GODzillaGSPB, on 15 August 2013 - 02:03 AM, said:
In several games, where we actually and clearly gained the upper hand those same assaults still hid in their cover
I usually play medium and it's really frustrating
Think about this, dear support assaults: When weight limits are in the game, you'll be a much smaller group. Yes, you will survive back in your trenchses, but once the frontline mediums and heavies are dealt with, you'll die surrounded and alone.
Can you blame a slow moving assault for "NOT" wanting to walk into a focus fire from multiple enemies..?? What about you?
I had to have a good chuckle about this... Sorry Chief, but people are playing smarter, and most assaults aren't as fast as your mediums, so your perception that they are hiding when they can't keep speed with you, or climb the same terrain as you can makes one heck of a good laugh...
Do yourself a favor and communicate with your team before the match gets really going hard, find out which Mechs are missile boats, which assaults are loaded out for long range weapons, and which are willing to be the brawling tanks that you require all asaults to be..
Show me where it is written that all asaults must tank for you..?? How about those fast Victors..?? They are escort destroyers, not battleships.
I understand that those big nasty Atlases have a bunch of Armor, I understand you want them to tank for you, but understand this, the next time you see an Atlas get shot to pieces moving into an area to engage, you better not call him a noob for getting smoked while he's trying to move from cover to cover at 48 to 60 KPH while you're bobbing and weaving at 80 to 98 kph.
A lot of the time mediums and lights crying out for help is because they got themselves into a bad situation, then flame the slow movers for not being there.
I have a situation for you, how about the times when 3 assaults move in on an enemy team when they have the chance, only to find out that the 3 mediums with them all of a sudden run away in fear instead of helping a push on the enemy.?? How about that little nugget..?? I have seen that a lot more than I have seen assaults "hiding" as you put it.
There are too many variables in a match that can affect the flow of the fight, and 2 dimensional thinking doesn't do anything to help that fact.
Perhaps better situational awareness is on order, and not blanket statements..??
Edited by Odins Fist, 17 August 2013 - 01:31 PM.