Each mech has its AlphaLimit, if the mechs limit is passed heat penalty is added.
Each weapon has a value to add when fired to the mechs AlphaLimit
Say a mech with 15 AlphaLimit
Fire a ppc (5 alpha) + AC20 (10 alpha) = 15 gets the heat penaltie.
Fire 2 ppc (5 alpha) + 1ML (2 alpha) = 12 no heat penaltie.
Fire 2 erppc (6 alpha) + 1ML (2 alpha) = 14 no heat penaltie.
Fire 2 erppc (6 alpha) + 2ML (2 alpha) = 16 gets heat penaltie.
and so on....
Each mech becomes alpha-independent of weapons.This would mean that the weapons fired in alpha would be independent of there types and combinations. This is a much simpler an effective way to deal with the heat penaltie.
We can even elaborate further by adding a simple equation
HeatPenaltie = (MechAlphaLimit - TotalWeaponsAlphaValues) x (HeatValueToAdd)
So if your mech as a ALphaLimit of 15 and your weapons fired in an alpha is 30 (6ppc stalker) it would mean you had an excess of 15 over your mechs limit, so you would get 15xHeatPenaltie - a certain ammount of heat added to your heat scale.
Yes its a crude formula but i think you get the idea. this was not my original idea, but its VERY good.
EDIT - SIMPLIFICATION::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
This can be even better. The ALphaLimit is dependent on mechs HEAT EFFICIENCY and the HEAT of each weapon.
A HBK-4P ( the laser boat by nature) with a DefaultAlphaValue = 18 and a DefaultHeatPenaltie = 3Heat
HBK-4P with Heat Efficiency of 1.25 mean your AlphaLimit would be 1.35x18 =24
6ML (4 heat) = 24 no heat penaltie.
9ML (4 heat) = 36 yes heat penaltie, 36-24=12xDefaultHeatPenaltie
HBK-4P with Heat Efficiency of 1.5 mean your AlphaLimit would be 1.5x18 =27
A HGN-HM ( not a boat ) with a DefaultAlphaValue = 14 , DefaultHeatPenaltie = 2Heat
with Heat Efficiency of 1.25 mean your AlphaLimit would be 1.25x14=18 rounded up
Fire Gaus (1heat ) = 1 no heat penaltie.
Fire 1 erppc (11 heat)+ 1 Gaus (1heat ) = 12 no heat penaltie.
Fire 2 erppc (11 heat) = 22 yes heat penaltie, (22-18)=4xDefaultHeatPenaltie
with Heat Efficiency of 1.5 mean your AlphaLimit would be 1.55x14 = 22 rounded up
Fire 2 erppc (11 heat) = 22 no heat penaltie.
Fire 2 erppc (11 heat) + Gaus (1heat )= 23 yes heat penaltie, 1xDefaultHeatPenaltie
So for the devs this is even simpler.
So the more heat efficient is your mech the more you can alpha your weapons. You would be forced to trada weapons for heatsinks, to think about your build, running hot or cold would be very important.
EDIT - REASONING::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
This makes sense even from a cannon perspective.
The engine is the power plant of the mech. If you overtax it, by demanding a lot of power to fire several weapons at the same time (alpha strike), that means that the heat buildup would be higher, since the power output would go to the roof.
However, if you stagger/chainfire your weapon, the power needed, each time you fire is less, hence less heat buildup.
Edited by arkani, 12 July 2013 - 06:25 AM.