Movement effects: At 16.65% on the heat scale, the mech will slow down by 12.5%-20%, depending upon weight class, and its top speed is limited by the same amount. At 33.3% on the heat scale, the mech loses 25%-40% of its movement and top speed. At 49.9%, the mech loses 37.5%-60% to movement and top speed. At 66.6% on the heat scale, the mech loses 50%-80% of its movement and top speed. At 83.3% of the heat scale, the mech loses 62.5%-100% of its movement and top speed.
Ammo Explosion Chance: Ammo explosion chances occur at 63.3%, 76.59%, and 93.24% on the heat scale. At 63.3% the ammo has a 33% chance of exploding. At 76.59% the chance is now at 50%. At 93.24% the chance is now at 66%.
Effect of Aim: At 26.6%, aim is thrown off by 8.33%. At 43.29%, aim is thrown off by 16.6%. At 56.61%, aim is thrown off by 25%. At 79.92%, aim is thrown off by 33.33%. This can be represented by the reticle expanding with a shake.
Shut Down: Shut down of the mech occurs at the following intervals: 59.94%, 73.26%, 86.58%, and 100%.
Pilot Death: Beginning at 60% the effects similar to a black out would occur until the pilot ultimately dies when the heat scale reaches 100%. The screen would start to go black around the edges then fill in completely at the time of death.
This would work off of the TT scale of Heat Sinks plus 30 for the threshold then the effects would kick in. Dissipation is unchanged.
Edited by James The Fox Dixon, 01 August 2013 - 06:57 AM.