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Seriously, $80 For 4 Mechs? (Phoenix)

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#41 WVAnonymous


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 03:58 PM

View Postsoapyfrog, on 16 August 2013 - 12:51 PM, said:

Lastly I'd say if you think this game is grindy and you are bored of the fundamental gameplay: guess what, you do not like this game and you should go find a game you DO like. This game has basically no grind for people who actually enjoy it.

What, you mean this is a game and should be fun? Is there no end to the insanity in this thread?

View PostMonkeyCheese, on 17 August 2013 - 03:15 AM, said:

This grind most people complain about is mostly by choice after the first mech chassis.
For example as a new player I want a mastered fast aws9m thats my problem and I have to grind up 2 of the slower 8x variants.
So I save up using the cadet bonus, buy my first 2 cheaper/slower 8 series aws mechs, and skillunlock/save then eventually I have a mastered 9m to play with once all modules and skills are unlocked. At that point I could just play the game for fun and never play another mech and watch the money grow.

Once you have a purchased 3 variants of one mech and have leveled at least one up to master, and have saved up the money to fill that one mastered mech with modules and have found the correct build and engine then technically you have reached endgame and can play that mech using its full potential.

And yes all this can be done with cbills and using 3 of the 4 original mechbays. Compared to other free to play online games this is a fairly quick grind to reach end game for a character/class.

If people want more mechs/engines/modules then dont come crying to pgi/forums about it, no one is forcing you to buy that extra mech bay or spend time grinding further mechs or playing that "really bad" variant everyone hates or waste stupid amounts of money on crazy builds and multiple engines. Once you have done it all for the first time or even 4 times for each weight/speed class then its all your fault as a player if you choose to punish yourself again.

Or 40 times and counting...

#42 White Bear 84


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 03:59 PM

View Posttucsonspeed6, on 19 August 2013 - 03:31 PM, said:

What if they were everywhere, controlling everything. What's that standing behind you? Nothing there? I thought so. I wouldn't be there now because I just left. Didn't you buy some Doritos at the store last weekend? Check the kitchen to see if they're still there (hint, don't get your hopes up. I got hungry on my way out.) Wait. Are you sure you even went to the store, or was it a planted memory by PGI? What's real and what's altered PGI reality? Are dogs real? I think not. When was the last time you saw one? Why am I suddenly exposing the truth to you now? Maybe it's because I don't feel threatened by you because you were the one who wasn't real in the first place.


I woke up this morning and there was a troll under my bed whispering.. 'phoeenixxx.. phoeeniixxxxx'.

PGI is out to get me..

#43 Devils Advocate


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 06:18 PM

View PostSuperchibisan, on 15 August 2013 - 03:27 PM, said:

I don't think it is justifiable to charge $80 for ADD-ON material. There are games that come with everything available for $60. I am completely skeptical at the money generation in this game and feel that paying for anything is a waste of real cash. MC credits cost $30 to get enough just to buy one mech? Ridiculous. I'll pay 30 if I can get all the mechs unlocked, and hey, I may even pay 5 bucks to get some more MC every once and a while. But as it stands, I'll play my one starter mech, and level up like normal. I understand that the peeps gotta get paid, but hell, EA doesn't even gouge its customer like this.

That said, I want these damn Phoenix Mechs without having to pay real money for them. Its a game *********.

Don't obsess over things you can't have. Don't buy things you don't want.

Hey look I fixed your problem.

Edited by Devils Advocate, 19 August 2013 - 06:19 PM.

#44 Angel of Annihilation


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 11:36 PM

View PostSuperchibisan, on 15 August 2013 - 03:27 PM, said:

I don't think it is justifiable to charge $80 for ADD-ON material. There are games that come with everything available for $60. I am completely skeptical at the money generation in this game and feel that paying for anything is a waste of real cash. MC credits cost $30 to get enough just to buy one mech? Ridiculous. I'll pay 30 if I can get all the mechs unlocked, and hey, I may even pay 5 bucks to get some more MC every once and a while. But as it stands, I'll play my one starter mech, and level up like normal. I understand that the peeps gotta get paid, but hell, EA doesn't even gouge its customer like this.

That said, I want these damn Phoenix Mechs without having to pay real money for them. Its a game *********.

I think you are forgetting that games need to make money for them to be offered to us to play. Hell I just found out a new MMO I was looking forward to is going back to the traditional MMO subscription model. $59.99 for the game, $15 a month or you don't play at all. Seems like alot of the new games are thinking about going back to this.

The point is $80 for what you get is very, very cheap. 12 mechs, 4 of them hero mechs, 12 new bays, bunches of cockpit swag, 90 days premium time plus now it comes with free colors.

In fact this entire game has been cheap for me. $60 Founders, $80 Phoenix, $45 of extra MC and I have been playing for better part of 15 months. That is $12 a month or $3 a month cheaper than the traditional subscription model and I didn't have to spend $60 for the box just to get started.

Also just to address your last statement. You absolutely can own all these mechs absolutelly free of charge. The only difference between a Phoenix Mech and the standard variant they are going to be releasing to be purchased with C-bills is the paint scheme, different shoulder pad on the mech and the C-bill, LP bonus. Otherwise they are identical as far as hardpoints and everything else.

Anyway, if you think playing this game is expensive, well you can do pretty much everything as a F2P player and not spend a dime. Also I really feel sorry for you if the tread to move back to subscription models continues, because you will either be paying much more or not playing.

#45 DeadlyNerd


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Posted 19 August 2013 - 11:38 PM

View PostLauLiao, on 15 August 2013 - 03:36 PM, said:

Um, for your $80 not only do you get 4 Phoenix variants, but the 2 non-phoenix variants of each.

That's 1 mech too few, per chassis, to actually elite them before everyone else. Just saying.

#46 Jackalhit


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 04:13 AM

View PostDeadlyNerd, on 19 August 2013 - 11:38 PM, said:

That's 1 mech too few, per chassis, to actually elite them before everyone else. Just saying.

Eh? No, you're getting 3 variants of each chassis; 2 standard 1 hero. You only need 3 to Elite/Master your mechs.

#47 Syllogy


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Posted 20 August 2013 - 07:15 AM

View PostGingerBang, on 16 August 2013 - 11:50 AM, said:

In his defense, neither does PGI. This is the worst monetization model i've seen in years. They are trying to monetize off a grind fest, but all that means is your players who can't play often are forced to subsidize those who can. That alone is an unsustainable model, and REAL game studio with a REAL mathematician/analytic department can tell you that. The effect is doubled by the fact it is premium TIME, not premium matches. They are selling a way around the grind to people who don't have time to grind. However, that means they don't have time to use the Premium Time they purchased as well, rendering it entirely useless. Who wants to pay for 24 hours of premium time a day, when they only play 1 hour a day? Amateur design, nuff said.

You are the community manager for another Free to Play game, right? Which game was it you were working for again?

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