Joseph Mallan, on 12 August 2013 - 06:04 AM, said:
The 5K was created specifically for anti infantry use. The TROs said that is what it was for. That PGI couldn't think about that and go, "Maybe we should make up our own!" Is mind boggling since we don't have Infantry in game. Where's the logic in removing a more powerful weapon with better range and damage
While I don't agree that the MG is infantry-only and think that your use of the 5K lore is irrelevant (sure, it's added for anti-infantry use, but it would still do 8 damage to a 'mech if fired on one), that's a bit beside the point here. As you say, we don't have infantry in MWO, so the MG needs to be viable against 'mechs or not be in MWO at all.
Since the devs in their infinite wisdow decided to make the MG a "crit weapon", I'm actually quite pleased with the way it works right now - even though I've fought them tooth and nail to make the MG a regular damage-dealing weapon for the last nine months or so.
Joseph Mallan, on 12 August 2013 - 06:43 AM, said:
Machine guns are supposed to be, at best, equal to a Small laser for damage.
And they are - against armour (although there's still the issue of SLs only having to stay on-target 25% of the time vs 100% for the MG, arguably still giving the upper hand to the SL). They only surpass it once armour is breached.