I've been playing for a very long time, invested hundreds of dollars to help them develop this game. Yes, I pay for things because it supports their efforts to develop the game. But right now I see no reason to support anything further if it continues in the direction it's presently going. Why? Well let me list just a few of the more prominent things that I believe, and this is just my personal preferences and observations, need to be addressed before this game becomes anything viable that will sustain my interrest and financial support.
- We need a pre-mission planning phase. I would suggest starting off with the entire team in a Drop Ship and each player picks their Mech and we can communicate as a team about balance and who's doing what. This is a no brainer for any competative style match making, why is something similar not part of this game?
- We need win objectives that have some type of meaning. Winning a match by avoiding combat and sitting on a spot of ground and calling it a "base" is just pathetic. Dumbest win condition I think I've seen in any game I've played that trys to call itself a competative game. The other win condition of gathering resouces is a tad better, but still not very imaginative and since we are not actually gathering anything by sitting on a spot of ground, this one too is just silly.
- Look at the games we all played that led us to fall in love with this title. Draw from them and get creative with your missions and objectives.
- Enough with the knee-jerk reactions to the crybabies about weapon's being OP and UP. The latest changes to "fix" the mega PPC equiped mechs is just pathetic. It makes ZERO sense why your mech would overheat any more because you have 2 or more of the same weapon on it and firing at the same time. When I read that I almost fell out of my seat laughing at the notion that someone intelligent thought this was a good idea.
- Stop calling this "Beta".....it's NOT! The minute you started charging for items this became a released title, plain and simple. Any business owner knows that you are legally "in business" the moment you receive payment for services or products, and the same applys here. So, do you guys even have a plan for officially releasing the game or are you going to just keep hiding behind the word Beta forever so you can blame every silly idea you try to balance the game as just something you do during Beta to "test" balancing? Just silly.
So, flame away {Noble MechWarrior} and give me something to chuckle at.......
Edited by Egomane, 26 July 2013 - 12:37 AM.
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