What the hell is the OP talking about?
Oh wait ... he thinks that the forums have a big impact on what PGI does? lol@op.
Haven't tried the heat changes yet, but they seem reasonable and fairly straight forward. Numbers can be tweaked down the road ... just like how they just changed the over heat penalty threshold.
Are you talking about PPC's *possibly* getting heat increased? the key word is *possibly* ... and even that they said they would end up lowering the heat penalty scale (or something like that).
Two different things ... the *Alpha* issue is / was different then the PPC issue. I know, most of the forum tards don't understand that ... but then again, if they did understand I would not be able to call them tards now would I?
Edited by NinetyProof, 16 July 2013 - 11:56 AM.