Ranek Blackstone, on 21 July 2013 - 11:08 AM, said:
Combat in general promotes a "kill fast" mentality. Doesn't matter what game you play, the dude that kills the fastest is king.
The slow heat dissipation is currently the only thing holding the PPC meta is some semblance of check. Should it be easier to drop heat, you can fire MORE alphas with them, and make PPCs even MORE desirable to equip.
stjobe, on 21 July 2013 - 01:00 PM, said:
That's why they need to severely reduce the heat cap. Then they can see about increasing dissipation; if the cap is low enough this unfortunate boating kludge they just implemented would become unnecessary.
MustrumRidcully, on 21 July 2013 - 01:08 PM, said:
The damage-from-overheat system probably should stay, however (might need tuning). That ensures that your Quad PPC Alpha always hurts, even if you just fell behind cover after the shot and don't need to worry about standing out in the open.
stjobe, on 21 July 2013 - 01:42 PM, said:
Yes, that should stay, it's the silly "you can only fire 2*pi*the-shoe-size-of-your-mechwarrior number of this particular weapon" idea that needs to go.
In addition, more heat penalties should be added, for movement, aim, and risk of ammo explosions. They should also start sooner (as in way below 100% heat).
I disagree. The Heat Penalties system should go - and instead revamp the Heat System.
My Recommendation for the Overheat here lays it out:
Basically, 1 capacity per Single Heat Sink, 1 dissipation rate over say... 5 seconds for now.
There is an Overheated Threshold of 30 that starts after with increasing penalties.
If we take an adjusted value for Double Heat Sinks to only raise the capacity by 1, but maintain the dissipation rate by 2 it would drastically limit what a PPC boat can do.
The typical 4x PPC boat with 21 DHS would have a heat capacity of 21, then the overheat threshold of 30.
Firing ONCE generates 40 heat (assuming returning PPC heat up) resulting in the unit being overheatd to 19.
The penalties at that point include; assuming a 5-second dissipation
A momentary reduction of speed throttle (could be as drastic as 47%) that lasts unitll the mech cools off enough (just under 2 seconds) - but might be long enough to ensure the PPC boat can't get back into cover fast enough for a return shot
The crosshair shakes erratically - kind of irrelevant as the mech has nothing to shoot at this time
A Shutdown warning that if ignored, shuts the mech down momentarily.
Also the build generated just enough heat to receive a slight amount of internal damage. Not much, but it could add up over time if repeated.
If the mech was moving before the shot and had some slight heat built up the internal damage and movement penalty is worse. Basically you can't use that build in a fight firing all 4 at once.
It would be extremely inadvisable to use ERPPC in more than pairs for their entire recharge as the heat generated is tremendous if its back up to 15.
3x ERPPC is 45 heat; +24 on the overheat threshold with far more severe penalties as well as internal damage.
4x ERPPC (or 6x PPC) is 60 heat, pushing up to a grand total of 39 overheated. Shutdown is unavoidable and you can't do anything until you cool off. In theory the internal damage almost fries your engine - a second shot would kill you without needing enemies to shoot back at you.
Those kind of changes and penalties I think would be great. Not tat weird heat scaling thingy.