September 3rd? So for next 18 days my options are:
a) to keep playing my 2 reg KTOs and the Golden Boy, cowering from damage like I'm an oversized commando, doing a lot less in every match than I'm supposed to, granting undeserved kills to still pretty functional gauss/ppc cheese builds on every second center-of-mass salvo (because there is still no word about convergence fix), while I wait for a possible solution to SRM HSR (also, losing KDR is just a bonus to all this);

to shelve my new toys and have them collect dust while I run inconsequential games in actual Commandos, because sitting at 67 mechs I have elited out almost everything I was interesed in;
Dear PGI, I am usually very optimistic about what you do, and about the future of MWO. Now, high-damage pinpoint alpha strikes were a problem ever since ballistic HSR went live, and you know it, which is evidenced by your implementation of heat-scales, upping of heat generation and cooldowns on PPCs and making Gauss Rifle a low-HP easily exploding component. Still, after all those fixes the basic 2xERPPC + 1xGauss builds can be done (and are seen) on pretty much everything from Dragons, K2 Cats, Jagers, Phracts, let alone Victors, Highlanders and Atlases, because even after so many indirect nerfs this build still grants you a 35 point alpha at almost no shadow cost, and being hit with that once may mean a game-over for a light or a medium. Not even dead, but with a red side-torso, which is even worse. Hell, I've been leaving no more that 10 points of back armor on everything up to Victors ever since ballistic HSR, only to make my front armor survive a little longer under PPC/Gauss sniper fire. And still, whenever an enemy team has abundance of this common build and their pilots arent bad at shooting, your team has almost no chance.
Now we get our first 55-ton medium, a big thing for medium pilots, and we get it in a Hero-first, MC-purchase-week-later way, which is the hardest you can push a mech into a game, yet it arrives with a CT which vacuums damage so effectively you could use the KTOs as meatshields that will catch all incoming fire for entire team, and you promise a fix to arrive full 2 weeks after KTOs are officially deployed? That's 3 weeks after MC purchase is enabled and 4 weeks after GB went live (only to be immediately placed in a hall of dishonor, next to head hitboxes of early Atlases, Phracts and Jagers). Why so late? Is 3PV which is intended to help new users more important than fixing pinpoint damage? Is pinpoint damage less game-braking than SRM hit registration? Why do we get a mech that will become more or less playable only a month after it's released? I'm not just being impatient here, because community has been talking about convergence nerf for months, yet you, PGI, seem to be content about this after the heat scale went live. And that scares me. Am I going to have to worry about cheeselanders and their lesser bros blowing my shadow hawks and thunderbolts to pieces 2 months from now? I'm not looking forward to that. Hell I don't even know what to do in MWO tomorrow, because neither of my options (listed above) seem pleasant at the moment, and I find myself being nostalgic of the time when Splatcats were the only cheese to worry about. All of this is pretty sad.