soapyfrog, on 16 August 2013 - 12:51 PM, said:
What, you mean this is a game and should be fun? Is there no end to the insanity in this thread?
MonkeyCheese, on 17 August 2013 - 03:15 AM, said:
This grind most people complain about is mostly by choice after the first mech chassis.
For example as a new player I want a mastered fast aws9m thats my problem and I have to grind up 2 of the slower 8x variants.
So I save up using the cadet bonus, buy my first 2 cheaper/slower 8 series aws mechs, and skillunlock/save then eventually I have a mastered 9m to play with once all modules and skills are unlocked. At that point I could just play the game for fun and never play another mech and watch the money grow.
Once you have a purchased 3 variants of one mech and have leveled at least one up to master, and have saved up the money to fill that one mastered mech with modules and have found the correct build and engine then technically you have reached endgame and can play that mech using its full potential.
And yes all this can be done with cbills and using 3 of the 4 original mechbays. Compared to other free to play online games this is a fairly quick grind to reach end game for a character/class.
If people want more mechs/engines/modules then dont come crying to pgi/forums about it, no one is forcing you to buy that extra mech bay or spend time grinding further mechs or playing that "really bad" variant everyone hates or waste stupid amounts of money on crazy builds and multiple engines. Once you have done it all for the first time or even 4 times for each weight/speed class then its all your fault as a player if you choose to punish yourself again.
Or 40 times and counting...