you're afraid of going under.

Something tells me it won't be too many more "Soon™s" that we'll hear before cloned fascists riding forest lupines come racing after us.

#187 Mason Grimm

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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:52 AM

I read this entire thread; all 10 pages of it; all I can do is shake my head and wonder what goes on in some of yours. Some names I see on here and I'm not surprised.

"Pay2Win... [read: I can't or won't afford the mechs but I want them now]". HOW? Explain your thoughts.

"Dividing the player base [read: I can't or won't afford the mechs but I want it now]" HOW? See above.

"Milking money out of players [read: I am going to complain about anything or I can't afford it]" HOW? See above above

Folks, listen up. You aren't being forced at gunpoint to spend the money. If you want it? Great get it! If you can't afford it then wait 7 days and save up some cbills during that time and get all of them at once. It isn't like the Victor is the be all to end all mechs that will obliterate every other mech out there just by looking at it. In fact the Victor is just as vulnerable as any other assault mech with barn door sized torso hitbox locations.

The mechs will be released in 7 days for cbills. You can't wait 7 days for something? Sheesh!

EDIT: Before some of you come back with "You are a whale and buy this and that etc. etc. etc." Let me put it into perspective; I only buy hero mechs when they are on sale at 30% off. That takes weeks or months sometiems. While many of you were running around in Heavy Metal I was sitting there grinding the C and P and storing them for when the HM went on sale. That took what? a couple of months? Got it this weekend. At no time did I say "ZOMG, Pay2Win". I found something that was cbill only and went and killed HM for giggles.

Edited by Mason Grimm, 09 July 2013 - 10:56 AM.

#188 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:53 AM

View PostPhoenixFire55, on 09 July 2013 - 10:37 AM, said:

Says a guy with 5600+ posts. Just lol.


Actually being constructive, because I like the game, even if I often don't like what they have done to it.

Not trolling a forum. Of course if you cannot comprehend the concept of "P2W" or "scam" I expect that difference, whilst monumental, will be beyond you also.

#189 Skadi


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:54 AM

PGI, if you actually want me to buy a mech during a early bird mech, make the mechs not have the loudout of smaller mechs and go slower than them :P

#190 T0RC4ED


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:55 AM

View PostBilbo, on 09 July 2013 - 10:48 AM, said:

And what I'm saying is, the people working on these things would be sorely misplaced if they were repurposed to work on the things you are after.

Its not my concern how PGI gets the game built or how they use their resources. It is on the other hand my concern that they are working in the wrong direction and i would suggest they un$%^# themselves before some of the other mech type games get up and running.

#191 JeremyCrow


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:55 AM

View PostMason Grimm, on 09 July 2013 - 10:52 AM, said:

I read this entire thread; all 10 pages of it; all I can do is shake my head and wonder what goes on in some of yours. Some names I see on here and I'm not surprised.

"Pay2Win... [read: I can't or won't afford the mechs but I want them now]". HOW? Explain your thoughts.

"Dividing the player base [read: I can't or won't afford the mechs but I want it now]" HOW? See above.

"Milking money out of players [read: I am going to complain about anything or I can't afford it]" HOW? See above above

Folks, listen up. You aren't being forced at gunpoint to spend the money. If you want it? Great get it! If you can't afford it then wait 7 days and save up some cbills during that time and get all of them at once. It isn't like the Victor is the be all to end all mechs that will obliterate every other mech out there just by looking at it. In fact the Victor is just as vulnerable as any other assault mech with barn door sized torso hitbox locations.

The mechs will be released in 7 days for cbills. You can't wait 7 days for something? Sheesh!

Actually, lots of people complained about sensible stuff like the utter lack of communication from PGI about what's up with this game and why no July CDU was not released without any explantion, but I don't see you commenting about that.

#192 Shiro Matsumoto


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:55 AM

View PostCubivorre, on 09 July 2013 - 09:59 AM, said:

But why wait? Pledge now!

For the protocol.. my MISC Freelancer is already waiting.

@Topic: i dunno, feels like a quick cashgrab.

I brought the Dragonslayer, but looking at those variants.... I definitely feel the variants are boring. 1 big ballistic arm, 1 big bnergy arm, and Missiles in the torso.. other Torso stays barren (only the Dragonslayer has 2 Energy Hardpoints there) some variants on the number of hardpoints, one with 2 more possible jets.. but nothing spectacular... compared to, say, the variants of a Trebuchet or Hunchback.

Edited by John McFianna, 09 July 2013 - 11:01 AM.

#193 Rhaythe


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:58 AM

View PostJohn McFianna, on 09 July 2013 - 10:55 AM, said:

@Topic: i dunno, feels like a quick cashgrab.

You nailed it. That's exactly what this is. PGI is attempting to make money off people that do not want to wait for a new mech variant to hit the c-bill market. For a free-to-play game, this is not a deadly sin. If the Victor *never* came out to the c-bill market, it could be perceived as a sin.

#194 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:59 AM

View PostVasces Diablo, on 09 July 2013 - 10:42 AM, said:

If someone buys something and receives what they believe is an equal or greater amount of value in return, than its not "a scam". People find value in different things, in this case, it's early access along with the convenience of not having to grind cbills. For other people, it's the hero mechs, or premium time, etc. it's in the best interest if PGI and their customer base as a whole to cover every possible market segment.

Just because this one isn't for you don't mean it's a scam. Personally, I would would never (and have never) purchase a brand new car, it's a terrible financial decision, but other see enough non monetary value in them to make that purchase. I don't agree with it, but it's not a "scam" (unless the sales person is outright lying about something).

As for your comment that "exploiting people weaknesses (stupidity or impatience) is a scam". You can apply that to anything. Any food purchase you make at the grocery store that is not buying the seeds yourself and growing crops is a scam. Buying a car so you don't have to wait for the bus is a scam. Getting a sensible fixed rate 30 year mortgage to buy a house you didn't build yourself from trees you harvested is a scam.

Congratulations, out entire economy is a scam. As its build on the idea that anything I don't know how to do (stupidly) I can pay someone else to, and I can save massive amounts of time in the process (impatience).

Yes, the game needs work yet, but that doesn't make this a "scam". Especially as its pretty accepted practice in F2P games.

depends on the car and projected use.

5 year old, low mile Subaru Forrester, 18k. No warranty, uncertain overall mechanical condition.
Brand new one, 23K, 7 yr, 100k warranty, 3 years of free maintenance, and no worries about unseen headaches or problems.
And an approximate depreciation of 5 grand over the next 5 years.

If reliability is tantamount to your profession or such, and you cannot afford to be broke down (which will eat the 5 grand difference surprisingly fast at times. Not to mention it's further depreciation over the next 5 years will be markedly more than 5 grand) then said purchase makes perfect sense.

Paying 45 k for a truck that cost 17 K to produce, now THAT is scandalous! (Or for any luxury or American built vehicle which will likely lose HALF or more it's MSRP in the first 5 years)

#195 Jess Hazen


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:59 AM

In my opinion this marketing move is fine because it will make them some money from those who would not normally pay MC. But I do think that they should have added a discount for MC purchase. Even if it was as little as 10%... the time you can buy it... one week "early bird special" is simply not worth paying MC for. It can be seen as a little slap in the face grab for your wallets move and thats the drawback it is simply not smart.

Personally if I'm to continue spending money on this game right now I NEED TO SEE CW DETAILS before this 30 day bonus premium time is no longer available for the project phoenix package or I will be taking my dollars to Star Citizen.

Edited by Jess Hazen, 09 July 2013 - 11:01 AM.

#196 BlackBeltJones


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:59 AM

View PostViper69, on 09 July 2013 - 10:33 AM, said:

Yes but I am pretty sure that is just the hangar stuff. Either way my Cutlass and Hornet are ready to go. Thinking of getting a freelancer.

Hangar Module late this August but the actual Alpha is the dog-fighting module and that is slated for this December and I would expect any delay of that to be well publicized (not that there will be any delay) as CIG is extremely open and transparent.

#197 MavRCK


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 10:59 AM

Good for PGI. Hero then MC then Cbills. Seems reasonable to me. I hope they continue this pattern of releasing mechs.

If they really want to sweeten the deal and entice customers.. offer the Hero and MC mechs with an Early Bird 10% Off 1 week only offer..


#198 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 11:00 AM

View PostSkadi, on 09 July 2013 - 10:54 AM, said:

PGI, if you actually want me to buy a mech during a early bird mech, make the mechs not have the loudout of smaller mechs and go slower than them :P

then don't pilot fast Assault dawg! Can't blame PGI for the Victor's design. Not all of us pilot aimbot Stalkers and Atlases! ;)

#199 PhoenixFire55


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 11:01 AM

View PostBishop Steiner, on 09 July 2013 - 10:53 AM, said:


Actually being constructive, because I like the game, even if I often don't like what they have done to it.

Not trolling a forum. Of course if you cannot comprehend the concept of "P2W" or "scam" I expect that difference, whilst monumental, will be beyond you also.

So you make 5 posts in this topic alone just to tell me how stupid I am. Now whos a troll really?

I just voiced my opinion. You can buy whatever you want but don't run crying when they take all your money and close shop this winter.

#200 Vasces Diablo


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Posted 09 July 2013 - 11:01 AM

View PostJohn McFianna, on 09 July 2013 - 10:55 AM, said:

@Topic: i dunno, feels like a quick cashgrab.

I brought the Dragonslayer, but looking at those variants.... I definitely feel the variants are boring. 1 big ballistic arm, 1 big Energy arm, and Missiles in the torso.. other Torso stays barren (only the Dragonslayer has 2 Energy Hardpoints there) some variants on the number of hardpoints, onr with 2 more possible jets.. but nothing spectacular... compaared to, say, the variants of a Trebuchet or Hunchback... i dont want to call it lazy...but meh.

That's always been my opinion of the Victor from start. For the most part the game sticks close to the cannon variants, so I always check out Sarna when the new mechs are announced and yeah... they are basically all the same. Find a build you like and go with I guess ( see: jäger AC40 regardless of variant).

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