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Do You Like The New Boating Restriction System?

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Poll: Do You Like The New System (711 member(s) have cast votes)

Do You Like The New System

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#401 FupDup


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 06:57 PM

View PostAntiCitizenJuan, on 18 July 2013 - 06:53 PM, said:

Referring to the current ER/Regular workaround people keep bitching about as temporary, not the heat rule.

There are so many more workarounds than that; the ER/regular thing is just the most infamous and obvious.

View PostAntiCitizenJuan, on 18 July 2013 - 06:53 PM, said:

And they already said they might increase PPC heat on the 30th, and based off the community reaction, they probably will.

They also already said that if they increase PPC heat, they will lower its heat scale. Check out the third post in the heat scale command chair post:

Paul Inouye said:

If we do bump the base heat, the heat scale for these weapons will be lowered.

...Which pretty much negates the whole point of increasing the heat.

Edited by FupDup, 18 July 2013 - 06:59 PM.

#402 AntiCitizenJuan


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 06:59 PM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 18 July 2013 - 06:55 PM, said:

Depends on what you call good. I have no problem facing what the game has been throwing at us cause I am expecting the Clans to be even worse than anything we have dealt with to date. If it is I am better prepared if its not I am ready anyway.

What I'm saying is that the game for the longest time, as you recall, was an unbalanced s.hitmess that brought the community to its proverbial knees. Now we have something half-implemented and far from perfect, acting as a balance, and people are bitching about it. Which is hilarious because they keep forgetting that it is half-implemented.

The patch did something successful that no one seems to want to acknowledge, and that is curb the use of alpha strikes with all of the big guns, save the Gauss.

Sounds like a step in the right direction to me.

#403 Deathlike


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:01 PM

View PostJoseph Mallan, on 18 July 2013 - 06:48 PM, said:

See I had no problem facing it. And in 4 accounts I have 2 ERPPCs an 1 PPC.

I would be impressed if that is in a QD (well, somewhat).

View Postsubgenius, on 18 July 2013 - 06:53 PM, said:

Yet more arrogant assumptions. You don't know your ELO and you certainly don't know mine. You're not digging deeper... you're assuming that everyone who disagrees with you is bad at the game. Pretty weak logic.

I'm willing to say I'm wrong if it doesn't pan out as I imagine. I think my ELO is average at best (I don't think I've any good of a player TBH, but whatever).

I'm not saying people can't disagree, but I don't think people are looking deep enough into the matter to make an informed opinion. Some people are actually touching the fire on the stove (the heat penalty) and are reacting to it as they should, but some of us are "used to the heat" and don't feel the same "pain" (some people have higher heat threshold either naturally or over time) as those that don't seem to know any better. Mind you, this is not a perfect analogy, but I'm just saying many people haven't really "figured the system out" like the super corporate lawyers who know how to work around the tax code.

That's just how I feel about it.

#404 Aim64C


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:08 PM

View PostAntiCitizenJuan, on 18 July 2013 - 06:39 PM, said:

Ad hominem hidden behind pseudo-intellectualism.


You think that was an attempt to hide it?

View Postsubgenius, on 18 July 2013 - 06:51 PM, said:

Wow, that's some serious arrogance for a video game message board! I mean, wow... not only are you making assumptions about the game state next month (how many times have you written something like "you'll see I'm right in 2 weeks" as some kind of proof that your unproven opinion is better than someone elses'?) but now you're moving on to characterize the higher education experiences of everyone else. Pretty impressive.

You're going to say this. Like any politician - and people will support it because they don't like to feel out-classed.

In two weeks, you'll be blaming the problem on something else or saying that the heat penalty system needs to be even tougher. It's the same fallacy used for welfare, for affirmative action, and for a host of other policies that have been fundamentally disruptive and destructive.

So, I suppose, in a sense - I am wrong. People will not remember this conversation two weeks and/or two months from now. They'll be crying for more weapon groupings to be added to this new system and for stricter heat penalties. Just like they do with everything else. "This was put in place to fix it, therefor it will fix it, and if it isn't fixed, it must be more aggressive in order to work."


All your post theorizing still fails to address the fact that the majority are seeing a positive impact from this change. Yeah yeah, you can keep saying "but it's the SRMS, not the heat" but you have no way to prove it. Just an assumption. Like we all have. The only solid fact is that the majority are pleased.

Like I said - many others have already started to figure this out, and I linked to a few posts to illustrate the idea.

I've also said that my recent drops into the test server, today, showed that the PPC meta was still alive and very well - with those platforms 'boating' PPCs being vastly more effective than most of the "balanced" builds allegedly encouraged by this patch.

But, don't mind me.

It's not like I was trained in problem solving strategies since I was in grade school in those 'smart kid' programs. I wouldn't know anything about analyzing problems, solutions, and forecasting the probable outcomes of each. And I certainly wasn't exceptional in that area, even among 'peers.'

#405 AntiCitizenJuan


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:08 PM

View PostFupDup, on 18 July 2013 - 06:57 PM, said:

There are so many more workarounds than that; the ER/regular thing is just the most infamous and obvious.
They also already said that if they increase PPC heat, they will lower its heat scale. Check out the third post in the heat scale command chair post:
...Which pretty much negates the whole point of increasing the heat.

I really want to know what these workarounds are. After all, everyone keeps talking about them.
As for their decision on PPC heatscale, I'm not going to ******** you, I don't know how that works, but it sounds like something that they shouldnt do.

#406 subgenius


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:09 PM

View PostDeathlike, on 18 July 2013 - 07:01 PM, said:

I'm willing to say I'm wrong if it doesn't pan out as I imagine. I think my ELO is average at best (I don't think I've any good of a player TBH, but whatever).

I'm not saying people can't disagree, but I don't think people are looking deep enough into the matter to make an informed opinion. Some people are actually touching the fire on the stove (the heat penalty) and are reacting to it as they should, but some of us are "used to the heat" and don't feel the same "pain" (some people have higher heat threshold either naturally or over time) as those that don't seem to know any better. Mind you, this is not a perfect analogy, but I'm just saying many people haven't really "figured the system out" like the super corporate lawyers who know how to work around the tax code.

That's just how I feel about it.

Sure people will learn to work around things and find perfect optimizations as time goes on (happens in every game) but that doesn't mean a system is broken. I'm definitely not claiming any kind of perfect knowledge either, but it gets old when the same group of posters keeps repeating their conviction that the core mechanics of the game are broken and that pretty much any change PGI makes (aside from implementing their pet cause of course) is DOOOOOOOOOOOMED.

For example, it sounds like Fup is convinced he has some game breaking formula that will bring the meta to its knees, yet nothing is forthcoming. Is this just the same 2PPC + gauss disaster? You know, the one with a manageable 35 point alpha that has two different speed projectiles? If not, please share because it would probably make for a better debate than constant insisting without proof that despite popular opinion, this is a terrible failed idea.

#407 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:11 PM

View PostAntiCitizenJuan, on 18 July 2013 - 06:59 PM, said:

What I'm saying is that the game for the longest time, as you recall, was an unbalanced s.hitmess that brought the community to its proverbial knees. Now we have something half-implemented and far from perfect, acting as a balance, and people are bitching about it. Which is hilarious because they keep forgetting that it is half-implemented.

The patch did something successful that no one seems to want to acknowledge, and that is curb the use of alpha strikes with all of the big guns, save the Gauss.

Sounds like a step in the right direction to me.

this is where I disagree. I have played all the Meta an have not had a big complaint at all...ever The fix on the 6PPC Stalker is DocBach's suggestion. I never saw the huge imbalance everyone has complained about. I didn't like the PPC meta for one reason. It was boring. *shrug* I killed PPC boats as often as I was killed by em, Just like I did with LRMs. I have no complaint at all against AC40 builds. I just keep my distance and fire. What would every one do if Barber's Marauders was a unit in the game? What are players going to do if they fight players in the Davion Assault Guards? Complain cause they will have to many assaults? I just shake my head when I read most of this stuff.

6 PPCs do to much damage... ?That is 4 CERPPCs. I am getting ready to face an enemy that can deal that kind of damage and still fight!

#408 Wales Grey

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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:12 PM

Hi, I'm adding in my two cents that the #yoloswag #paulsidiotidea has utterly failed to curb the alpha-heavy meta. Your dollars at work, gentlepersons!

#409 subgenius


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:18 PM

View PostAim64C, on 18 July 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:

It's the same fallacy used for welfare, for affirmative action, and for a host of other policies that have been fundamentally disruptive and destructive.

So, I suppose, in a sense - I am wrong.People will not remember this conversation two weeks and/or two months from now. They'll be crying for more weapon groupings to be added to this new system and for stricter heat penalties. Just like they do with everything else. "This was put in place to fix it, therefor it will fix it, and if it isn't fixed, it must be more aggressive in order to work."

Like I said - many others have already started to figure this out, and I linked to a few posts to illustrate the idea. I've also said that my recent drops into the test server, today, showed that the PPC meta was still alive and very well - with those platforms 'boating' PPCs being vastly more effective than most of the "balanced" builds allegedly encouraged by this patch.

But, don't mind me. It's not like I was trained in problem solving strategies since I was in grade school in those 'smart kid' programs. I wouldn't know anything about analyzing problems, solutions, and forecasting the probable outcomes of each. And I certainly wasn't exceptional in that area, even among 'peers.'

Yeah yeah, we're all smart snowflakes. We can pull out "special" program certificates to compare all day if you like, but that really doesn't help things now does it?

Since you've fallen from any real defense of your argument to a repeated cry of "I will be proven right in 2 weeks" and some odd political/social commentary non sequiturs, it's probably safe to say that you don't have much more than your assumptions. Well, that and some anecdotal stories about the test server and references to others who have been illuminated. Since it's fairly pointless to go back and forth about who's in-game experience is more valid, we'll just have to let the numbers speak for themselves.

Edited by subgenius, 18 July 2013 - 07:20 PM.

#410 N0MAD


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:20 PM

Such debate over what?There is no heat scale. If you look at whats been implemented its this..PGI realise theres a Meta game problem, they cant balance it, they dont have the experience, knowledge or time to balance so.. they adjust randonly the heat numbers for certain groups of weapons, just random, no real progression or table,,just bandaid to deep wounds that are going to fester and infect. get a clue PGI..

#411 FupDup


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:21 PM

View PostAntiCitizenJuan, on 18 July 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:

I really want to know what these workarounds are. After all, everyone keeps talking about them.

For starters:
1. You can mix different SRM salvo sizes
2. ^^ Same goes for LRMs
3. AC/20 + 2 PPC
4. Gauss + 2 PPC
5. Double Gauss, maybe even throw in an extra PPC

Those are the current ones that I am aware of. As these are eventually patched up, more will be discovered over time. You see, this system is quite literally built to be exploited because it directly tells you the exact magic number that gets penalized. All you have to do is build robots that squeeze the most alpha power out of your robots that doesn't hit the magic limit.

View PostAntiCitizenJuan, on 18 July 2013 - 07:08 PM, said:

As for their decision on PPC heatscale, I'm not going to ******** you, I don't know how that works, but it sounds like something that they shouldnt do.

This won't be the first time and probably won't be the last.

Edited by FupDup, 18 July 2013 - 07:22 PM.

#412 Sporklift


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:30 PM

They should hard cap heat at 35, then not tell anyone.

#413 subgenius


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:31 PM

View PostFupDup, on 18 July 2013 - 07:21 PM, said:

For starters:
1. You can mix different SRM salvo sizes
2. ^^ Same goes for LRMs
3. AC/20 + 2 PPC
4. Gauss + 2 PPC
5. Double Gauss, maybe even throw in an extra PPC

Those are the current ones that I am aware of. As these are eventually patched up, more will be discovered over time. You see, this system is quite literally built to be exploited because it directly tells you the exact magic number that gets penalized. All you have to do is build robots that squeeze the most alpha power out of your robots that doesn't hit the magic limit.

Hoo boy, let me get this straight! Those are system breaking builds? Really? You're mixing together groups of different range, different speed weapons (LRMS are broken... please tell me more about this wizardry you speak of...). This is what we like to call "working as intended". None of these combinations are a problem.

Is your endgame a bunch of mechs with medium lasers fighting it out?

#414 AntiCitizenJuan


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:33 PM

View PostFupDup, on 18 July 2013 - 07:21 PM, said:

For starters:
1. You can mix different SRM salvo sizes
2. ^^ Same goes for LRMs
3. AC/20 + 2 PPC
4. Gauss + 2 PPC
5. Double Gauss, maybe even throw in an extra PPC

Notice how all of these workarounds are less effective versions of what they originally were.
That is what I'm getting at.

Getting blasted by 3SRM6's and 3SRM4's is better than getting blasted by 6SRM6's
Getting nuked by 2LRM15's and 2LRM10's is better than getting nuked by 4LRM15's
2PPC 1 AC20 actually sounds like a better, more well rounded mech that doesnt just dkerp people from long range.
Getting hodor'd by 1 Gauss 2PPC is better than getting hodor'd by 1 Gauss 3PPC, or worse, 1 Gauss 4 PPC

It didnt fix it, but it will make the cheese less effective in the end. Thats good enough for me, for now.

Edited by AntiCitizenJuan, 18 July 2013 - 07:40 PM.

#415 Deathlike


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:37 PM

View Postsubgenius, on 18 July 2013 - 07:09 PM, said:

Sure people will learn to work around things and find perfect optimizations as time goes on (happens in every game) but that doesn't mean a system is broken. I'm definitely not claiming any kind of perfect knowledge either, but it gets old when the same group of posters keeps repeating their conviction that the core mechanics of the game are broken and that pretty much any change PGI makes (aside from implementing their pet cause of course) is DOOOOOOOOOOOMED.

The system isn't "broken", but it doesn't scale well to address future issues. Right now 2 LLs is the current limit and it's relatively arbitrary. I'm sure this limit could change in the future, but at the moment, noone has thought that 3 LLs are somehow OP by any stretch of the imagination.

I don't entirely subscribe to the convergence proposals that are anywhere and everywhere... but I'm more than willing to try them out. I personally have to get a grasp and a feel of how things work before I make a final decision. It took me a long while to grasp the entire heat system in the game (well, the math, and my actual weapon firing usage). Seeing how the system works can be empowering... it's the knowledge to make the most of many known variables and behaviors... and obviously min/maxing does influence that... but ultimately it is up to the pro level player/pilot to expose each and every weakness of the system. This is what some of us are trying to tell the rest of you. Otherwise, I guess we can keep this to ourselves and just keep raking.


For example, it sounds like Fup is convinced he has some game breaking formula that will bring the meta to its knees, yet nothing is forthcoming. Is this just the same 2PPC + gauss disaster? You know, the one with a manageable 35 point alpha that has two different speed projectiles? If not, please share because it would probably make for a better debate than constant insisting without proof that despite popular opinion, this is a terrible failed idea.

It's probably a modified form of what AC40 Jagers do, except applied better at a sniper's level. It is understood that on the 30th, the PPC and ERPPC will be counted as one and the same... with possible heat changes to be factored in (I'm sure Paul will grace us with that info then). The thing is, the sniper meta has always been exposing two key issues with the game's core design: The generous heat capacity, and convergence. Both of these allowed the sniper meta to function, in addition to many PPC buffs that have occurred along the way (projectile speed buff, heat reduction) all of which was to respond to pre-HSR related issues. This lethal combination of favorable conditions have made the PPC meta what it is... completely undesirable, yet required it to be used to be competitive. Right now it "appears" on the surface that this has mostly been fixed. Probably 90 to 95+% builds "conform" to PGI's vision of non-boats and on the 30th, the "loophole" may possibly be resolved...

The thing that the current "race" of snipers don't worry about these things. PPCs allow them to reduce their exposure yet make pretty good hits whenever they can reasonably hit a target... whenever they are ready. As long as a sniper has actual cover, heat starts to become less of an issue...

For any energy boat, anything that causes them to keep firing is a bad thing, since you are usually not capable to cool that much heat down in such a short period. It's bad obviously and enemies can expose this.

However, if you have enough snipers on your team that can cover each other arses, the pinpoint damage you can do because of convergence allows those front line responders/brawlers to be killed efficiently, if not effectively. It is impossible to just shutdown outright on the first alpha shot, despite those heat penalties.. the ample heat capacity allows those shots to be made in the first place. This can be easily compounded on a 12v12 scale (where more people can cover each other). Obviously team construction will negate some of it (you'll still have a scout or 2to cap and/or respond to caps) but most of the team can be easily be heavies and assaults.. fully functional and easy to build for sniping.

Now you're also saying convergence on the Gauss and PPCs are different. This is true.. but considering that most mechs that are fielded in the meta are generally heavies and assaults... and generally don't move fast and must face you to shoot effectively.. it is actually significantly easier to get the Gauss and PPCs to converge on the same spot. The only mechs that are able to avoid the kinds of penalties would be fast mechs (100+kph or more - the bar could be lower, although I'm not sure how much lower). I'm not saying that Gauss will ever have 100% convergence to PPCs... but you can pretty much put yourself in reasonable position to make it happen more than 50% of the time in PUGing... probably even in 8-man teams.

I'm sure you can pick this apart... I'm not telling you this is the #1 formula for all things OP, but you have to build a foundation or understanding of how this game works to see why the old meta can still be applied in the "new meta". Similar to the people that think the JJ reticule shake is actually changing the meta... it only discourages the newbies from firing while using JJs... which ultimately doesn't fix what it should have.. but the players that haven't learned to counter it will probably stay being "grounded" for the most part, wondering why some "hacker" can jump snipe his arse. This is why I have been saying that these changes are really "illusional" because they don't truly resolve the actual problems that allow PPCs to be dominant... rather we are lead to believe they are... except for the few that "figured out PGI's terrible solution". I hope I convey clearly what the entire issue is about.

#416 FupDup


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:38 PM

View Postsubgenius, on 18 July 2013 - 07:31 PM, said:

Hoo boy, let me get this straight! Those are system breaking builds? Really? You're mixing together groups of different range, different speed weapons (LRMS are broken... please tell me more about this wizardry you speak of...). This is what we like to call "working as intended". None of these combinations are a problem.

Is your endgame a bunch of mechs with medium lasers fighting it out?

Hoo boy, let me get this straight!

Take a look at the system:
Posted Image

1. It appears that Paul doesn't want us to spam SRMs. In the command chair post, he also goes on about the Splatcat as the reason to why we shouldn't have 2.5 damage SRMs; so it seems natural to assume that he doesn't want us to run around with lots of SRMs. Combining SRM6 and SRM4 gets around the limit for both launcher sizes.

2. They set an LRM limit for the 15-missile salvos, implying that they don't want us to spam Lurms. Using LRM5, 10, and/or 20 means we can still spam Lurms.

3. The Gauss and AC/20 combos with PPCs still have high pinpoint damage (pretty much on par with AC/40 and quad PPC) and will continue to wreck people's faces.

Edited by FupDup, 18 July 2013 - 07:42 PM.

#417 Aim64C


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:42 PM

View Postsubgenius, on 18 July 2013 - 07:09 PM, said:

Sure people will learn to work around things and find perfect optimizations as time goes on (happens in every game) but that doesn't mean a system is broken. I'm definitely not claiming any kind of perfect knowledge either, but it gets old when the same group of posters keeps repeating their conviction that the core mechanics of the game are broken and that pretty much any change PGI makes (aside from implementing their pet cause of course) is DOOOOOOOOOOOMED.

The problem with this implementation is just how much overhead is put on PGI.

This isn't a situation of imperfect balance - where the PPC is the most optimum weapon under certain circumstances and the Guass Rifle under others. It's a situation where the PPC wins hands down in almost every situation except a few that are so minor that it's not really worth considering.

The reasons you choose to not go with PPCs are out of principle (you don't want to play with PPCs) or out of practicality.

In any game - there will never be perfect balance (See: The Red Queen Hypothesis - http://www.enn.com/w...e/article/46130 , http://en.wikipedia....%27s_Hypothesis , http://psychology.wi.../wiki/Red_Queen ). There, generally speaking, -should- never be a 100% optimum build, strategy, structure, etc. All of those should be shifting and changing to counter each other.

The problem, here, is that PGI has removed the player adaptation and element. It's now all on PGI to determine what builds have risen too far above the others and need to be hit with a hammer. (After Wheel of Stupid - this becomes Whack-A-Meta). Keeping all of these builds 'balanced' across each other with this type of system is realistically impossible. Some players will accept the penalty because the rewards are just too good (especially when another build that trounced this one gets hit with a hammer). Other players are going to chain-fire for limited impact.

There's going to be the need to consider alternate 'chain fire durations' to some weapons or combinations.

It's going to be one huge mess that requires far too much centralized response from the developers. Because the underlying systems and mechanics aren't properly balanced, a lot of the attempts to balance the game using this are going to fall horribly short or fall into the 'way too extreme' category.

Yes - a lot of the people who are opposed to it do have their own ideas on the issue. It's hard not to as a thinking person to not propose a solution.

Yet, a dissimilar argument is also used: "Oh, so you don't like it? What's your great idea to fix the game, then?"

There's a saying in the Navy: "The problem with being an officer is that a sailor hardly ever knows what he wants, but he always knows what he doesn't want."

The game is, actually, doomed because a launch date has been set and many core features are missing from the game. Do you feel like an Inner Sphere pilot? Do you really feel like a MechWarrior?

Let's be real - the gameplay of this game, even if it were honed to as close to perfection as it could get, would not be enough to keep players around on its own. It wasn't for MAG.

There has to be a story or a gameplay experience so unique and refreshing (such as minecraft) that players want to get involved and hang around. There has to be an environment.

Because there really isn't any (unless UI 2.0 is a hell of a lot bigger than I suspect it is), the launch of this game is going to be a flop. Critics will be given the green-light to review and it's going to pull a 6.0-6.5 average on metacritic.

That's going to be a rating that lasts for years, even after gigabytes worth of patches and additional content. While rating isn't everything - it is, most certainly, a critical thing to consider - since they are going to be rating the game you claim is 'full and complete.'

That's the ultimate problem with MWO right now. They need to scrub their launch date and not even mention it until pilot and weapon training is in place, CW is in place (and debugged), and there is a real atmosphere to the game's meta (so that people can actually start to become attached to their houses of the inner sphere and really begin to 'feel' the Battletech universe - which will be what keeps people around). Some kind of sensible weapon balancing would be a good idea - but at this rate I'd settle for something that stands to actually represent the MechWarrior and Battletech that has captured the hearts and minds of a waning generation of gamers.

#418 subgenius


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:47 PM

View PostFupDup, on 18 July 2013 - 07:38 PM, said:

The Gauss and AC/20 combos with PPCs still have high pinpoint damage and will continue to wreck people's faces.

Different speeds. Different ranges. Not so much pinpoint. You're apparently interested in showing clever ways to try and boat, but none of your ideas are terribly dangerous. The issue people have been freaking out about (PPC maina!) is looking pretty well resolved.

If your solution is convergence/adaptive reticle/total heat redesign... well you're going to have a long wait. For better or worse it's not going to happen. Until you decide to open your own design studio anyway. However, that doesn't mean this isn't going to help.

As an aside, why do you play the game? If you think the devs are fools (guessing so by the trendy sig banner) and the balance is broken, why invest yourself? Just curious.

#419 subgenius


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:52 PM

View PostAim64C, on 18 July 2013 - 07:42 PM, said:

That's the ultimate problem with MWO right now.

The only ultimate problem I can see here is your self proclaimed fortune teller status. That was a lot of crystal ball gazing and grand proclamation about what WILL HAPPEN soon. I do admire your confidence, but there isn't much meat on them bones.

The easy (and just as logically sound) counter argument? Yeah, I am having a blast in game. So are many others. Feeling like a mechwarrior and happily awaiting the clans!

#420 FupDup


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Posted 18 July 2013 - 07:54 PM

View Postsubgenius, on 18 July 2013 - 07:47 PM, said:

Different speeds. Different ranges. Not so much pinpoint. You're apparently interested in showing clever ways to try and boat, but none of your ideas are terribly dangerous. The issue people have been freaking out about (PPC maina!) is looking pretty well resolved.

Must be why people have been mixing PPCs and Gauss since the dawn of the poptart meta. Totally not effective at all. PPC mania hasn't been resolved because the weapon is still the most efficient one there is. Making it harder to alpha 3+ of them at once doesn't do anything to stop them from doing too much for their low weight and slot requirements.

View Postsubgenius, on 18 July 2013 - 07:47 PM, said:

If your solution is convergence/adaptive reticle/total heat redesign... well you're going to have a long wait. For better or worse it's not going to happen. Until you decide to open your own design studio anyway. However, that doesn't mean this isn't going to help.

Another design studio tried to make a Mechwarrior game. Ever hear of Living Legends? It got shut down.

And by the way, when you go to a movie, do you say "I can't discuss how good or bad this movie was because I don't make movies."?

View Postsubgenius, on 18 July 2013 - 07:47 PM, said:

As an aside, why do you play the game? If you think the devs are fools (guessing so by the trendy sig banner) and the balance is broken, why invest yourself? Just curious.

The core gameplay mechanics of running around and fighting robots are great, in fact I think that the controls here are more smooth and fluid than any previous MW game. It's just that the individual weapon balancing is godawful and the people in charge don't seem to know which direction is up or down. I want it to become better but I have a feeling that it'll just stay the same forever and stagnate.

Edited by FupDup, 18 July 2013 - 08:00 PM.

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