As the title says...
The goal is to capture the meat-and-potatoes feeling of being a mechwarrior in the battletech universe through a variety of characters and short stories, which may eventually evolve into a persistent narrative. I would very much like this project to feature player-run units rather than established canon units in order to generate some community content/interest (and generate some new mechwarrior legends...or something).
THE PRIORITY LIST FOR UNITS- Extremely High Priority (I need these units for current projects)
-Mercenary Corp with Western/Cowboy/Cavalry feel (similar to the Eridani Light Horse, but much smaller and potentially less reputable)
APPLICANTS: The Wrecking Crew
-Space Pirates (Preferably operating at the borders of the Lyran Commonwealth/FRR. Outrageous characteristics are most welcome. Basically the crazier the better.)
APPLICANTS: Antares Scorpions (Their leader is a Mango. Good luck topping that)
- High Priority (I need these units for upcoming projects)
-Lyran/Federated Commonwealth Unit (Preferably a mix of Lyrans and Davions, but a purely Lyran group would work in a pinch.)
APPLICANTS: Tamar Jagers, DHB 4th Battalion, 10th Solaris Rangers, 12th Donegal Guards
-Draconis Combine Unit (The more prestigious the better for this one. RP groups with members that can accurately translate Japanese would be
APPLICANTS: 36th Dieron Regulars, 9th Sword of the Dragon, 11th Legion of Vega
-Draconis Ronin Unit (What would this comic be without some sordid Ronin wars history?
-Hardcore Davionist Unit (The kinds of players that start tenting when they read the Stackpole novels)
APPLICANTS: DHB 4th Battalion, Head Hunters- Moderate Priority (nice to have these units on hand if/when I need them)
-Liao/Cappellan Unit (Actual RP Liaos would be nice)
-At least Two Marik units (Because, you know, civil war)
APPLICANTS: Marik Gunfighter Alliance, 1st Free Worlds Guards
-Other Merc Corps
APPLICANTS: ARMD, DudesClub, Night Watch, The Sea Wolves, Death's Hand Brigade
-Additional FRR units
-Clan Wolf Units
-Clan Ghost Bear Units
- Low Priority (No plans for these factions yet)
-Other Clan Units
-Comstar/Word of Blake
Some Ground Rules For Application- Your unit must be lore-friendly
What I mean by this is that your unit's characteristics can't go against battletech canon in any dramatic way. Adding another regiment to an existing house unit (such as the 5th Drakøns featured in the first chapter) is fine, but a Davion/Kurita/Pirate mixed merc corp with unlimited Atlases is right out.
RP units are ideal, and will have priority selection over competitive units of similar characteristics. Additionally, I would like for this comic to feature the stories of the everyman, those that have little or no contact to the power players of the BT universe, so I will be avoiding the big royal names. This is a massive universe, spanning (by my estimate) hundreds of billions of people. Not everyone is blood related to Victor Steiner Kenned- I mean Davion. In fact, for the purposes of this comic no one will be.
In the interest of serving an active community, I would like to feature units that can maintain an active presence either in the forums, in game, or on a third-party site. I'd also like to see at least a bit of population in your units (minimum of eight members for now). As this is a comic essentially for MWO, you should probably play the game, too.
- Your unit must allow for fair use
I would love to feature the existing visual elements (logo's, banners, in-game paint jobs) of player-run units in these comics. This means that I'll need permission from the owners of these images in order to use them. There is a small possibility that I will be able to generate revenue from this project, which would essentially mean that the original image owners would be releasing these images to me under the Creative Commons Attribution License
http://creativecommo...icenses/by/3.0/ I'm going to ask you guys up front if you are okay with that.
- Your unit must allow for artistic freedom
I'm looking for player units to add some depth and richness to this comic, not to write a fanfic about Kong or DHB or The Eleventh Lyran Guards, etc. I will be making original characters and stories for these units, not depicting existing players, mechs, or exploits. I will be using player-generated names, logos, paint jobs, and unit characteristics only. I will work on the actual fiction.
- Your unit must be amicable (unless you want to be bad guys)
I hope I don't have to make myself clear on this one. I will not use units that have a reputation for vitriol, drama, griefing, or condescension of other players.
I think that pretty much covers my expectations for applications. Feel free to ask questions if you have any, or to request an exception to a rule or two (I'll make exceptions based on the merits of the request, and the needs of the project at the time)
If you are interested in seeing your unit featured in this comic, send me a PM, or leave a comment in this thread with the details. PM's are fine.
Edited by SirDubDub, 27 August 2013 - 03:35 PM.