Honestly it's down right XXXXXXX stupid.

The entirety of this mech is nothing but CT.
Even if the mech had a abnormally large ct that should be acceptable, but due to the way PGI does there hitboxes it becomes disastrous and a bad design.
This is simply because of the Pelvis / Hip area. This is where the entirety of the problem is. Even if the KTO did have a bigger ct the Pelvis area makes it massive by making it 33% bigger. It's even worse when you look at Rear CT.
The Pelvis / Hip hitbox needs to be fixed.
The KTO should be closer to looking like this:

What we have here is the Pelvis / Hip split between the Legs. There is a reason mechs have Hip Accurators, it's because they are in the hip. Shooting the hip shouldn't do damage to the CT.
Another example:

This brings us to the 2nd part that is high on my list of stupid. The Legs.
The only way it should be possible to kill a mech is by destroying it's Engine or head location. PERIOD.
Which means we have to address what's wrong with the current system for destroyed legs.
1. Destroying a leg location should reduce the mech to 15% speed for 5 secs initially. Once that 5 seconds is over the mech is permanently reduced to 50% speed. Additional hits on the damaged leg will not effect the speed at all but still transfer damage.
2. Destruction of both leg locations knocks the mech down. Once the mech gets back up speed is permanently reduced to 15% speed. Additional hits on the destroyed legs does not affect speed but still transfers damage.
Doing this will make mechs more durable. And since PGI is unable or unwilling to fix pin point convergence making more intelligent hitboxes is an absolute must, very much so in a 12v12 environment.
Because as it is now I can't help but feel it's stupid and needs fixed.
Edited by Carrioncrows, 10 August 2013 - 05:11 PM.