Chronojam, on 16 July 2013 - 03:23 PM, said:
So your argument is essentially "There are problems and obscure mechanics, so it is safe to introduce problems and obscure mechanics." This sounds absurd on paper, so I would like to ask you to clarify your position.
The entire game is obscure to a new player. To argue that any player would be able to figure out A while simultaneously figuring out B is ridiculous on it's face.
Let's put it this way.
A new player logs into the game. He only has access to the 4 trial mechs, currently the 2D, 1X, C4, and RS (C). Already, what are each of these mechs, and why does one have a C?
You can click each and are given a brief loadout window. Alright, the 1X has 4 medium lasers and 4 flamers, and if you scroll over it it shows where they are located, awesome!
But what are medium lasers, and what are flamers? Assumably flamers shoot fire and lasers are...lasers. There is no indication of heat, range, damage, duration, cone of fire, exponential heat growths, or ANYTHING. There is literally NO WAY to get information about ANY weapon from the trial menu screen.
So the guy drops in match, sees his weapon setup, has no clue what all the numbers on the side of the weapons means, and proceeds to right and left click, which fires various weapons. Great!
There's also little range numbers, that change color. Green usually means go, so we'll go with that, what about yellow? Black is assumably can't use, so maybe yellow is something between go and not go? Does it still do damage?
You fire again, and note a random red bar goes up. What does that mean? Well, you keep on firing, and you get a warning that heat is high? What does that mean? You fire again and shut down. Oh, I guess that's it.
Even when you finally get to the mechlab, its just random numbers thrown at you. What's duration, long range (seriously, this should be changed to optimal range), heat, etc. How much heat do I have? 100? Because that's my percentage in game.
To argue that somehow this heat scaling system is so absurdly unintatuive that it just breaks the game for new players who are already dealing with a completely unintuative EVERYTHING leaves me at a loss for words about how stupid that argument is.
The only real argument is for veterans of the game suddenly having their AC/20s do double the heat game and not reading the patch notes. New players won't be able to tell the difference.
Their arms are locked, their throttle speed is different, they have preset weapon configurations that they don't know how to change, they have heat bars that aren't even labeled, they have weapons with no indication of heat generated, range, or effect, and a litany of other issues that makes this game turn off so many potential pilots that to argue that THIS HEAT SCALE, AND ONLY THIS HEAT SCALE, is the straw that broke the camels back has to win one of the most ******** comments of this thread.
Edited by hammerreborn, 16 July 2013 - 03:44 PM.