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(Machineguns) This Is It, Guys.

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#1 Sephlock


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 07:32 PM

This is it. I know I haven't gotten along with some of you all of the time (or ever :(), but we have a common interest here.

We must ABSOLUTELY keep our mouths shut about the current state of MGs.

"But Sephlock! You're making a post about them!"

Yeah, and the Devs read the forums about once every few months, and listen to the stuff that we have to say on the forums about once every... never.

EXCEPT when it comes in a massive flood of whine.

So here's the plan: We enjoy machineguns finally getting their day in the sun, rather than screaming about them being "bugged" and getting them curbstomp-nerfed into oblivion like LRMs and SSRMs.



That said, are LBX autocannons significantly better as well? I know I can't expect a similar amount of improvement but I was just wondering I they would make decent ranged weapons vs enemies with stripped armor.

If so, that could mean that they've finally implemented the suggestions that I (and everyone else with any common sense) have been suggesting since closed beta...

Ditto for flamers.


I don't know, it really seems like either I don't need to actually HIT any components to deal the extra damage (just succeed at the dice roll), or actuators count as legit targets that can be "re-used" to get crit after crit.

#2 Carrioncrows


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 07:46 PM

MG's and flamers still suck, i'm just exhausted in trying to explain it to PGI.

#3 heleqin


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 09:23 PM

well, individual MGs are bad. once you get 3+ thats a totally different story.

#4 Abivard


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 09:51 PM

They crit right through full armor now.

#5 Sephlock


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 11:14 PM

View PostAbivard, on 08 August 2013 - 09:51 PM, said:

They crit right through full armor now.

No they don't. I tried dakking an atlas and it was pretty poopy until his armor was removed (mostly by someone else).

#6 Appogee


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 11:18 PM

I took two of them out on a BJ last night. They didn't seem to make much of a difference.

#7 Deathlike


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 11:19 PM

View PostCarrioncrows, on 08 August 2013 - 07:46 PM, said:

MG's LPL and flamers still suck, i'm just exhausted in trying to explain it to PGI.

Spider-5K is the new master race and we must avoid showing our exposed internals to our new overlords.

Edited by Deathlike, 08 August 2013 - 11:19 PM.

#8 Koniving

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Posted 08 August 2013 - 11:22 PM

Read this. Give the MGs another, serious try.

View PostKoniving, on 06 August 2013 - 03:23 PM, said:

What I don't like is previously it was mentioned this would only apply to the MGs, thereby making them more viable.

Now it applies to everything. I should warn you this means that AC/20s will now do bonus damage, as their crit damages were very high (can't remember the ranges but they were very high), which means 15% of that crit damage now goes to your internals too.

Say if it's 4 damage to crit slots, 15% of that now also goes to your structure health (0.6 bonus).

If does 8 damage to crit slots, 15% of that now also goes to your structure health (1.2).

As an example there's a (depending on how you read it) 2% or 7% chance of a single MG bullet doing 3 damage to your crit slots (as of the 1.0 damage/sec buff for MGs). That means this super MG bullet can also do 0.6 additional damage to your structure health as well as the actual bullet damage of 0.1.

Fun fact: Small lasers have high crit chances, too. 6 SL + 2 MGs = instant destruction of an AC/20 (18 health). Even if there's 6 damage done by 2 super MG bullets, that leaves 12 crit damage done by small lasers. Worth testing!

View PostSelfish, on 06 August 2013 - 04:40 PM, said:

This isn't true. MGs are doing the majority of the legwork. An MG on its own deals ~11.875 CDPS. With 2 Mgs versus an 18 HP item you'll see destruction in ~0.75 seconds.

A small laser has no hidden crit modifier. It deals ~1.86 critical damage over its 0.75s duration, for ~0.62 CDPS. If you fired an MG for that time, it would deal ~8.73 damage. Overall the Slas is just lackluster for crit seeking.

View PostKoniving, on 06 August 2013 - 06:14 PM, said:

I figured this much, but whenever I say it people say I'm full of it and exaggerating how powerful MGs are. I do know the Atlas victim I had was calling "Bullsh" and "PGI really needs to relook at the crit numbers for the MGs, I lost my AC/20 instantly." Followed by several very unhappy expletives about them being overpowered. :)

Didn't know the specific math. Though when I said instant I meant as in there's still armor when the lasers started, and the armor was gone with the end of the beam as well as the AC/20 at nearly the same time. So it's pretty wicked.

So I suppose the 6 SLs did 1.86 * 6 = 11.16 combined with the two MGs dealing 8.73*2 = 17.46 to total 17.46 + 11.16 = ~28.62... holy @#$%-$#&!. I'm guessing that's a high-end of the crit damage.

But 15% of that is 4.293 damage to the structure health now. Interesting. I know the tears were glorious in my runs with the Firebrand using 6 SL + 2 MGs, where enemies with nasty weapons frequently were rendered completely weaponless before losing a single limb on their body but heh heh heh ha ha ha ha!!! MWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!

Not sure how much truth there is to this, as I've never seen what the small laser crit chances are, but you just made my day.

View PostSelfish, on 07 August 2013 - 06:55 AM, said:

It's actually the average crit damage, so you're more likely to see results around that point. I've got the math here if you're interested/want to double check.

The small laser crit chances are the same 42% layout of normal weapons.

The new crit % transfer makes 4x MG builds fairly strong. Once they hit an unarmored component their DPS jumps from 4 to ~11 DPS.

View PostModo44, on 07 August 2013 - 11:18 PM, said:

View PostKoniving, on 06 August 2013 - 06:14 PM, said:

I figured this much, but whenever I say it people say I'm full of it and exaggerating how powerful MGs are. I do know the Atlas victim I had was calling "Bullsh" and "PGI really needs to relook at the crit numbers for the MGs, I lost my AC/20 instantly." Followed by several very unhappy expletives about them being overpowered. :D

Because many do not know that MGs hit directly, so you should not be leading with them. It is nowhere in the description, and the bullets look like, you know, bullets.


View PostSelfish, on 08 August 2013 - 12:43 AM, said:

These two I can respond to. First, the 1x, 2x, 3x crit modifiers don't just multiply the damage and add it as critical damage. They create the appropriate roll of weapon base damage (or adjusted damage) which are then applied to items in a component. So a 3x crit with an AC/5 would look like 5-5-5 and comprise three successive rolls to determine where each 5 damage part lands, not a single roll of 15.

Critical transfer damage is being added regardless of whether or not there's an item present. It's just a straight 15% of all critical damage done. I'm not sure if it's intended, but it's what's occurring in game at the moment.

View PostVoid Angel, on 08 August 2013 - 12:57 AM, said:

So, I was wrong on that bullet point; it's the weapon's base damage, not the damage that actually penetrates the armor? I'll go fix it, then, to avoid misinformation.

How come Smurfy's lists projectile speed at 100m/s? Those stats draw directly from the game files... is the game just rendering the machine gun special effects at that speed, but treating it as a hitscan weapon?

View PostKoniving, on 08 August 2013 - 01:16 AM, said:

That appears to be the speed of the particle effects.

Don't know, but my old results with the MGs and flamers were awesome. Always on target because flamers + your face = blind person.
Later, removed the flamers. Started leading, my accuracy dropped to crap, as did all my stats with MGs.
Then I listened to Prosperity Park, and started doing amazing damage with MGs again. They hitscan like lasers.

They were upgraded with the energy (laser) HSR, too. They're instant hits. Don't lead them.

Edited by Koniving, 08 August 2013 - 11:26 PM.

#9 Chaosdrive


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 11:44 PM

So, MG's don't completely suck and are actually able to knock out weapons before the enemy mech is destroyed, as well as do some serious damage to mech's one is facehugging - Providing they have no armour in where ever you are aiming.

It sounds like they are working as intended, doing almost nothing when the target has armour then ripping them apart when they don't. Hell if your boating machine guns (Heh.. Never thought I'd say that with a straight face) the chances are your hardpoints allow for little else (I'm looking at the Spiders and Jager-DD here).

Until a mech comes in that spouts an obscene amount of them I think they are fine, they do their job and very little outside of it and we don't have to worry about machine gun arrays till 3068, and heavy MG's until 3059, when it becomes available to clans - I'd like to thank Sarna here for the dates.

In short: I think they excel at their PGI intended purpose, if they can't damage internals well and knock weapons off quickly then crit seekers will always be laughed at, especially with the effective range of MG's and that hunk of expensive metal that is the LB 10-X AC. I'd say they are good but far from OP, if they could crit through armour or had a higher DPS it would be another story however.

#10 Corvus Antaka


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 11:48 PM

brawlers need love...or...snipers need a nurf...more specifically dual erppc gauss snipers.

LBX/20, LBX love in general (though the current lbx 10 is sorta on par with the ac/10, neither is an epic gun standalone)

brawlers should be at least 50% more effective than snipers at 250m, at 150m or closer they should be 100% more effective possibly, its dangeorus getting that close, and we need more than ppc/gauss to mix things up some more. right now the only marginally passable brawler is the dual ac/20 jagger, and it's not much of a brawler, not like say, the thanatos was in mech4,

triple lbx 10 thanatos in mech4 was a terror at sub 250m ranges, could shred a novacat while the cat struggled with heat massively, we dont see that dynamic in the game currently to it's full potential.

#11 Carrioncrows


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 11:53 PM

MG's do suck.

Oh sure there is all sorts of math about how they knock out components, or do extra critical damage, or shave paint at a higher rate than any other weapon in the game. The guy with the MG is going "Tink Tink Tink" all the while yelling "Trust me guys, it's working!"

Meanwhile back in reality, ever other weapon says "XXXX you" to killing components and takes out the entire location and every component in it.

That's my issue.

Edited by Carrioncrows, 08 August 2013 - 11:55 PM.

#12 Curccu


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 12:49 AM

MGs definately do NOT suck anymore.

Spider 5k(4xMG +MPL) is totally awesome atm. haven't yet lost duel with other light with it. 100% heat neutral mech is very good, longer the battle more it shines.

#13 Void Angel


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 01:17 AM

I'll have to check it out - once the Spider's hitboxes are un-borked. Right now, I don't seem to get full damage with most weapon types, and my drop buddy has seen some really odd stuff too. And by "odd" I mean sucking PPC bolts into hyperspace or something without taking damage, or getting hit with two PPCs fired from the same location on the 'mech... and his entire chassis turning yellow.

#14 TexAce


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 01:20 AM

Got a 6MG Jäger and a 4MG Spider and it goes like this: If I see you with any part of you not having armor, say bye to that part in a blink of an eye :)

I also use a Dual LBX jäger (since the Jäger came out) but have to play it more to explore if they got better, I always liked that build but with about 20 mechs in my mechlab its hard to pick one to play ^^

Edited by TexAss, 09 August 2013 - 01:22 AM.

#15 Sephlock


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 01:26 AM

Based on history, I am absolutely certain that this is going to get nerfed at some point. I am shocked that it didn't get a 24 hour nerf like LRMs did.

#16 Carrioncrows


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 01:30 AM

View PostCurccu, on 09 August 2013 - 12:49 AM, said:

MGs definately do NOT suck anymore.

Spider 5k(4xMG +MPL) is totally awesome atm. haven't yet lost duel with other light with it. 100% heat neutral mech is very good, longer the battle more it shines.

That's probably more to do with hit registration problems on spider mechs in general than any actual feasibility.

Give me a spider with x4 small lasers and a medium pulse and I can show you how bad MG's are.

Edited by Carrioncrows, 09 August 2013 - 01:31 AM.

#17 PanzerFurrry


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 01:35 AM

Machine guns are finally in the state where they should be in the beginning. Usable. Now we only need to talk about minor adjustments (+- crit percentage, spread, etc) and borderline examples (6MG Hero spider).
I've been piloting my Raven-4X with great effects equipped with 2xMG and lasers.

Flamers on the other hand are still terrible, even for auxiliary weapon. They are fun to play, I've done lots of matches in Spider-5V with 2xFlamers, but damage was negligible and heat unbearable.

#18 Sephlock


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 02:10 AM

Drain you of your sanity
Face the thing that should not be

Posted Image
Posted Image

536 - 750 resource cap loss.

More randoms need to start making machineguns so **** like this won't happen.

(There really is no excuse for being outdamaged by a ****** Raven piloted by a sleep deprived Leeroy Jenkins).

I credit providence, a last minute rush for safety, and MACHINEGUNS.

#19 IcePho3nix


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 02:53 AM

View PostSephlock, on 09 August 2013 - 02:10 AM, said:

Drain you of your sanity

(There really is no excuse for being outdamaged by a ****** Raven piloted by a sleep deprived Leeroy Jenkins).

I credit providence, a last minute rush for safety, and MACHINEGUNS.

I'll admit, I'm terrible at this game, so my observations don't mean much, but this looks like a really badass light-hunter. Maybe not so great against bigger things, but I could see this working as a great counter to enemy backstabbers and scouts! What was the mech you killed in that match?

#20 Sephlock


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Posted 09 August 2013 - 03:07 AM

IIRC it was a Cicada that shot me in the back. I had some trouble earlier where I ran into a firing squad but I ducked into a canyon and managed to jump jet + drunkenly weave back and forth my way to safety.

BTW, I raked at least 4 of them with my fire (and that's not counting the guy I eventually killed) and NOT A SINGLE ONE OF THOSE MECHS WAS KILLED (as evidenced by my lack of assists).


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