Why go through all of the effort of creating both 'Training Grounds' and 'Test Servers' when both of these functions, and much more depth could have been added by simply allowing private matches into the game in the first place?
It would seem to me that it would be a win-win-win-win (and then some):
1. New recruits could be shown the ins and outs of how to really play the game by being trained in a controlled environment, and without the stress of letting their team/PUG down.
2. The player base consists of numerous 'free' testers who have made it their mission to give detailed responses regarding every facet of the game. Therefore, specific data like 'exactly how much armor did my alpha take off of you', 'did that shot hit the correct hit-box I aimed for', and 'where are all the locations of "sticky" rocks on this map', etc... could be answered in a much more thorough and less constrained manner.
3. The veterans, and people who are simply tired of the current game-modes would have a reason to be excited again:
-You want an escort game? Make one with however many people you can get! (up to whatever the current maximums are)
-Free for all king of the hill? Go for it!
-Jenner/Spider dance-off? Bring it!
Adding essential features (which ironically are making it into the 'Training Grounds') like Map selection are no-brainers, but other things would be much more important to really make it work: Mech size allowed, no *insert weapon type(s)* allowed, no JJ allowed, and respawning, for instance.
But, the most important one in my opinion is to allow options for control of the time duration of the match. Obviously you don't want people taking up server space by creating a game, and just going AFK, but at the same time, a good free for all with respawns could go on for say an hour before people start looking for something else to do. And, I think an hour maximum would be plenty for most people.
4. So, now you're probably thinking <Sarcasm>"Great! Now everybody is in these private matches using OUR servers WE have to pay for! Thanks a truck-load Hennessey!!!"</Sarcasm>
Believe it or not, PGI would very likely make MORE money and sooner, by implementing private matches ASAP.
Reason being, if I cannot make C-bills or gain XP in a private match, then my only option is to spend real money for equipment, mechs, flare, and to convert what XP I do have into GXP.
I would gladly drop my $20-$30 for a Spider, a great new cammo, some flashy paint, and a whole set of TAGs so that I was ready for the Jenner/Spider dance off (bad example probably, but seriously... I would). On top of this, and most importantly, I would be able to get more people interested in the game because of all the reasons listed above. More people inevitably means more profits.
Personal note:
The irony is that I was very happy with the game when I started playing back in August of last year, and the ONLY thing I felt was missing was the ability to drop with who and how I wanted (private matches). I understand that CW is a huge goal you are working on for launch, but I feel (obviously my opinion, but like if you agree), that a delay in CW would be completely understandable, and completely forgiven if the community could have their (our) private matches ASAP.
***Edited to put the emPHAsis on the proper sylLAbles...***
Edited by Hennessey, 19 July 2013 - 09:19 AM.