I still play Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries every few years out of nostalgia. I've played a few matches of MWO and it looks very promising! I very much hope that in the coming years you'll incorporate co-op missions (either against AI, real opponents or a mix of both), and perhaps faction standings, faction mechs and equipment, player rankings, Solaris V tournaments, medals/awards/unlockables and the like. Oh and while I'm at it... aircraft, tanks, turrets, dropships, a galaxy map, interstellar travel, territorial shifts, regional markets, black markets, good/evil missions for fame or infamy, heck, the whole nine yards! I'm getting ahead of myself, but I can't wait to see what you guys have in store

I hope to have a mercenary corporation one day flying across space to find the best contracts and deals and make a huge pile o' c-bills, who knows that dream may yet come true.. In any case, time to read some more dev-blogs!
*Edit: Read a few more dev-blogs, looking goooood!
Edited by Peregrinn, 12 March 2013 - 03:55 PM.