I am veteran player of the pencil/paper Battletech and Mechwarrior games (one exception - Mechwarrior Assault...bleh). I too walked away, when the franchise went stagnant under Microsoft. In 2010, I start to hear about the title affectionately known as Mechwarrior Reboot. I was totally elated hearing that one of my all time fav games was coming back. Ah...the chance to pilot mechs again! Then nothing materialized...until 3 months ago. I heard from a friend and mechwarrior player that they were bringing Mechwarrior Online to the PC. If there is one game that will make me leave WoW to play, it will be Mechwarrior Online - for I was a mechwarrior first...
To all that have had their hands in this resurrection, thank you. I don't think you will be dissappointed at our response. I'm waiting on buying the founders package. I also can't wait to start playing Mechwarrior Tactics. This is like Christmas in summer lol!
(and I hope you all introduce the Clans somewhere down the road...it wouldn't be the same without the Clans - but let's get ourselves reaquainted with mechs first...

Edited by Deathspore, 06 June 2012 - 01:21 PM.