Roknari, on 17 August 2013 - 08:36 AM, said:
Getting steamrolled as you put it does not prove a disparity in ELO or skill. If you think about it, games ending up with lopsided wins reinforces that it IS working.
Something happens to give a team an advantage. Player disconnects, someone gets a quick headshot kill, takes a few seconds to scarf down a hot pocket, your mom comes down to the basement to make you take a bath, whatever.
One side has a force multiplier. They are able to utilize that to get up on kills, the bigger their advantage the further they get up. The easier it is to maintain that advantage. The harder it becomes for the team that is down to come back.
Basically go play tug of war, and give one team a running start. The other has to stand still. That is what is going on.
This is not a tug of war and you, like many others, are again misunderstanding how Elo works and why it's used.
In tug of war each team can be seen as a single entity and players within each team can have their strength combined into 1 value. The whole system is actually 1v1 in the end.
This is NOT. This is a game where each player plays on his own and for himself. He doesn't have a symbiotic relationship with the team. Teams, however premade they were, are never going to be counted as a single entity until their members become constant and don't change.
It's a simple fact, yet nobody seems to understand it and just keeps reinforcing Einstein's definition of insanity.
Reason a matchmaking system is being used is to create similar matches and fair fights. The fact that it doesn't do that is exactly the reason why it's NOT working properly. I can't fathom why someone would think a matchmaker works if it's not making even matches.
Mackman, on 16 August 2013 - 10:04 PM, said:
Excellent point, and one that needs to be remembered.
Actually, that's a point that only A I D S (it's a ******* verb, fix your ******* filter) my argument. There shouldn't be a team where 1 player greatly deviates from the rest of the team.
Current matchmaker is doing just that, and it obviously isn't working.
Mackman, on 16 August 2013 - 10:01 PM, said:
But it's extremely unlikely (mathmetically speaking) that you winning despite your low skill would happen more often than you losing because of it. It's simple probability: Given a sufficiently large number of matches, you will eventually be placed with people of the same skill (or "effectiveness", if you bring in people who are intentionally gimping themselves).
Elo, if properly implemented, will work: That's why League of Legends has been using it successfully ever since it started out (you know, before it became the biggest game in the world by using a good Elo matchmaking system.).
He get's carried the first match and then loses a match for those of higher rating. He caused their rating to get ruined, it wasn't their fault. How do you explain and justify that? He wont be placed with people for the same rating because games are already in motion and the matchmaker already has to loosen the criteria to get more players. He'll ALWAYS be put into a team with better or worse players.
Elo doesn't "work", it's the matchmaker that "works". Elo is made for 1v1 and it can't be properly implemented. I understand ignorant, but ignorant and dense takes the cake.
LoL using it efficiently? Haha, that's a laugh. Tell that to my frustrated brother who gets beginners in high ranked games just cause the matchmaker decided to "fill out the blanks".
An Elo based matchmaker works only in WoW, because those arena teams are counted as a single entity. An Elo based matchmaker would even work for football teams because they're a single entity, but it WOULDN'T work if those teams were comprised of random players that never played along side each other., the very reason why national teams can suck even if they're filled with premier league players.
Hauser, on 16 August 2013 - 02:42 PM, said:
Yes. Like I said before, I agree. People with significant Elo difference should not be on the same team. However that was not the point the OP was making.
That IS the point I am making. Thank you for being ignorant throughout the thread.
Edited by DeadlyNerd, 17 August 2013 - 10:39 AM.