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The Heat Nerf/penalty Didn't Work

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Poll: Firing Multiples of Same Weapon Heat Penalty (0 member(s) have cast votes)

Based on the guidelines of firing multiples of the same weapons (July 16th patch), do you think the heat penalty will change the meta?

  1. I played the test server (12v12). I know it didn't change the meta. (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  2. I anticipate that the heat penalty will not change the meta. I have not played in the test server. (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  3. It changed the meta; i played the test server (12v12). (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%

  4. I anticipate that the heat penalty will change the meta. I have not played in the test server. (0 votes [0.00%])

    Percentage of vote: 0.00%


#1 Inhibition


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:05 AM

I played the test server with 12v12 on July 11, and although it was not announced,
there was a heat penalty for firing multiples of the same weapon (probably
along the lines of the heat penalty to be placed on the 16th of July)

(However, I don't think that damage occurred after heat exceeded 100% in the
test server like it will in the July 16th patch)

View PostNiko Snow, on 11 July 2013 - 10:25 AM, said:


Is that the sound of the game breaking?

The meta didn't change. If PGI's intention was to change the meta,
then the heat penalties did not change the current meta.
Unintentional nerfing or intentional nerfing the hunchback?

In fact, the heat penalty only nerfed me. Non PPC user. It nerfed my jenner, my hunchback.
How many people complained about the swayback?
I was so miserable playing the test server with heat penalties after
several games. This is ironic; I stopped using PPC's several months
ago because I thought they were getting nerfed. Didn't think that would
backfire so horribly... (maybe I should start using PPC's again?)

PGI you're going the wrong way to try to change the meta.

I feel like the developers aren't playing much of their own game
so they don't know how to balance correctly. Causing
more side effects than achieving any purpose.

#2 Roland


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:11 AM

Word on the street is that they didn't implement any heat penalties on the test server.

Peef had made some tests though that may suggest otherwise. I haven't seen any further data showing those tests though.

#3 Acid Phase


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:14 AM

A quote from Paul in twitter.

"MechWarriors...heat scale is NOT turned on in the PTS. The PTS is only being used to test 12 v 12"

I played the 12 v 12 test server, and the heat penalties have not been implemented at all there. So I have no idea what you are talking about. We're slated to test it out in the upcoming patch. Till then, this topic is irrevelant.

#4 Ransack


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:15 AM


People are confusing the 12v12 Public Test as a potential next patch. This is NOT the case. For example, on the 16th, you will not see 12v12.

The Public Test Server is being used to gather metrics on performance focusing on 12v12. In the future, the PTS is going to be used to test features that require large numbers of people to configure/balance. Consider it an experimental sandbox for development and beta test feedback.


I was only able to get in one drop. I didn't notice any difference, but then again, the mech I was in would not have been affected anyway.

#5 jakucha


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:16 AM

I bought a bunch of mechs with silly builds due to it not counting on the server and noticed no heat penalties.

#6 Sprouticus


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:19 AM


@russ_bullock Here to grab some of the heat. MechWarriors...heat scale is NOT turned on in the PTS. The PTS is only being used to test 12v12

It was stated in several place that it was not in the build we used. Why is this so hard for people to believe.

#7 Egomane


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Posted 12 July 2013 - 05:21 AM

As the feature wasn't implemented on the test server, this discussion and poll is currently without a doundation to build on. All you have is the Post from Paul, of what will come on tuesday the 16th.

Because of that, I need to do the following:
Please use the official feedback thread for the discussion of the upcoming heatscale changes.


This thread is now closed!

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