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New/returning Player Lf Advice

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#1 Quikshotmofo


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 10:06 PM

Hey everyone, I seem to have caught that mech fever again and have been looking into how Mwo is progressing. It seems a whole lot of new stuff have been added and it feels a bit overwhelming as I stopped playing after a reset back during closed beta when dual gauss K2's where in fashion.

So I'm here looking for advice on where to start again, I have about 17,000 Mc with no cbills and a founder mech and from what I read a couple months of prem. time that I am able to activiate. Any suggestions on what to do? What are hero mechs? Is it best to invest in a hero mech to grind cbills so I dont have to dump all my Mc points on stuff? Thanks for any advice ahead of time, looking forward to playing again !!!

Edited by Quikshotmofo, 12 August 2013 - 11:11 PM.

#2 MoonUnitBeta


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 11:05 PM

Welcome back!

- Much like your founders mechs, Hero mechs give a 30% c-bill bonus (Founders are 25% bonus).
- Hero Mechs have custom camo pattern, and a custom load out.
- We can buy camo for our mechs now too, and each camo (except for the Dazzle pattern) has 3 channels to change colour. - - There's some basic colours available for c-bills. Colours are universal, but permanent camo purchases are restricted to only the mech and it's variants. You'll need to buy the permanent camo again for a different mech. Alternatively, you can also buy just single use camo patterns for much cheaper.
- The game just recently got upgraded to 12v12.
- There's better support than there was for analog sticks that came in about in March, if your a joystick driver or controller guy.
- There is a test server now where we tested 12v12 back in early July, and we just tested 3person view at the start of August.
- Thermal and Night Vision got a pass.
- UI2.0 is coming down the pipe eventually
- Tutorials are coming down the test server pipe as well to help the new user experience, come launch on Sept 17th
- ECM is in the game, but only 4 variants of mechs can carry it, the Spider 5D, commando..3D i think, a Cicada, and the Atlas-D-DC. It covers anyone within the 180m bubble. Beagle active probe (which can be placed on any kind of mech) can counter one ecm with 150m (I think). My numbers might be off for ECM and BAP.
- There has been an introduction of what we call Ghost Heat. Where the more weapons you fire at the same time, the more heat is generated. Some items, like SRM 4's and SRM 6's, and PPC and ER PCCs, are linked together respectively. So that when you fire a certain amount (more than 3 SRM4's and/or SRM6's) together, you start to get penalized exponentially for every other SRM 4 or 6 fired.
- Be sure to pick up a Project Pheonix package so you can score 12 mechs with bays, some more premium time, and get 4 more mechs with c-bill and loyalty point bonuses (loyalty points will be used in Community Warfare)

A note about Hero Mechs though, they are not pay to win, and in fact some are a tad worse. However, they are, like the founders, a life time c-bill bonus when you play them.

Not sure what else to add, I'm sure there's many people who have lots of other info to offer.

Check out this thread if you wanna see what other stuff is coming soon.

Edited by MoonUnitBeta, 12 August 2013 - 11:13 PM.

#3 Rusty Shackleferd


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Posted 12 August 2013 - 11:42 PM


To add onto MoonUnitBeta's comments:
-ECM basically hide friendly mechs from radar detection when spotted by the enemy. This means you can not lock on to the target nor see their info when they are still with in ECM bubble. If a mech with ECM comes close to you, you lose most targeting information other than the location of your friendlies. You will also not be able to use LRMs when you have an enemy ECM mech near you. You should definitely brush up on ECM before you go into battle. I personally seen the implementation and tweeking of ECM since its introduction and find that is may be difficult for newcomers to get use to.
-ERPPC and PPC can disable ECM for a few seconds.
-Gauss Rifles are extremely fragile now and can explode when damaged.
-Artemis, TAG, and Narc components help guide your LRMs better for maximum damage.
-JumpJets shoot you up faster allowing you to get some quickshots off.
-Some mechs now have missile bay doors that you need to toggle "/" to open and close them. There are some indicators in your cockpit to show this. With doors close, your missiles will come out after a brief delay. The doors will prevent some damage to the weapon system when close.
-The modifiers that you can unlock with your EXP in the Pilot Lab actually work and are very useful. However, you will need to unlock the "Basic" modifiers for 3 different variants in order to advance to the next tree.
-Modules and Consumable are available to unlock and purchase for your mechs. These are like the modifiers I mention, but you will need to unlock them with GXP first and then purchase for your mechs with c-bills. Mechs also only have so many slots to fill with modules. Modules will enhance your sensors usually. Consumables are available in the form of coolant flush and some fire support. However, fire support consumables are not worth your c-bills or MC right now. Avoid the following modules and consumables for now:

Advance Zoom, Arty Strike, Air Strike, UAV Drone

-Machine Guns, LBX-10, and Flamers have an additive critical damage modifier that can deal massive damage and destroy your weapons and heat sinks once your armor is gone.
-There is a new game mode called Conquest where you can secure points to win.
-There is also a Training Grounds game option in the "Launch" menu that also you to explore various maps and test out your mech alone.
-You can enable arm lock in your options menu. This helps make your shots from your arm and torso converge better.
-Whether you choose to grind c-bills with your founders mech or trial mech, or purchase a Hero mech, be sure to do your research and the mechs and utilize all tools available to you.


The above link is a very useful database that you can use the web base mechlab to design your mech before you buy it. You can also share the mech design and ask for opinions.

Now that will be the end of my contribution.

Good hunting Mechwarrior!

#4 Redshift2k5

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Posted 13 August 2013 - 04:14 AM

First thing you want to do is get comfortable in that Founder Mech. It's still stock, for now, but it will earn you 25% extra for all your matches you use it in!

You may not have any right now but you'll earn just under 8 million C-Bills during your first 25 matches care of the "Cadet Bonus". Save those bills so you can afford to put double heatsinks, new engines, and new weapons on your Founder Mech.

Don't spend any of your right away, play around and get a feel for what you like. Hero Mechs are pretty cool but you should make sure you feel you would enjoy that mech's speed, loadout, and overall style. different Hero Mechs are goood for different things.

Once your Cadet Bonus runs out you should buy a month of Premium Time. With a founder mech and premium time, you'll be rolling in to purchase and upgrade battlemechs with. You may not need a Hero Mech if you can find variants you enjoy

#5 Quikshotmofo


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 10:41 AM

Wow, Thanks for all the advice so far, its been great doing a few runs on my stock founders mech, i'll definitely have to look into ECM's more and im surprised to hear they put in coolant flush as I remember hearing that it's not apart of the BT lore.

Hows the balance of gameplay right now, I ran a few matches and i've seen quite a few light mechs charging in close mashing MG's on anything that looks hurt. Also way back when I last played, Erppc and ppc's were not tweaked good and we're kinda avoided because of the mass heat they gen vs damage output, has that changed?

#6 Elizander


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Posted 13 August 2013 - 11:48 AM

Yes, ER PPC and PPCs are pretty good right now. They bumped up the projectile speed to 2000 m/s (equivalent to AC/2s) so they are very easy to hit with at long range. They also fixed -some- of the hit registration bugs so weapons actually hit now (sometimes they still miss for no reason but it's much rarer than in CBT). Most people consider PPCs and Gauss Rifles to be the top weapons. SRMs are okay. They were nerfed, then buffed, but Streak SRMs are still very weak so avoid them.

Machine Guns and LBX cannons do more damage when they crit and recently crits also deal more internal structure damage that is why people are spamming MGs in your torn holes.

#7 Lan


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Posted 14 August 2013 - 12:33 AM

Welcome back! The only advice I have to add is save a lot of the MC for mechbays. That's the one thing you cannot do without. Buying mechs, colors etc, fine. But if you are out of garage space, that will limit your game experience a lot.

Working on elite levels mean you have to have three chassi of the same type, hence three slots. Want to keep them all?

So save some MC for the bays. :P

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