OMGRemy80, on 21 June 2012 - 02:43 PM, said:
I think I could be talked into it

depends on ages of people in the group I'm a mature gamer an don't like trolls or people who call new people new to the game series noobs either. as far as I'm concerned everyone is a noob until they have learnt how to play, and it doesn't need to be pointed out. I'm also strong on tactics, I don't like being in a group who won't work collectively. lol my little Rant

My real life friends in this group are 23 Y.O, 27 Y.O and I'm 26 myself, and I'd like to think that we've matured

Can't speak for the others that I don't know personally but they seem alright.
Your strength in tactics is definitely something we can use here. I've got my heart set on scouting, NolitionBot's pretty versatile but he's unfamiliar with Mechwarrior games and Roryt's good at brawling and support. We could definitely use a Field Commander to call the shots in battle.
One reason I wanted to join or form a group is so that we can develop unit cohesion more thoroughly and execute tactical moves more effectively, so your strength is definitely welcomed.
I hope that as this team grows we can have one Lance Leader per Lance who will be responsible for training and organising his 3 other lance mates and co-ordinating play sessions with the rest of the group as well.
Otonashi Saya, on 21 June 2012 - 03:05 PM, said:
First Post....Oto Saya Signing In - Aus
Hi, welcome Oto Saya! I'll put your name down on the roster.
Give me a couple of days to get the site/forum in order and we'll have a home to go to