Vaderman, on 30 October 2013 - 07:18 AM, said:
Now PGI have done a number of things we can all agree have caused problems, ghost heat isn't one of them.
Ghost heat came about as a direct attempt to stop PLAYERS who were using cheese mechanics to exploit the spirit of the game and the overall new player experience..
I'll say it again. PGI did this as a direct result of player actions.
Ghost heat I can deal with, being shot at by 6 people on the enemy team each with 6 ppc's I can't.
Ghost heat broke cheese builds, but has not affected balanced builds with the possible exception of a few mechs with canon medium laser builds. That's an easy fix however.
Don't worry tho cheesemeisters, the cheese continues. Last night I saw a Stalker with no armor and 95 LRM tubes. Rejoice in your attempts to find another loophole.
You sound like a bad player because a Stalker fitting 95 LRM tubes is going to be hurting for heat dissipation, speed, ammunition, will have very little health and its legs/arms will likely snap off at a glance, plus it won't be able to torso twist. A Stalker with 6PPCs was never a serious build, either. It, too, makes a lot of sacrifices. Both are easy prey for a Blackjack or a Jenner, and both are incredibly ineffective at short range.
2PPC1Gauss, on the other hand, is an effective build that works on a lot of mechs and was untouched by ghost heat.
It's dumb as hell to call a 95 LRM Stalker a "loophole" when it was clearly supported by the mech-building and chassis-variant rules, while having a pile of downsides to drive. How about, I dunno, ECM?
Vaderman, on 30 October 2013 - 08:53 AM, said:
I agree it may not be the best solution, but something did have to be done, and pretty fast.
2PPC1Gauss had been effective for what, seven months before Ghost Heat didn't fix it? I see no reason to expect fast action to thwart a gimmick 6PPC Stalker while real teams were tearing you apart with jump-sniping Cataphracts.