"It is great we promise! Stern opponents love the idea! Really you guys will love this game breaking promise we made to our fans during our most vulnerable period. Please grab deal and support us. You know there will not be another MW game for years
A crock of tender boiling ****. They lied. PGI lied. 100% straight out spitting in our eye after rifling through our wallets. Yet they have the ******* STONES to say, "ITS OK! REALLY ALL THOSE PEOPLE WHO HATE I REALLY LOVE IT! OUR
It is ********. The game and company should sink for it. However I'm a realistic man and recognize most of you are so infatuated with BT you'll throw money at them even when they are double backing on promises and lying to your face.
It is a terrible deal. Seriously ******* horrible. The value for dollar is less then HALF the Founders. Plus no option to select your mech? Or MC? They learned with Founders. So they are purposely restricting options and benefits to squeeze you for more cash. It is despicable to ring blood from stone from their own fans but I guess that is just how PGI rolls.
If you fund it goody for you. It is still a massive screw off deal and a disgrace to their fans who make the very concept of MWO possible.
12 Vs 12
Just got done with the testing. I am not impressed. It is just a further example of how Alpha strikers dominate. Most matches are 12 dead and 2-3 dead on the winner side. Once you get the firing line made and PPC aligned, mechs turn to vapor. A problem they've known about for months and still have not made significant progress stopping. PCC striking and poptarting. Yet ANOTHER thing they swore was not going to come back when begging for Founder's money. The death ball is even more impossible to break now. Lights cease to exist unless you're going for cap cheese. Since at least 2-3 of them are rocking seismic and LOL FLANKING is impossible.
All in all I am deeply disappointed. The core game is amazing. I love the idea and want MWO to do well but PGI seems absolutely hellbent on driving in into the ground with violent efficiency.
Edited by Huge, 11 July 2013 - 11:27 AM.