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New Battlemechs: Victor

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#41 armyof1


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Posted 21 July 2013 - 02:44 AM

There seems to be another bug when you have an opponent really close to you and your arm-mounted weapons will pass straight by him in front of him even though you're aiming right at them. Took this picture from another poster:

Posted Image

Please have a look into that, having your good shots up close miss like this is really annoying.

Edited by armyof1, 21 July 2013 - 02:45 AM.

#42 Louis H Scott


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Posted 21 July 2013 - 09:55 AM

to me, not being an expert, the addition of the Victor is highly positive, in fact I bought it, and thinking in buying the 3-serie.
The mech is well armed, relatively fast and jump jets make him quite dangerous..on the other hand it has really soft armor, but jump jets in 80 tons has a cost.
I think movement of arms is shorter in range capacity as for example the Atlas, i do not understand why, specially when arms are vital for this mech
Other thing that makes me quite nervous, but is generic to all mechs with jump jets, is that you cannot jump forward once you are at 0km/h..if you finish in the middle of a mountain jumping not enough high.. you loose your speed forward..then you will not be able to jump forward again but only vertically, you have to turn in the hill a bit to gain some speed and then jump..i think this is not right and is specially critical in mechs with shorter jump capacities...and you should always be able to move your back or legs to gain some forward speed..and modify your jump path..a bit..only a bit.

Sorry for the out of topic..in my opinion is a great mech.

Edited by Louis H Scott, 21 July 2013 - 09:58 AM.

#43 MavRCK


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 04:40 AM

I feel that the arms are too low and consequently arm-mounted weapons are hitting the terrian too often. Very small hills / rocks / buildings clip the weapon fire. It's a distinct disadvantage with this mech.

I do feel that the Viktor's torso and arm movement range a bit restrictive which makes it difficult targeting lights... but that may change with more experience in the mech.. the mech does feel distinctly different from the other assaults! :)

Otherwise, I think the mech's hitbox is really good -- well done! You can roll damage on to the arms and side torsos predictable. This is unlike the highlander which suffers from Dolly Parton syndrome and who's chest is too easily focused.



Edited by MavRCK, 22 July 2013 - 04:41 AM.

#44 Urdnot Mau


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 12:30 PM

I LOVED the Victor as much as i loved CTFs. They are freakin awesome !! Even without ANY basic efficiencies i managed to get top score many many times. I had such a hard time figuring out wich one i was gonna sell.. I sold one for being redundunt with the things i was liking to run, but the other two...

i gotta say something to those who say that they are all alike: YOU ARE SHALLOW MINDED. Enjoy the mech's loadout. If you do bad with it, it's your playstyle's problem. They feel PERFECT. The VTR-9B is the one wich i have a better KDR (better than the 2PPC+GAUSS JumpSniper 9K Setup). If you have a 'mech with 3 ballistics, you use those 3 ballistics or it's your thought that is homogeineous. Same thing goes to missile and energy slots. USE the 'mech's strong points !!

My Victor(ie)s move as fast as most Heavies and as fast as some Mediums and it still feels more sluggish. THAT IS COMPLETLY FINE! I feel that's exactly how it's supposed to be ! It's a damm assault 'mech. Turning speed, Turning freedom, Arm freedom, etc... it all belongs to the Assault class (and probably the stoppage slope too). About the arms: PERFECT for shooting behind cover. Bad for JJ'ing from cover.

BUT that's not why i came here... I made a quick video to show the Tubes bug that's happening to my Vic-S

i've already sent the support an e-mail explaining this.

Edited by Urdnot Mau, 22 July 2013 - 12:31 PM.



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Posted 22 July 2013 - 03:54 PM

1. Gets hung up on terrain more than the Cataphract and Atlas I play with
2. Cores as fast as a Catphract, too fast for as heavy as it is IMHO.

#46 Aggressor666


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 08:40 PM

View Postarmyof1, on 21 July 2013 - 02:44 AM, said:

There seems to be another bug when you have an opponent really close to you and your arm-mounted weapons will pass straight by him in front of him even though you're aiming right at them. Took this picture from another poster:

Posted Image

Please have a look into that, having your good shots up close miss like this is really annoying.

yup Ive noticed this too clear shot with AC20 I fire but shot goes 50m wide?
and it seems to be widely known because most lights will "hump my leg" in a brawl knowing I cant hit them.

#47 jollyrancher1


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Posted 22 July 2013 - 11:14 PM

Love this mech and the way it plays, but it has been throwing the matches off a little bit as a team that has 4 victors is clearly under ton against a team that has 2 atlases and 2 stalkers for example. Victors are like the luxury medium not the front line killers that atlases and stalkers are IMO.

#48 Kamies


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 05:54 AM

My Victor 9K has 3 Large Lasers and Gauss mounted in the arms. Sometimes, without any jumpjetting crosshair shake, the lasers fire a bit off from where they should hit. Gauss suffers occationally the same thing AND its hit registeration issues are worse than in any other mech that I have with Gauss rifle.

One time a centurion appeared right in front of me and I fired the lasers, but the lasers apparentely were thinking that I was trying to shoot a hill 1 km behind the Cent and I missed him from the left.

#49 Serapth


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Posted 23 July 2013 - 08:28 PM

Knowing I was going to be getting all three, I bought what I am pretty certain is the worst variant ( 9s ) as the 2 ballistic in one arm is kinda useless, the missiles are basically SRMs, SRMs or SRMs thanks to the tube configuration, making this a remarkably unflexible mech.

The arms are too low, worse than a Catapracht it seems... lots of wasted shots going into the ground. I have also faced the convergence issue people are talking about... something is funky here. Final complaint, it's awfully squishy, far more so than I would have expected and again, more so than a Catapracht. Im pretty certain something is mildly bugged.

All that said, I'm having a lot of fun in this mech. I was using Gauss/6SRM/4SRM/2ERLL and I found the SRMs were generally ended the match fully loaded or close to it. I ended up swapping them out, but never found another good replacement item... I would have gone 3xLL if I could, or mounted an LRM15 perhaps, but those options arent on the table.

In the end I did something I thought would be monumentally stupid and its turn out to be extremely fun, and effective, during pugging at least. I put a 385XL engine in there, a couple more heat sinks and a few more rounds and maxed out the armor. It's a bit of a glass tiger now, but hell, it was a glass tiger before... now at least I can get away when I am out gunned. GR/2ERLL is undergunned for an 80ton mech, but not really by much.

I just finished basic
Posted Image

By no means earth shattering numbers, but considering I 100% PUG, was playing around with various configurations ( including one where I forgot to load gauss ammo... ), and that I have found the game extreme cap heavy lately, an average of 330 dmg per round isn't terrible.

That's actually what I like about the Victor... it's very nimble, in terms of torso twist/piloting... kinda like the Dragon in that respect. With the prevalence of capping, I going back and surprising that cap happy Jenner pilot when he sees it's a Victor gunning for him. This mech is VERY good at killing lights. In a stand up fight, of course an Atlas is going to spank me... but then, taking a Victor ( or... well, anything but a Highlander or possibly Stalker ) toe to toe with an Atlas is stupid. The speed and agility of this mech though allows a smart pilot to not have to toe to toe with an Atlas.

I really do wish there was more variety though.

Edited by Serapth, 23 July 2013 - 08:30 PM.

#50 Evax


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Posted 24 July 2013 - 09:04 AM

If PGI wants to limit the amount of tubes (although i think it sucks) fine, but at least (as the people mentioned above) stop reorganizing the weapons we put in the mech. I put things in an order for a reason and it is extremely frustrating to see that in game they have been moved around.

May be UI2.0 will fix this?

Edited by Evax, 24 July 2013 - 09:05 AM.

#51 AllOuttaBubbleGum


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Posted 24 July 2013 - 08:20 PM

Im loving the victors. I did not plan on getting them but took the plunge. An assault with jump jets and pushing 84kph is simply delicious.

#52 Sasha Volkova


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 05:17 AM

View PostBloody Moon, on 16 July 2013 - 01:06 PM, said:

In my opinion one of the C-Bill variants should have the energy hardpoints moved to a side torso, they are far too homogenic this way.

That would allow for more ppc's if its the one with 3 energy slots in the left arm.
We cant have that now.
Just think of all the cries about OP :b

#53 L Y N X


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Posted 26 July 2013 - 12:35 PM

Love the victor! my favorite Assault mech!

#54 Emo Duck


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Posted 28 July 2013 - 02:43 PM

View Postarmyof1, on 21 July 2013 - 02:44 AM, said:

There seems to be another bug when you have an opponent really close to you and your arm-mounted weapons will pass straight by him in front of him even though you're aiming right at them. Took this picture from another poster:


I just took my VTR-9K through the testing grounds and ran into the same thing. In order not to just repeat what you illustrated, though, take a look at the lasers in these screenshots:

#55 Queen ChrysaIis


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Posted 28 July 2013 - 02:58 PM

Good addition to the game and assault mechs, but it not suits well to 8ppl parties. Just for random fun games, in my opinion. For some serious business, i guess, you should pick cataphract

Edited by MLP Queen Chrysalis, 28 July 2013 - 03:00 PM.

#56 mack sabbath


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Posted 30 July 2013 - 12:50 AM

View PostIRONDEATH84, on 22 July 2013 - 03:54 PM, said:

1. Gets hung up on terrain more than the Cataphract and Atlas I play with
2. Cores as fast as a Catphract, too fast for as heavy as it is IMHO.

3. If you don't stick a pricey gigantic XL engine in it, it's a walking punching bag.

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