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King Crab

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#1 blacklp


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:32 PM

Keep it on topic please. This thread is about the King Crab.

We are not going to talk about the Devastator, Annihilator, Mauler, Thunderhawk, or any canon-time appropriate ballistic assaults.

I truly believe that this mech should be in game. I understand the basic issues of OP AC40 OMGWTFBBQ.

That being said, it would be a realistic area denial mech, not a 4-6 PPC one shot sniper.(which if heat penalties get all sussed out won't be so much of an issue soon). It can be beaten down from range with ease. Its huge, slow, and in the game would have its arm movement restricted to one axis or the other.

Also, we will need something to counter Clan Assaults. Dire Wolf with UAC40. We all worry about AC40 Jagers now, imagine when those things come out?
Added bonus, could add another medium with the Crab, and sell them for MC early as some sort of seafood deluxe mech package. PGI I know you like them dolla bills.

Plus we all know FD sketched them, so why not take it all the way.

Edited by blacklp, 11 July 2013 - 07:34 PM.

#2 blacklp


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:41 PM

And another thing. The gauss variant could have full arm movement, while the AC20 variants remain restricted.

#3 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 07:42 PM

I don't really see a reason not to add it and it is one of the more popluar on the want list. Additionally it would be a very unique model which we are kind of lacking at the moment.

Also who cares about the AC/40 build, we have had dual AC/20s/Gauss builds since Closed beta using Catapults.

I vote yes.

#4 Arkmaus


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 08:38 PM

If it looks different than a metal person than please add it. We need some variety.

#5 Kiiyor


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 08:42 PM

+Eleventy Billion, because WE NEED MORE DAKKA.

If this is what Alex can come up with as a rough sketch, imagine what he could do if he unleashed the full fury of his creative awesomeness on it.

Posted Image

#6 Tennex


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 08:42 PM

#7 verybad


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 08:44 PM

Not enough variants for a mech available at this time. Even later, the variants are essentially the same. absolute *meh* in my book. I do like the look.

Edited by verybad, 11 July 2013 - 08:53 PM.

#8 Yiazmat


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 09:25 PM

1: PGI has already hinted at laxing off the timeline.
2: Variants? lol, one word for ya there: Quickdraw.
3: I would die to get under a stalker and just gnaw his legs off in this mech.
4: Most important. I, and many others would drop MC on this mech. Remember, It's a hundred tons
Hey PGI? Want some cash? What's 75 x 100? 7500 MC for a hero King Crab. 45$

#9 TheMadTypist


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 09:39 PM

They said they couldn't include the King Crab because it uses the Critical Slot splitting rules for the AC20 to mount them in arms with more actuators than would usually allow it.

However, looking at the introductory rulebook-

CBT Introductory Rulebook said:

The location chosen for a weapon will govern its firing arc.
Weapons split between two locations have the firing arc of the
most restrictive location. For example, an AC/20 split between
the right arm and the right torso would fire as a right torso
weapon into the forward firing arc only.

and that sounds a LOT like how the 'mechs we already have that can mount AC20 in the arms behave. I wouldn't mind if they just took out several actuators from the arms and gave us a non-canon arrangement of cannons if the result was a playable King Crab.

#10 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 11 July 2013 - 10:04 PM

I fully support this Idea.

The mech will have a hit box that makes the Awesome look tiny by comparison, so it'll make an nice lunch for my Victors.

#11 Ivanzypher


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 02:28 AM

The main reason I want the King Crab(other than dual AC/20 goodness) is so I can shout CRAB BATTLE!!! every time I engage in combat with the thing.

#12 CDLord HHGD


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:26 AM

PGI has said before that they retain creative license over variants in case they needed to fill out a mech. So to say there are not enough variants, while true on Sarna.net, doesn't mean the Mech is DOA for us. Let's speculate on what we'd like to see though...

KGC-000 -- This is the original variant so should be included. Ballistics both arms, Missile in LT, Energy in RT.
KGC-??? -- Flip the above, put Ballistic in RT and Energy in both arms.
KGC-??? -- Mix and match, Energy in one arm, Ballistic in the other, and Missiles in both R/L Torsos.
KGC-??? -- All Energy variant.
KGC-??? -- All Ballistic variant.

More ideas please. :)

EDIT: Another idea.

Edited by cdlord, 12 July 2013 - 04:48 AM.

#13 DarkDevilDancer


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:32 AM

I'd buy a kingcrab for sure.

#14 Belorion


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 04:44 AM

View Postverybad, on 11 July 2013 - 08:44 PM, said:

Not enough variants for a mech available at this time. Even later, the variants are essentially the same. absolute *meh* in my book. I do like the look.

KGC-000, KGC-000b, KGC-010, KGC-0000

View PostYiazmat, on 11 July 2013 - 09:25 PM, said:

1: PGI has already hinted at laxing off the timeline.
2: Variants? lol, one word for ya there: Quickdraw.
3: I would die to get under a stalker and just gnaw his legs off in this mech.
4: Most important. I, and many others would drop MC on this mech. Remember, It's a hundred tons
Hey PGI? Want some cash? What's 75 x 100? 7500 MC for a hero King Crab. 45$

Similar variant have never been a deterrent. They simply add differentiation with extra hard points. All the Quickdraw variants are legit.

ETA: That isn't really what they meant by the time line mattering as much. It was specifically talking about when the clans invade.

View PostTheMadTypist, on 11 July 2013 - 09:39 PM, said:

They said they couldn't include the King Crab because it uses the Critical Slot splitting rules for the AC20 to mount them in arms with more actuators than would usually allow it.

However, looking at the introductory rulebook-

and that sounds a LOT like how the 'mechs we already have that can mount AC20 in the arms behave. I wouldn't mind if they just took out several actuators from the arms and gave us a non-canon arrangement of cannons if the result was a playable King Crab.

They haven't said that. Forum users have stated that they can't add it unless they split the AC-20. They stated they are not going to split the AC-20. That doesn't mean they won't do something else. Just look at the Highlander.

Edited by Belorion, 12 July 2013 - 06:54 AM.

#15 Bishop Steiner


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:37 AM

View Postcdlord, on 12 July 2013 - 04:26 AM, said:

PGI has said before that they retain creative license over variants in case they needed to fill out a mech. So to say there are not enough variants, while true on Sarna.net, doesn't mean the Mech is DOA for us. Let's speculate on what we'd like to see though...

KGC-000 -- This is the original variant so should be included. Ballistics both arms, Missile in LT, Energy in RT.
KGC-??? -- Flip the above, put Ballistic in RT and Energy in both arms.
KGC-??? -- Mix and match, Energy in one arm, Ballistic in the other, and Missiles in both R/L Torsos.
KGC-??? -- All Energy variant.
KGC-??? -- All Ballistic variant.

More ideas please. :)

EDIT: Another idea.

needs a PGI MIssile varriant. 6 Miissile hard pointrs (2 arm, 1 st) 2 Ballistic. (arms) Squeeze in 2 UAC5, 2 ALRM15 and 4 SRM4 racks or something.

#16 blacklp


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 06:08 AM

People bump this, post in this. Keep this thread in the face of PGI for great justice.
We must have crab battles. We can make this happen.

#17 Ragnar Darkmane


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 06:40 AM

Yes for King Crab, as long as PGI makes sure that it's main weaknesses can't be eliminated with mech lab customization (slow speed, VERY slow turning speed, easy to hit upper body with HUGE hitboxes). Also eliminate AC 40 Jagers to make the King Crab unique and to force people to make trade offs if they want to have AC 40 firepower (the disadvantages of the King Crab chassis).

Edited by Ragnar Darkmane, 12 July 2013 - 06:40 AM.

#18 General Taskeen


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 07:41 AM

View Postcdlord, on 12 July 2013 - 04:26 AM, said:

PGI has said before that they retain creative license over variants in case they needed to fill out a mech. So to say there are not enough variants, while true on Sarna.net, doesn't mean the Mech is DOA for us. Let's speculate on what we'd like to see though...

EDIT: Another idea.

There are enough already if we consider the fact that the King Crab probably won't be in the game anytime soon (http://www.cooltexan.com/bte):

But here is a detailed list

(2743) KGC-000 (2x AC/20, 1 LRM15, 1 Large Laser) (unique layout - prime variant)
(2815) KGC-0000 (same as KGC-000 - removed FF and CASE - Can be built with KGC-000)
(2743) KGC-000b (same as KGC-000 - DHS added, Artemis Added - Can be built with KGC-000)
(2743) KGC-010 (Full Arm Actuators Re-added, 2x LB 10-X, 2x SRM6, 2x PPC) (unique layout - hp's, different)

With the bare minimum available variants going by the 'current' timeline, the KGC-000, 0000, and 010 can be added, except the 0000/000 would have different HP numbers.

Plenty of Future Variants:

Next (3052) - KGC-001 (Only 2 arm actuators, same per 000/0000, 2 Gauss Rifles, 1 LRM 15, 2 Streak SRM2's, 1 Large Pulse Laser) (unique layout - hp's, different)

(3062) - KGC-005 (2x LB 20-X, 2x Streak SRM4's, 1x ER Large Laser, 1 Improved C3 - can be built with 001 barring future tech or weapon availability)

(3069) - KGC-008 (2x LAC/2, 2x Heavy PPC, 2x ER Medium Laser, ECM, Improved C3) (unique layout - hp's, pure energy and ballistic King Crab)

As far as custom 'hero' variants, they can make up anything or take a character's king crab (King Hopper Morrison "King" or Lt. General Linda McDonald "Arcturan" and make up its loadout).

Also, PGI would need to program a way to have split crits, either allowing split crits only on a Mech that did per record sheet variant, or simply programming it for any of the weapons that were allowed to split crit per the rules. They said something along the lines of no 'split crit,' but that just means they haven't thought of a way or even experimented with programming it in the Mech Lab. If they can program it, then that's another PLUS for keeping the Mech Lab true to build rules.

Remember, 2x AC/20's on a King Crab has the disadvantage of limited movement of its arms, since the weapon also spills into the torso's. Since they wanted to keep the hands on the design, which also has the unique look of the gun itself stored inside the claws, that's why the gun is split. If it ran out of ammo, it could still use its hands. And split critting between the arm and torso is the equivalent of having a lower arm actuator removed, with limited horizontal arm movement. Certain weapons even require split criticals like Arrow IV, since the IS version takes up 15 critical slots.

Edited by General Taskeen, 12 July 2013 - 07:49 AM.

#19 MeiSooHaityu


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 07:50 AM

View Postblacklp, on 11 July 2013 - 07:32 PM, said:

I truly believe that this mech should be in game. I understand the basic issues of OP AC40 OMGWTFBBQ.

That being said, it would be a realistic area denial mech, not a 4-6 PPC one shot sniper.(which if heat penalties get all sussed out won't be so much of an issue soon). It can be beaten down from range with ease. Its huge, slow, and in the game would have its arm movement restricted to one axis or the other.

It would however promote PPC/Gauss sniper meta. I know I would want to fire on this thing form a distance if it had short range A/C20s as it's main offense.

Still, I tolerate a lot of wonky execution in this game because I am a MechWarrior fan. An A/C40 Assault would be the back breaker. It is a cool mech, but if it was in this game, I would be done with this game B).

#20 StalaggtIKE


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 07:55 AM

View PostKiiyor, on 11 July 2013 - 08:42 PM, said:

+Eleventy Billion, because WE NEED MORE DAKKA.

If this is what Alex can come up with as a rough sketch, imagine what he could do if he unleashed the full fury of his creative awesomeness on it.

Posted Image

Oh, yes PLEASE!

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