Belorion, on 17 July 2013 - 10:49 AM, said:
Take jump sniping for example. It was never a "problem" in that it was uncounterable. Its only problem was its FOTMiness. This problem would have most likely solved itself. However, now they have introduced a mechanic that makes pop-tarting harder to do. The people that were really good at it, can still do it. All they really did was counter the FOTMiness about poptarting. It was time, energy, and money spent on a task that would have corrected itself over time. When they could have been fixing real issues like the hit detection problem.
It adds to an somewhat artificial skill requirement, but it is actually an "intelligence" requirement that doesn't actually imply skill... it simply implies the separation between "those in the know", and "those who don't care/want to know". That's a sad separation.
Another example is the real bug I submitted about the Heat System which quickly got burried under mountains of QQ threads about the new heat system. Anyone with two brain cells should realize that PGI will further flesh out the system as time goes on, and fix things like the LL ERLL loop hole. Their data will immediately point out that people are still using alphas with them. No complaining needed.
If you leave PGI up to interpreting data... I have no confidence in them getting it translated correctly.
For instance, I simply used the "fun" cheese mech to outright kill a PGI dev in a recent game. Although the match itself resulted in a loss, I was still pretty much effective until dying. The higher level ELO/meta hasn't really changed even though brawling has been improved (probably from the SRM buff, but also people trying to figure out the half baked heat penalty system).
So, I dunno what to say really. Reasoned out arguments have been ignored by PGI often, so to assume they know what the negatives are is... laughable at best.