Banky, on 12 July 2013 - 06:34 AM, said:
LOL... You think 42 pts of firepower is "low"? Guess its time to check the AC40 Jäger and quad PPC stalker into the "unviable" list. I guess I should retire my 732 as well! Brawling is more about how much concentrated firepower you have and your heat efficiency than anything else. Your overall alpha damage is just one part of the equation. As for jets? One is all you'll ever need in an assault mech. If you feel compelled to throw away tonnage just to get a little more "air" - feel free. I've tested the differences extensively - and to me it's not worth packing more than one unless you're A) in a fast mech or
have the tonnage and can't fit anything else in.
It isn't about the Alpha, it is about delivering that firepower which is why a Gauss-a-pult with only a 30 point Alpha can be pretty nasty to deal with.
You have an AC/20 with only 28 rounds of ammo. Great it does 20 damage by itself but I know on my Gauss builds, I regually use 35-38 rounds of ammo a match and that was before 12 vs 12 was on the horizon.
This is backed up by two SRM4 which with the spread patterns end up being unreliable for damage.
Then you only have 2 medium lasers backing all that up.
Honestly this is roughly the firepower a Centurion can dish out and while not a useless amount, it is alot less than your build could easily carry if you got rid of the Standard and Dropped in an XL.
Also on the subject of JJs. You obviously don't use JJs alot so don't understand them, the mechanics behind it or how to really take advantage of them. The key factor behind JJs is unfortunately running speed. For example, Drop 4-5 JJs on a Heavy Metal and run the stock engine at 48 kph and your not really getting very far. Drop in the top engine, get the speed up to 67 kph and the "Air" you get is night and day different. 1 JJ brings it back to "blah, not very useful aside for crossing small bumps in the terrain."
Now take that to a Victor which even with a modest upgrade can do 78 kph and 86 kph with the largest 385XL, add in 4 JJs and your now able to clear an Atlas by a mechs length and cover a large amount of distance. Completely night and day difference and with the current movement changes, vastly superior in mobility to ground bound mechs. This is what makes the Victor a good mech compared to others.
However, I can see I am not going to convince you so it is what it is.