N0MAD, on 12 August 2013 - 11:49 PM, said:
Why not compare companies? they are both trying to sell us a product, am i to buy said product from One because i pity them? Ohh poor litle PGI lets spend money on their product because they are small and helpless even if the product is well ummm inferior, sorry bud i work hard for my $ ( and BTW i earn this $ by keeping my current customers happy while trying to get new custom by good word of mouth) and i already support worthwhile Charities.
Stable game? are we playing same game? bad networking (constant drops from near everyone)over the last year, Constant Graphics glitches, Bad Hit detection stemming from bad coding and networking, Low frame rates ( their fix is to tone down graphics to pre 1980s lvls) Features like Zoom, collision taken out cause its to difficult for them, no SLI support, no DX11, no ingame chat or lobbies or Tutorial, and the list goes on,, notice this list does not include gameplay balance (oh god Forbid).
Lets also not mention the rudeness like telling paying customers they are not target demographics or on an Island, a vocal minority not to be bothered about.
Yep PGI and MWO is in great shape
Heres some hard numbers for you, dozens of my friends and I all hardcore MW fans who put up $120 without a problem Gone finished with this title, thats what PGI has done for this title.
After wading through that rant, I'll address it.
Comparing things is fine; we can compare anything - I will grant that. Is it a
fair or
reasonable comparison, though? Do we tell children their art or marks in school are garbage because they can't compare to somebody's achievements at the university-level? Do we compare a great amateur sports team to a professional one? No.
PGI versus Blizzard-Activision, EA, or even CCP is like apples and oranges... with PGI being a very small apple. If PGI even has 1/50th of the operating capital of Blizzard, it would be shocking. If they have even 1/10th the staff, even more shocking. If, then, two entities are so incredibly dissimilar that the advantages of one entity over the other are manifestly evident to everybody with the grade-school-level ability to reason, why even compare them? MWO is a F2P game released by a small-time studio; F2P means that you don't have to pay the developer a single dime, and if you did, it's only because you chose to. Other MMO's (like Warcraft or EVE) are games that are a decade (or more) old with vastly superior resources due to their pay subscription nature. We cannot reasonably expect PGI to produce comparable results, yet the fact that some game balance issues are the worst things that we face is, in fact, pretty damn remarkable.
As to complaints about stability, poor customer service, or other game issues - granted. If these are problems for you or other people (and some are problems for me too - I don't like current game balance fixes very much), then they are real problems. They are not unique problems to MWO, though. All MMO's have these sorts of problems. Stroll over to the boards of Warcraft or EVE and take a look at how much ranting and raving there is there. I say this not to exculpate MWO, but rather to show that the problems that affect this game are not some sort of singular disaster that is unprecedented in the history of online gaming. The problems here are very real, but very normal, and very common - even among far older, and far better-funded game titles. They still haven't balanced the classes for PvP or PvE in Warcraft, and it's over ten years old (including development), and has more resources than any normal human being could conceive of. If Blizzard struggles with that problem with that much money and that much time invested, do we really have any reason to think PGI should somehow be immune? Come on now. Reality, people. It's over here.
As a last note, 'dozens' of your personal circle of friends amounts (statistically) to very little in reality. This game has had over one million registered accounts. Even if only a fraction of those were to remain, 'a dozen' people is a drop in the proverbial bucket.
On a personal level, the thrust that I and others are getting at is
not that MWO is perfect, and it certainly isn't ardent defense (nor being apologists) of PGI. The thrust instead is that
some of the problems people describe are valid; the game has balance issues and anybody in the game (particularly competitive players such as myself) are aware of them. That said, the balance problems that MWO has are also entirely and inherently normal in any online game, and yet most of the complaints around the forum (including the laughable 'save MWO' garbage) are of the opinion that some unprecedented and exceptional disaster has befallen this game... a game that is in Beta, is only an F2P title, and has a fraction of the resources that other games do. If people put their expectations more in accordance with the fiscal and man-power realities of this developer and title, they'd be a lot less angry.
I too have concerns about the game, but I see a developer attempting to fix problems; whether the developer fixes them as some people want them to or not is fundamentally a matter of personal perspective, not a question of neglect. This game is PGI's livelihood; fun for us, the ability to eat and pay a mortgage for them. I guarantee that they care more about the stability and future of this game than any of us, and the opinions of forum-goers (a vocal minority in any online community) are seldom the sole practical weather-vane for directing a business.
Edited by Arrachtas, 13 August 2013 - 01:34 AM.