I agree on the events in WT-they generally are fine BUT and it is a BIG BUT.....
the base economy under it is utterly poor.
In my opinion with any F2p game, you should be able to get about halfway through the progression before money becomes a sensible option to invest. Currently in WT that is not the case. Get shot down sans any kills in HB at tier 5-you LOSE money, that's just one quarter of the way through. Tonight when I was queing up for an HB game, there was 7 players at tier 20. 11 at tiers 13-18. 20 at 5-6 and at 3-4. Hardly anyone can afford the end game because the earnings are so meager....
They need the events to keep the players....I can't always play when these events are on, so I miss out on them a lot of the time-so the base economy is more important to me. I worked out earlier it's actually more cost effective for me to buy lions with eagles than to get premium time....that's insane!
But I guess with this game is it the time it takes? I ref the guy that insulted me earlier with my "tired points" and "weak arguments." I'm sorry but if peope are complaining about this taking too long my lord what would they do going for the Mig 15bis in WT?
I personally don't see this huge grind......If I sit down for a few hours with clanmates by the end of it I have a couple of million earned that evening....around 150k-200k per game it soon adds up.....but then I guess as I'm still new I still enjoy playing the game and I don't have to have everything-I'm happy with my Kintaros and ravens.
Try going past tier 10 in WT...the grind especially xp is just hideous.....planes costing 500k+ when you only make 5-15k profit each match.......
I've had games on WoT where I have done more damage than my whole team AND the entire enemy team and still lost money-because we lost. I derive 0 fun from that. The fact that underperforming team mates can effectively take money from your virtual pocket is simply....CRAZY.
I'm sorry if I offend with my obviously naive approach, but playing this I have a game where I never lose money, make a decent amount of it and have attained all the mechs I wanted at the start all within a month...losing does not really phase me either because I know I won't lose out...I feel no pressure to "perform" and can focus on enjoying each match-compare that to the two other games I play and it's worlds apart.
I guess I'm just an *****.
Edited by kamiko kross, 17 November 2013 - 07:06 PM.