Just a few features need to be added that will make up for most of the real or perceived advantage of macros:
1) And a 2nd chain mode (say - backspace twice) that fires weapons at a rate of (fastest recycle in group) / (# of weapons in group)
For a group of 4AC2s - that would be once every 0.125 seconds - or more importantly - the first AC2 would recycle just after the last one fired. This is the classic "Dakka Dakka" AC2 macro, for all. (For lasers use recycle time + duration in the formula. This would be the "most constant" beam possible - small groups have some gaps, but possibly with some 2x overlap... Using this formula: Ex: 5+ medlas would overlap. 4x medlas would be identical to how they work now in a group. 8x would be 2 at once, although there would be a .5 second delay before the 2nd one fired.)
2) Ultra AC5 should have an additional effect that can be applied to a group - activated just like chain mode, but with the "\" key for example. When activated, they will only fire after their complete recycle - they will never Jam. Note that you could have 1 "No Jam" group and 1 "Max Fire" group.
3) Add some control options for "toggle group 1" "toggle group 2" etc. For the tag people that don't like to hold it down, etc.
4) A real "toggle arm lock" in addition to the current "hold to lock arms" would be useful as well. Although maybe I am the only one who thinks so because I never hear this mentioned...
Edited by Fire and Salt, 14 July 2013 - 03:44 AM.