It is a long long time ago that i made an update here. Sorry for that!
The 36th Dieron Regular (german) is still activ and in service for the DCMS.
As it is today raining outside and i have time. I would translate you our last two entry from the german MWO recruiting thread. But before i must say sorry for my bad english. (parts of it was translate with the help of google)
I do not own a motorcycle! But I ride on one of my other toys into the " MWO " battle
Now, however, to a different topic.
From 1 to 4 May 3051 (2014 ), the 36th Dieron Regular, again organized a chapter meeting ( in real, not virtual !) .
We have to revive again in our second annual meeting, the traditions of Battletech and the old values .
Yes, we play Mechwarrior Online !
However, this unit is in the sum for much more .
In these four days, we have our members / guests ( so the organizers hope) can offer good stuff.
It was played Battletech / Tabletop namely the
Twycross scenario. So our members / guests could take a look to the clans and their mechs on the table. Before they will get to know this, in Mechwarrior Online ! ( To our community members of the Jade Falcons , the clan has triumphed ! )
Furthermore it was for entertainment of all present.
Succesion Wars was offered over 3 days. Needless to say, the players have represented the interests of their house. ( Anyone who has actually kept to the agreements / the word ?
The third part we offer to our guests was
Battletech Classic RPG ( role playing game). Characters / Players from technician to governor of a planet, prove their way during the 3 days in the universum of battletech RPG.
All participants have to our knowledge, had their fun ( Other opinions are after good old Kuritatradition not come to our ears ) .
There were in addition to all of this Battletech / Mechwarrior activities, Cool shots ( alcohol),
coffee and fusion bite ( grilled food ) by the members / guests to enjoyed .
36th Regular Dieron , we enjoy / live Battletech / Mechwarrior !
P. S.
The members have the regimental commander ( Storyteller ) and parts of the staff. Still other surprises were preparing this meeting, more on that in the next update .
Or free after Starship Troopers
"Do you want to know more? "
All images were published with the consent of the persons or edited accordingly ( right to the image !)
And again sorry for the bad translation!
Edited by paxmortis, 10 May 2014 - 02:40 AM.