hammerreborn, on 18 July 2013 - 03:07 PM, said:
So the system is benefitial and helps the meta, but it's bad because reasons?
Wow, you're a shining example of everything wrong with these forums.
Because it will create more problems than it solves.
Or did you pass reading comprehension on a curve?
If you would have read anything that I've said, rather than simply being a douche-o-matic, you would have realized that I stated this is only a temporary shift in the meta because of the change to SRMs and because people are over-reacting to the anti-PPC and Anti-AC20 changes.
And I'm not the only one who has started to figure this out:
Other problems have already been addressed by other individuals - such as 2PPC+AC20 Jaeger.
It can alpha -and- run cooler than an AC20 Jaeger with only half of the ammunition concern (and a weapon system that can reach out to range, as well).
What's the system going to do to address that?
Okay, fine. So you fix that.
But the meta will still shift back toward PPCs for energy 'boats.' They'll simply chain fire.
"But, Aim, that's diffuse damage, not all going to the same place."
So that's why they added heat to penalize the 6AC2 Jaeger? Never played the build, myself - but I saw some people tear the living hell out of things with it in a short order of time. A good chain-firing PPC build should be able to drop about 40-80 points of damage into you in a similar period of time that the 6AC2 Jaeger had exposed to opponents.
Not -quite- as effective, but still pretty damned devastating with the additional bonus of shearing off 20 points of armor or internals with each hit (rather than 2, or if you are using an alpha, 12).
But, like I said, time will show me correct. As it does more often than is good for my ego.