Hotthedd, on 14 August 2013 - 03:40 PM, said:
So, roughly the same DPS as a Small Laser; faster to chew through armor due to continuous fire and (minimal) spread (at close range) as opposed to hit-scan beam, and roughly twice as fast to destroy IS compared to the SL, which generates heat that the MG does not.
Fixed that for you.
Continuous fire is a drawback, not an advantage, and it surely won't make the MG go through armour faster if it keeps spreading its damage out.
The MG is SLOWER at penetrating armour than a SL due to:
1. The SL is a beam weapon that only needs to be held on-target for 25% of the time (beam 0.75s, cooldown 2.25s). The MG is a continuous-fire weapon that need to be held on-target for 100% of the time (3s of holding the MG steady on target to match the 0.75s beam damage of the SL). Which do you think is easier in a match, holding steady on a side torso for 0.75 seconds, or holding steady on a side torso for 3 seconds? Hitting the same side torso with three separate beams or trying to hold the MG on it for nine seconds straight?
2. The SL has a beam duration, but the MG has spread. Beam duration can be compensated by skill, spread cannot be compensated by anything but keeping still (and getting the target to keep still) and being really close.
Hotthedd, on 14 August 2013 - 03:40 PM, said:
I also like how you mention ammo necessary for the MG, but fail to mention heat sinks necessary for the SL to do comparable DPS without overheating.
That's because they're really not needed; your 'mech already comes equipped with enough SHS to run a SL heat-neutral, and should you upgrade to DHS you can run three SLs heat-neutral:
A single SL generates 0.67 heat/second, and 10 SHS (which is the minimum you can drop with) dissipates 1.0 heat/second.
With 10 DHS, three SL is heat neutral with a 250 rated engine or better; 2.0 HPS vs 2.0 dissipation. With smaller engines you may have to unlock Cool Run or Elite the 'mech before it's heat neutral, but it will be.
And those three SL incidentally is the same weight as a single MG with a ton of ammo.
Hotthedd, on 14 August 2013 - 03:40 PM, said:
sounds like the advantages far out weigh the disadvantages to me.
That's because you focus solely on the advantages and ignore and/or gloss over the disadvantages.
Edited by stjobe, 14 August 2013 - 09:53 PM.